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Good Morning
@RobinHood how are you?
Good Morning
@Ninja I'm fine thank you
@RobinHood where is @kamini bot in this group?
seem, shubhank kicked off.
Good Morning
@RobinHood that bot is good, but why @Shubhank removed :(
should name the bot Padmavati
@Shubhank :D
if you don't mind but why you removed ?
i was not active here so i just stopped initializing bot daily too
Hello, I want to build a custom keyboard for use in app only. Obviously, this would be easy if it's English only, but I want it to support multiple languages. Is it possible to get a keyboard character mapping layout for a language from the deviece's installed languages?
It would be painful if I have to create a keyboard layout for each language
I just found xml files for each language from AOSP :) but If I if there is a way to get such a thing dynamically without having to copy every language that would be great
2 hours later…
Hello friends
Did anyone know about this exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: android.text.SpannableStringBuilder cannot be cast to android.widget.EditText
Which I am facing when trying to get the value from arraylist which is array of Edittext.
Example: ADDNOTE.get(k).get(0).getText(); //causing exception
Declaration: ArrayList<ArrayList<EditText>> ADDNOTE;
I totally beginner in ios swift .. i already done do some left menu ..

at first time , i got the app bar ... then i klik left menu .. and still got like first image
but when i want klik on left menu again , i got missing app bar and error like second image

and got this error
[Snapshotting] Drawing a view (0x10365b130, UILayoutContainerView) that is not in a visible window requires afterScreenUpdates:YES.
which left menu you used
I Have this in interface.
var arr_PC_clipdesc:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()

Then if I try to add object in this array means, am not able to do. It was not showing add object method for arr_PC_clipdesc.Whats the problem? Stuck with this issue for past 4 hours

for i in 0..<objectCount
Hi @Shubhank
How are you
Any iOS dev?
which swift version @RAGHUNATH
and then Detain by Delhi police :D
3 hours later…
6 hours later…
posted on January 24, 2018

iOS 11 is the biggest AR platform in the world, allowing you to create unparalleled augmented reality experiences for hundreds of millions of iOS users. Now you can build even more immersive experiences by taking advantage of the latest features of ARKit, available in iOS 11.3 beta. With improved scene understanding, your app can see and place virtual objects on vertical surfaces, and more accu

posted on January 24, 2018

The latest version of Swift Playgrounds includes new features to make it easier to discover even more content. Now you can subscribe to playgrounds from your favorite third-party creators, then browse and download their content directly within Swift Playgrounds. You’ll automatically see new and updated playgrounds in your subscriptions, a content gallery that shows all playgrounds in a single v

2 hours later…
posted on January 24, 2018

The last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromise is macOS High Sierra. Make sure future releases of your app are 64-bit compatible by using new diagnostic tools in Xcode 9.3 beta and testing on macOS 10.13.4 beta. This version of Xcode also builds 64-bit apps by default.Download Xcode 9.3 beta.

posted on January 24, 2018

Starting January 31, new apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018. If you distribute your apps outside the Mac App Store, we highly recommend distributing 64-bit binaries to make sure your users can continue to run your apps on future versions of macOS. Build and submit your apps using Xcode 9.2.Learn m

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