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Good morning all :)
@BoominadhaPrakashM whatsup
@Rajat Coding and working on project. You?
@NightFury lets say i m using isEmailValid method in multiple activities then can i make this method as static in only one constant file and use at all places or what else will be suitable for this ? @Shubhank
@Erum no hi no hello no good morning direct question :P
GM @Rajat
Good Morning Erum
INSTEAD of showing progressbar in all separate activities how can i manage only one dialog progressbar for all the activites with only one single class just need to call it from every activity and it will show progressbar @Shubhank @Rajat @NightFury
@iShwar @Shubhank @LoneRanger @Raees @HimanshuJoshi @Lara @SaadChaudhry @Gerwin @iAsmi @snehalrokade @hara @RobinHood @MZeinstra @Amarbir @vype @ricardo @Diksha @Gurpreet @Francisco @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)
@Kamini Thanks Bebo :-*
@iShwar :)
@ALL "Good Morning Friends , Jai Shree Krishna, Wish you all a very Happy Janmashtami :) :) :)"
u 2 @iShwar
good morning all
@Arun lal how are you
good you tell @rajat
good morning all
gm @Rajat bhatia
gm amarbir bhadra singh :P
@Rajat help me
whoz this bhadra singh @Rajat
@Erum no help i don;t know android
where should i save UserObject after successfull use signup ? in static variables of Config ?
so that i can use throughout to the app
Q: getbody and getparam not called with StringRequest volley libray?

MaheshI want to use both post parameter and body both in stringrequest same time but getbody not calling. StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest (Request.Method.POST, url, new Response.Listener<String> (){ @Override public void onResponse (String str){ ...

@Shubhank any project on github regarding google map
any one can know android ?
i meant for swift iOS
@Shubhank so many ping to you @Shubhank
what happened @Shubhank y are you not replying :P
/kill @Shubhank
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Shubhank
I love You Shubhu my color changer (girgit) :* :* :* :* gapuccchhhiiii
/punch @Shubhank
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Shubhank
@Arun oye
This should be fine
@Shubhank - Hey!
@Mahesh let me check
@Erum i think Android utils class already has this method
@shivamkaushik Thanks
@Shubhank Heard abt JIO?
@shivamkaushik Hey
hows it going
@HimanshuJoshi ?
try it .. People are saying its best in ISP
I have seen 15 MBPS speed
3 months unlimited free
not enough internet usage now since office :P
bol oye @shubhank
kaisa rha manesar
send pics :P
fb pe enthuse technology search karaoke deke patalag jaayega
send album link then
you are only in bus
did you went missing and never reached the resort ? :P
but when was click is happening i was not there
or was on the opposite side
whats the minimum ios version that you guys support in your projects??
Good morning
good morning
which one ? for email ? @Shubhank
github.com/fsilvestremorais/android-complex-preferences @Shubhank used this ? its great @NightFury
@Bhargav 8
stackview is not supported below ios 9.0?
9 will be valid after sep
thanks shubank
@Shubhank can you help me ?
Q: getbody and getparam not called with StringRequest volley libray?

MaheshI want to use both post parameter and body both in stringrequest same time but getbody not calling. StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest (Request.Method.POST, url, new Response.Listener<String> (){ @Override public void onResponse (String str){ ...

ah once the iphone 7's out?
@Erum 4 pings... sabran :P
I haven't used that one
btw did you get answers for your previous queries?
will check mahesh
currently have a meeting
Shubhank I think my app will be ready during september so I am going to keep min ios version 9
I thought your meeting would have started :P
you could have come late
its going on
boss is full on ninja mode right now
@IshaBalla - sure!
oh you are in meeting
@Shubhank - Do you have experience working with tvOS?
morokko has

