i have a delete button and its onclick listener is written inside the Adapter class, Basically i am deleting an item and when the delete is successful i want to update a different listview
I want to save the checked state of checkbox in my listview so that when I go to another activity and then come back to this activity, the selected checkoxes should remain selected. I've used a custom adapter to display 2 types of layout. I used sparsebooleanarray and sharedpreference to save the...
I recently bought LG G3 and I have enabled debugging mode but Eclipse is still not recognizing it, back when I used the Galaxy S3 for development I had to install Samsung Kies. The G3 drivers are installed and I can see it in My Computer, do I need something like the Kies but for the LG? If so ca...
Hangman games : 1681 Most Correct letter found by : Amira (1088 times) _ 2nd : MSU_Bulldog (948 times) _ 3rd : Dima Rostopira (859 times) Your score Rajat (184 times) Most Incorrect letter by : Dima Rostopira (529 times) _ 2nd : Boominadha Prakash M (511 times)
My listview is a multilayout listview i.e. it has 2 types of layout in adapter and both layouts have checkbox. What I wanted was that if I select some checkboxes and then go to another activity or close the app, when I come back to the same activity those selected boxes should still be selected. The code @Michael in the post works when I was using just String in plain listview. But now listview has multi-layout and I'm using model class with Arraylist so its not saving @Shubhank
when I uploading my hosting content from application loader I received following error "Delivered file set does not contain expected file [photo.PNG] that is referenced in the metadata file."
I am getting following error in email, when i submit the binary in iTunes app store with Application loader or XCode
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"simpleExercise". To process your delivery, the following issues must
be corrected...
In Xcode -> New Target -> other -> In App Purchase-> added images and content version and Product ID and then Archive. Export and upload it via Application loader tht time I received this error