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Good morning
good morning
early morning for Dima
yep, really early
how come
I don't know, just woke up and can't fall asleep
do you game ?
nope, work
but do you game in general ?
how much app completed ?
playing xbox from time to time
nice, which games
in iOS version I only need to make chat, and that's all
nfs ?
love nfs, played blur yesterday
blur has a nice night racing feel to it
/flip Diva for sleeping
@Diva for sleeping (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Kamini :P
@Diva Dont ping meeeeeee!
good morning all
@Shubhank @Lara hi welcome August with couple of holidays :)
morning everyone..
@Mayur no holiday here:(
@GurpreetKaur heyyy hru? :) <3
@Lara ohh bad luck
heyy @lara
yeah. You guys will be getting a holiday on monday
m gud
how r u
Same here gurya ;)
missed u on weeknd :P
haha yeah I saw :P
I come on weekdays here
how is everything going?
hmm.. good
great (Y) :)
@Amira wake up
@Lara you already analyzed when 15th will be ?
@iShwar @Shubhank @LoneRanger @Raees @HimanshuJoshi @Lara @SaadChaudhry @Gerwin @iAsmi @snehalrokade @hara @RobinHood @MZeinstra @Amarbir @vype @ricardo @Diksha @Gurpreet @Francisco @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)
morning ishwar
gm ishwar
@Kamini thanks bebo  :)
@iShwar :)
Shubhank : hi bro.. hows rain at your place now..
in our place Rain is like "Tapak Sinchai"
didnt rain from 2 days now
@Shubhank I already know because 14th august will be on sunday here, so no extra holiday :(
here is superb ... whether is awesome :)
@iShwar GM
today i start torrent in office :p
also awesome weather
@iShwar weather* is awesome here too
torrent of?
oye erum kamini
dark souls 2 :p
here in khi @Lara what happende ?
just see from window its nice
dark souls 2? You have already played shubhank :\
@Erum yeah I know. weather is good
but no rain
i played first
yaar 2nd :\
rain exepected
Hi, how can i call an interface callback inside a custom array adapter class??
on which type of object are you using the adapter on
for a Listview, I want to notifiydatachange() for a different ListView adapter..
different ?
listview has a onItemClickListener implement that
i have a delete button and its onclick listener is written inside the Adapter class, Basically i am deleting an item and when the delete is successful i want to update a different listview
then declare a interface inside your adapter
and implement it in the activity or fragment where you use the array adapter
thats what i am not getting how will i declare the interface inside the adapter !!
@WaseemAkram that is very simple if you have worked with interfaces
@Shubhank i got it, Thank you
Hi Shubhank!
@CodeAssasins welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Hi and thanks, Kamini.
I was wondering if you can help me with multichoice listview
ask your question
Good morning folks :)
Q: Error saving checked state of checkbox in custom listview

CodeAssasinsI want to save the checked state of checkbox in my listview so that when I go to another activity and then come back to this activity, the selected checkoxes should remain selected. I've used a custom adapter to display 2 types of layout. I used sparsebooleanarray and sharedpreference to save the...

already 2 answers are there
G3 device not readable by AS @Shubhank @Lara
Yes and I tried them but its not working.
@Erum Moto G3 ?
> This works when using List but I'm getting NullPointerException when I use List
what does that mean @CodeAssasins
LG G3 @Shubhank
already enabled usb debugginh
oh LG
/search LG G3 not recognized
Q: LG G3 device not recognized by Eclipse on Windows

Tal HindiI recently bought LG G3 and I have enabled debugging mode but Eclipse is still not recognizing it, back when I used the Galaxy S3 for development I had to install Samsung Kies. The G3 drivers are installed and I can see it in My Computer, do I need something like the Kies but for the LG? If so ca...

Hangman games : 1681
Most Correct letter found by : Amira (1088 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (948 times) _ 3rd : Dima Rostopira (859 times) Your score Rajat (184 times)
Most Incorrect letter by : Dima Rostopira (529 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (511 times)
My listview is a multilayout listview i.e. it has 2 types of layout in adapter and both layouts have checkbox. What I wanted was that if I select some checkboxes and then go to another activity or close the app, when I come back to the same activity those selected boxes should still be selected. The code @Michael in the post works when I was using just String in plain listview. But now listview has multi-layout and I'm using model class with Arraylist so its not saving @Shubhank
you need to debug your code then
in office shubhank?
@Erum Erum, same issue with me at home. Selected PTP mode on mobile while connected?
yes already done @Lara
Erum please tell jokes
hum u are gadha
Erum try to use another device if possible. LG does issues in detection on AS
hum u? :? haha
good morning
yup samsung working fine
give LG one to mee
Lara giving ur address for bank ... next to kin @Lara
take my iphone
i hate iphone
give me her address too
did the curfew in kashmir called off yet ?
@Shubhank who was asking about fake gps for pokemon that day?
@Aradhna the busy bee ( she just acts busy )
@Erum you dont have my address :\
well i have a solution for you @Aradhna
and kin means relative aunty :P
next to kin means not immediate family
both sis are stupid :p
haha ok
u took revenge very fast @Shubhank by saying stupid
@Erum - Why do you post stuff that you probably shoudln't and then request for deletion?
mistakenly post
what did you post?
@Erum :P :P
we were having fun
@Erum - Please refrain from doing this in the future
If you write Android apps, you must learn how to write custom views: https://speakerdeck.com/queencodemonkey/360-andev-measure-layout-draw-repeat
backend not workingg
what should i do :/
jump from top floor
in basement
@Shubhank nice
yes am very nice
no your link is nice
thats cheating
i thought the idea to jump @Lara :D
i have a widget which show in 4.4.2 but not showing in 5.1
/punch @GurpreetKaur
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @GurpreetKaur
@faisaliqbal how many OS do you test on
what 1
on one os
your question says you are doing it on 2 OS.. 4.4.2 and 5.1
yes its workiing on 4.4.2 and display but when i use it in 5.1 widget not showing
in widget list
write up a question on Stack Overflow
Download and setup Ant. As part of setup, define ANT_HOME as path variable and include %ANT_HOME%\bin in the path.
@Lara any idea abt playstore app images sizes ?
talking abt features app size ?
features ?
but you asked about image sizes
when I uploading my hosting content from application loader I received following error "Delivered file set does not contain expected file [photo.PNG] that is referenced in the metadata file."
@Anamika welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
/search Delivered file set does not contain expected file [photo.PNG]
Q: Can you help in App submission status "Invalid Binary" with error "Invalid Swift Support" and "Missing required icon file"?