Indian tvOS Developer

This room is specially for the tvOS developers. Guys keep aski...
spelling man :/
which network library do you use for REST in ios?
ah ;/ sorry
i just missed one h why you so mad?
19 mins ago, by Bhargav
thanks shubank
its just a game you don't hef to be med
twice man
>.< alright alright
i always forget to type the h in
network library
@iShwar nope
is it stable for swift?
which is the better option in terms of quality and all other than Apple upto 15-20k, apple not affordable for me. @Shubhank
using in second production app
@iShwar ask rajat
shubhank there's two
ok ok ok :D :P
@Rajat @Rajat @Rajat
You do not have permission to use annoy. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
alamofire and afnetworking
afnetworking seems to be the latest but its in obj-c
Hi @Rajat
Alamofire is pure swift version of anetworking
@Rajat Hi
@Rajat which is the better option in terms of quality and all other than Apple upto 15-20k, apple not affordable for me.
moto g
which one but..
what about oppo phones.
@Bhargav i dont really have any valid points on this debate
your choice whichever you use. both are fine
@Rajat ok brosss... thanks
sure sure, how hard is it to convert json to obj-c objects?
never used oppo
Rajat : ok bro nope
@NightFury hahahah yes Brosss.. :D :P
@Bhargav there are libs to do it
are there any better?
ask himanshu
he worked a lot on object mapping
Shubhank what do you think of this ? github.com/bustoutsolutions/siesta
@ColdFire therE?
@NightFury yes
@NightFury == Lara?
Lala la
@Bhargav not sure, i go with the one i can get support with
/kill Gurpreet
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Gurpreet
its not netwrok lib, just a framework for rest
Using android sharing intent, is there any way to know if content has been shared to twitter or fb successfully @ColdFire?
there is RESTKit itself
@NightFury depends on whether they provide a callback for it
and which it doesnt
@ColdFire ok let me dig in more :S
@NightFury nice name btw how is mine?
morning everyone
hey @NightFury
/punch @Shubhank
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Shubhank
@GurpreetKaur didnt say hey to mee
punch for u
@GurpreetKaur hey
@ColdFire hru
@GurpreetKaur fine wbu?
@ColdFire Your name is like fire fire... dhush dhush :P
@GurpreetKaur hey hru? :)
@NightFury well was that a praise or not ?
I was making it resemble with CS :\
@NightFury CS?
gud as always :) @NightFury
Counter Strike
great gurpreet :) what's up
feeling sleepy :P
what about u
@NightFury hahaha oki
I am hungry :(
@Amira why you so quiet hangman queen
/annoy @Amira
@Amira I hate you
@Amira @Amira I hate youuuu
like i love you love you @Amira @Amira
@Amira @Amira i will kill you in the dreams too :p
/annoy Amira
@Amira @Amira
@Amira @Amira @Amira
Listen to mee @Amira
Are you annoyed @Amira @Amira @Amira
/annoy Amira
You do not have permission to use annoy. Blame the stupid users who get annoyed by my commands!.
I knew I couldnt :P
kesi hy
Hi sister <3 I'm fine, you tell
I m good :)
@Erum there?
Erum Erum Erummmmmm
annoy her
/annoy Erum
@Erum @Erum
@Erum @Erum @Erum
Listen to mee @Erum
Are you annoyed @Erum @Erum @Erum
/annoy Erum
@Erum Happy birthday to you :)
@Erum Happy birthdayy to you :)
Happyyy birthdayyy to dear @Erum
I wont telll annyoneee how ugly are youu @Erum
/annoy Amira
/boo himanshujoshi
👻👻👻👻 @himanshujoshi
/kill Amira
(҂ `з´ ). ︻╦̵̵̿╤── - - ƪ(⁰o⁰;)ʃ @Amira
@Shubhank @NightFury @Rajat @HimanshuJoshi Friends, i added one more device, edited the development provisioning profile, generated it and then assigned it again to my working copy so now should i need to give the new .p12 file again to API developer to receive the notifications on newly added device..? actually there i saw in keychain access there its expiry date is not updated as per the newly created profile there its showing the old one's expiry date only.
yr sorry i was working @NightFury yes tell
stupid @Kamini
@Erum Please dont ping.. i hate you :p
i hate you too
@Kamini i love you jaanu :D :P
@iShwar :*
see Erum Bot loves me ;) :P
@NightFury you are always welcome here in my company :D :P ;)
@iShwar you updated p12 certificate for push notification or dev? Both are diff. Isnt it?
@NightFury you are welcome any time :) , and i edited only the developer provisioning profile.
i do not edited the one in keychain, whose corresponding .p12 we have utilised for pushnotificatino script of back end.
GM ya'all
then you dont need to unless you are changing that APNS provisioning profile. Because both are different
@HimanshuJoshi isnt it?
@Olu u back from hibernation
i have manage things tell me how to manage class for dialog to show dialog box in every activity @NightFury'
olu olu
@Olu whatsup
sister, listen, usually we grab the .p12 of profile whichever is assign in build settings. and that certificates expiry date is same in membercenter and in keychain .. correct @NightFury
@Erum My util class functions: ghostbin.com/paste/okcks
@iShwar hmm yes
@NightFury Now APNS rules are changed
you can have only one one cert for both dev and distribution
so will create a static method inside utils ? ruight ?
DNT WANT to show buttons just only loader with some text to bring data from server @NightFury
@NightFury @HimanshuJoshi ok so now as i added new device i edited the same profile in member centre generated it again (here its expiry date got changed now) and i assigned it to working copy, But when i went to key chain access to grab the new .p12 of newly generated certificate, there the same certificate showing the last certificates expiry date. So i am confused whether keychain and Xcode handles this updations or something is wrong.
you asked me for alert
code this thing in base activity
@iShwar ask HJ. He better knows
i haven't touched ios for months :(
@HimanshuJoshi please bro i need to give the build to client, if it doesn't worked at their place then me to gaya :P
@NightFury ok i m not using base activity here
ab to iPhone 5s aane wala h
start ur own startup
@iShwar provisioning profile expiry date is upto one year from the date of creation
hahahaha... i failed twice in getting projects and outsourcing so stopped for now.. :D :P ;) succeed in one only ;)
gud keep it up
sure (y)
i know its of one year from date of creation. So first time we created the certificate in member centre correct me please
hello every body please help me in this issue as i am facing in android studio

