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Hi @Shubhank very good morning. I saw your blog post on xmpp smack. I was doing the same. So far i have integrated chat manager and multi user chat manager in the application. I was wondering if you tell me how smack xmpp support the sending binaries/files in room. I thing FileTransferManager is limited to one to one not one to many.
Good Morning
1 hour later…
@Floam it adds the subview
@Killer android one ?
Yes android one @Shubhank
FileTransferManager is accepting entityFullJid i hope this work with group as well.
2 hours later…
Q: Retrieving a value from SQLite to a cell in tableview swift ios

iOS DeveloperI am retrieving all the values of column formname to a titleLabel in a cell of a tableview, but unfortuately I am facing these two errors Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled and this Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error...

@iOSDeveloper you should use do try catch syntax
data science and moviee
you say
@Shubhank hiii
can we hide a particular cell based on condition from api
when viewwill appear call every time
Conducted this in our college facebook.com/HASHesJMI/posts/…
:?Next week I'd have to brief students on Android Dev :P Gimme tips what to tell them
@Shubhank check the link
@DilipTiwari you can't hide , you could either reload that row and give it 0.1 height or remove the cell object from your datasource and reload tableview
@Shubhank bro inside heightForRowAt i m able to do
@BugsBuggy who is najeeb ?
A batchmate of mine
for Android game dev
i think libdgx is good
otherwise Unity!
Finally, everything is dark! ibb.co/dvQsFn
What do you think I should tell to absolute beginners about Android dev @Shubhank ?
@BugsBuggy wtf :D
Still can't match the blackness of my heart and soul :/
those void
the irony when a tv series is named Bored to death
and it actually bores you to death
Just saw my biggest crush go with someone else, so guess how dark my mood is right now xD
earn money :P
alcohol will make you forget such things :D
I don't drink
then where will you spend the money
Btw should I recommend juniors to learn Java well first, and then start with Android or learn on the go?
on the Go
absolute beginners should definitely not try games :/
my first app was a basic ListView fetching data from a blog
Second was a multimedia chatting app using Parse API
yeah, but it was not in a session
you really need motivation and help
where are they gonna wander
can anyone tell me why do I get a size 0 when I add 1 item to an arraylist and size 1 when I add two items ?
I am really confused
It should return 1 when you have 1 item, and that item would be on index 0
Indexing starts from 0, but size counts number of elements
"You can use the size() method of java.util.ArrayList to find the length or size of ArrayList in Java. The size() method returns an integer equal to a number of elements present in the array list."
I am using the same, but I get size 1 only when I use size() within the method in which I am addng items to arraylist
Share the code
Which is not working properly
its not complete code but the concerned methods are included
when I print size using log, I get size 1 in longclick() and size 0 in getList()
I see that you already have answers to your question on stackoverflow, they didn't work?
no, they are not working
Line 6, why are you removing the element?
Wouldn't the size get reduced once you remove the element?
I wrote this method to select and deselect items, so that when you select an item, its position gets added to arraylist and when you deselct it, its position gets removed
so I remove the item on deselecting a recyclerview item
in OnLongClick you are removing the element from the Arraylist itself, hence the size is getting reduced after you long press it
put that Log statement before you remove it
that log statement in OnLongClick gives correct size
the one in getList gives incorrect size
and how are you calling getList() functiion?
I am calling it in mainactivity using adapter.getList()
Share that code, from where you're calling
private void hideMenuItem(){
selected = adapter.getList();
Log.v(TAG, Integer.toString(selected.size())+ " is the size");
You should try debugging, i.e. find out till where you are getting correct size, that way you can find out when the size is getting reduced.

To start, how do you call this function hideMenuItem?
Your ArrayList item must be getting removed somehow, that can be the only reason.

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