Nilay ShahI am getting following error in email, when i submit the binary in iTunes app store with Application loader or XCode Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "simpleExercise". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected...

how are you archiving the hosting content ?
In Xcode -> New Target -> other -> In App Purchase-> added images and content version and Product ID and then Archive. Export and upload it via Application loader tht time I received this error
I think this commit was made with "FUCKING SWIFT, HATE APPLE" :D
who is he
@Anamika give me few min .. will check
I don't know, but I guess someone from firebase team
ok Shubhank
@DimaRostopira it is indeed a stupid cast scenario
@Anamika can you show your in app hosted package info.plist file
@BhavinPatel welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
i need help.
I make a app like whatsapp . And i need to add feature like whatsapp WEB. So any instruction how i acheive that.. And sorry for bad english.
@Anamika everything looks good
but I received this error when I upload via application loader
which xcode version are you using
i hide some folder how will i bring it back @Shubhank in windows 10
xcode 7.3
@Erum search how to show hidden files and folder
@Anamika ok, did you copied any photo.png in your hosted content package/
o kgot
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- - - - - - o
/hang a
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- - - a - - o
/hnag i
Command not detected. Try /help to get list of commands.
/hang i
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- i - a - - o
/hang e
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- i - a - - o
/hang s
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 |   O
- i - a s s o
/hang picasso
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p i c a s s o
Success. According to Lara.. 'You should get back to work'
kamini's photo change
no, your pic hasnt changed :p
@Shub set bender pic for kamini :D
no way
i am not kamini
for the chat UI
yup, very popular
I will use it, and get much more free time
love free libs
chat is still hard to implement
I make a app like whatsapp . And i need to add feature like whatsapp WEB. So any instruction how i acheive that.. And sorry for bad english.
17 mins ago, by Shubhank
Why, why anybody creating chat? Who needs yet another chat?
dammit, isn't it stupid
dima u just give me solution .If u know?
not really
You want just web version of chat?
On what base your app is?
its my problem people are use it or not?
you can succeed with clones
when whatsapp might change to paid model or whatever
I just think, that if you aren't creating something new or better than existing - you aren't coder
Coder in soul I mean
that's not valid lol
it's just my IMHO
i put many feature like voice call,videocall, specific chat lock , birthday notification and many more
now i want feature like whats app web..
do you have a specific question ?
good morning guys
now i am going ..I think u guys are not giving me answer..
ask properly then expect an answer
Michael why you no become mod ?
sale sab pagal he
> Use only english for conversation. Use of other languages can lead to banning you from the room.
gamandi rajat, why you kick my entertainment
hahah so that you die in boredom
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- n - - - - - - n - -
/hang a
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- n - - - - - a n - -
Why is the room so quiet on a Monday
/hang s
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- n - - - - - a n - -
probably because everyone knows you are mad
/hang e
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- n - e - - - a n - e
/hang t
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- n - e - - t a n - e
/hang c
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- n - e - - t a n c e
/hang inheritance
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i n h e r i t a n c e
Okay you are the bestest ever :*
@YaShChaudhary welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
why are you eating letters ?
much better
i was pointing to hy and hlo
anyone from meerut?
@Shubhank i am facing issue regarding setting up frame forcefully
rajat from banaras
my mom/dad hometown is nearby to meerut/bijnor
@Mayur ?
so what are you doing?
I never have any company
I have UIImageview inside Scrollview in storyboard
Here is structure:
UIViewController > View > Scrollview > Scrollview > UIImageview

Now i am trying to change the height of that imageview programatically from viewWillAppear method but not success

Note : If i scroll down-up the scroll view it gets new frame.
why do you care about company ?
are you saying company doesn't matters?
matters, just why are you intersted. is this an interrogation ? :p
no no
Hey @MichaelDautermann hii good to see you here after long time
@Mayur did you set constraints in storyboard ?
yes, I was just wondering what Rajat from Bananas was doing.

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