this is the error which i am facing

Error:Execution failed for task ':letstrak:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.
> com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: android/support/annotation/DimenRes.class
then its clone or reference got created automatically in key chain with same expiry date..? @HimanshuJoshi
just a min. if i cleared with this then it will be done.
so try to delete all cert and profile from keychain
and download it again
its working just correct me on above two lines @HimanshuJoshi
1 min ago, by iShwar
i know its of one year from date of creation. So first time we created the certificate in member centre correct me please
1 min ago, by iShwar
then its clone or reference got created automatically in key chain with same expiry date..? @HimanshuJoshi
am i correct till now @NikhilSingh ..?
this does not clone or create automatically
then suppose i edited the profile in member centre and generated it again , then whether its corresponding certificate in key chain got updated automatically or it is there as it is with old details
keychain either sync with iCloud
or Xcode enters it
or you yourself enter it
or save it in keychain
yes :P i only tried with simple way.. then technical :D :P ;)
try to delete all certs and provisioning profile
and redownload it again
from member center
ok.. thanks bro :) :)
and save it to keychain by double clicking or by XCode
@NightFury You changed your name
@ColdFire Hi
NighFury is a bad gal
@Olu @Olu
@ColdFire yeah
@Olu what you doing
Implementing builder pattern into an existing legacy sys
lol.... writing code
what arer you working on?
searching for private enterprise account
accounts on what service?
of google play dev
@Olu yeah
@iShwar hello sir i m not geetinf what u want to sauy
@Erum plz ask yaad se
plz ask
yaad se
@iShwar ????
hello sir u r saying some thing
he was asking iOS specific query
@ColdFire I am getting some data in onActivityResult() when I return from twitter after sharing. I dont know how to extract useful info from that intent. Any guide?
@NightFury @HimanshuJoshi lolzzz though i updated the provisioning profile the certificate i have used will always be same na which is their in keychain, i was mess up with it, Finally no need to change the .p12 because though i edited the provisioning but its corresponding certificate is still the same the old one. :D :P ;) sorry to bother both of you, but thanks for your time :) :) :)
Using sharing intent
@NightFury like what are you getting in that data?
@NightFury yeah we were in discussion of my silly mistake :D :P ;)
@iShwar np
@ColdFire I dont know. I want to explore myself too
I am not kidding :\
There is some parcable object in there, but what which type,I dont know
@NightFury how've you been.... sneaky one
she is very bad
yup I am evil dragon
cute too :P
@NightFury isn' there any thing in docs of twitter?
I dont know what to google. my search is failing currently lol
/search twitter return meta data in share intent
A: Image share intent works for Gmail but crashes FB and twitter

Stefan RusekTwitter (wrongly) assumes that there will be a MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA column. Starting in KitKat the MediaStore returns null, so luckily, Twitter gracefully handles nulls, and does the right thing. public class FileProvider extends android.support.v4.content.FileProvider { @Override ...

meta data?
That link of no use to me
Well what now I want to know is if user has successfully shared content
In iOS, we have native sharing so easy delegates
what we do in android for that?
Navigation controller shows double the time height if i run and see. but it shows correctly in storyboard. Just i embed in navigation for viewController. What may be the problem?
two navigation controller present then ?
or navigation bar

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