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03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

/annoy Gurpreet wake upp
again bot dead :?
/annoy Gurpreet wake upp
@Gurpreet wake upp 1 sa @Gurpreet wake upp
@Gurpreet wake upp 2 sa @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp
@Gurpreet wake upp 3 sa @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp
@Gurpreet wake upp 4 sa @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp @Gurpreet wake upp
Good morning
@Shubhank hain :?
haan na :P
oye @GurpreetKaur kithy
Gurpreet ki report krdo missing :p
gurya is missing :(
she is chudail.. not gurya
she is gurya. you are wizard
what is male version of chudail called in urdu.. wondering :P
Good morning..
batman :p
Good morning Dory
haha no
I was sleeping too in van. itni mast nend ati hy na suba :P
male chudail == big boss wale baba
swami ji
swami jee
hi gm all
pls look at this question
Q: xcode 8.1 Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

PriyaIn xcode 8.1 I am getting this error while Building the Project ld: 9 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) In Xcode 8.1 I didn't find any settings for to set the architecture. How can i fix this issue???

you upgraded to xcode 8.1 ?
because of my ofc device updated to latest version
pls give some votes for that question...then i can able to comment and answer to help some of the people in STO
i have used the twice the methods..thats the reason its getting arch issue
you can still answer at 32 rep priya
Iraqi soldier involved in operation to retake Mosul from IS finds mother among civilians being bused out of the cit… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/798470612658204672
Client asks his CA: I have deposited 5 lakhs in wife's account. Are you sure IT people will arrest my wife or should i deposit more? #WA
Good morning all :)
Good morning @Shubhank @NightFury
Good morning
@iShwar @Shubhank @LoneRanger @Raees @HimanshuJoshi @Lara @SaadChaudhry @Gerwin @iAsmi @snehalrokade @hara @RobinHood @MZeinstra @Amarbir @vype @ricardo @Diksha @Gurpreet @Francisco @ALL "Good Morning Friends :) :)
@Kamini thanks bebo :-*
@iShwar :)
good morning to all
Good morning all
tick tock
@Shubhank hello
need one help if you free then
actully i want to display data as per week wise and have two navigation button for previous week and next week. @Shubhank
but i am not able to get previous and next week dates
my code for button like this pastie.org/10963313
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
use gist
oye @NightFury
@GurpreetKaur :P
@VishalThakkar what happens when you execute this code ?
when i click previous button it work but again when i click previous button then its not work
and once if i click previous button then click next then it should go next week instead it give next to next week date
this must be giving todays date ?
hey @GurpreetKaur how are
@Shubhank using this i am adding 7 days in week
yes what value do you get for this Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK
please log and tell
@Shubhank its give days in week mean 7
oh ok
i thought something else
@NightFury @Shubhank
@VishalThakkar try asking on main site please
i will reply after 10 min
@VishalThakkar you already got logs in there
                    Log.i("TAG","Previous DATE=>"+date);
what do they output when your press previous 2 times
@AmarbirSingh how are you sending
through postman
show the payload
and headers you are sending
@Shubhank thanks solved i got problem
@AmarbirSingh delete
hi @NightFury m good
how r u
am good too
oh hru :P
me too :)
great @Shubhank @VishalThakkar. good to hear
@AmarbirSingh ^
hi @GurpreetKaur :P
ohh @Amira do i know u :P
hi @Shubhank :P kitna ganda dp hai :P
@GurpreetKaur yes u do :P
@Amira its awesome
yea electric current
@Shubhank awful just like u :P
:D :D :D
@Shubhank wht??
check removed message
Any android developer
@BarnaliBhattacharjee @Shubhank is allrounder
and genius
hello i m getting issue i have added tablayout with different fragments in it from yesterday i change fragment for tab3 after that i m getting issue, other than 1st tab its calling same fragmentC on every fragment click why ?
Thanks Vishal
@Shubhank <HTML>
<TITLE>The request&#39;s Authentification (Server-) Key contained an invalid or malformed FCM-Token (a.k.a. IID-Token).</TITLE>
<H1>The request&#39;s Authentification (Server-) Key contained an invalid or malformed FCM-Token (a.k.a. IID-Token).</H1>
<H2>Error 401</H2>
what did i reverse ?
@Erum what error ?
@AmarbirSingh yup, my key is not complete
i don't know whose server key i have used :p
When i am posting the answers to the server using json api,
the result is displaying in unorderlist , and can u suugest me , How to display in "Index_id" with "Question_id" which is coming from server https://gist.github.com/rao471/0a58bbf78ceee5a6abd4eaf265e9a9ff
i used mine @Shubhank
image text not in center
@Purushothaman ?
@AmarbirSingh give me the id i will test
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
let rect = CGRect(origin: point, size: image.size)

text.draw(in: rect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
text not in center at image
@GurpreetKaur Kheryt
@Erum didnt get you
what am i missing ?
Actually the result is displaying in gist.github.com/rao471/df22d642c4920eb5345e05770890c54c format , which is unordered , i want in ordered list and How to replace index_id with my questionid which is getting from server
@BarnaliBhattacharjee handle this in your activity. if pop up window shown and back pressed, dont pop fragment
When i m starting app for internal testers, getting popup : ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption export compliance. Do i need to update in plist file ?
@NightFury i had handled in the activity on backpress , the popwindow is dismissing but don't know why it is loading fragment A
When i m starting app for internal testers, getting popup : ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption export compliance. Do i need to update in plist file ?
@chaaruu @NightFury @Shubhank
if popwindow is dismissed then it should stay in Fragment B only
gist: Fragment On Back press, 2016-11-16 06:42:28Z
    public void onBackPressed() {

        if(popupWindow!=null && popupWindow.isShowing()){

    public void onHandleRequest(PopupWindow popupWindow, PopupWindow backpopwindow, String fragmentName) {
        if (fragmentName != null) {
            this.fragmentName = fragmentName;
            if (popupWindow != null) {
                this.popupWindow = popupWindow;
                this.backpopwindow = backpopwindow;

when i m at page 0 its calling page 0 and page 1 fragment , when i m in page 1 its calling page2 fragment how can i stop this ? as i have set offscreenlimit(1) @NightFury @Shubhank
@Dory no
just set it to no
:34072476 has opening ?
how much package will they give :p
more than ur expectation
@Shubhank i m using HTTPS(SSL) Api calls, is there anything to do with it ?
if u cleared :P
@Purushothaman what is index id in it
@HimanshuJoshi haha
@Dory nope
@BarnaliBhattacharjee ,are you managed backstack property of ur fragments ?
fix sender id then :p
> Use Gist to share code in the chat.
which id
@Shubhank okay
not getting at all
@Shubhank @HimanshuJoshi @NightFury hi friends, i want to change the x position of navigation item's title and also want to add one image view on navigation item.. will you please help me..
@Dory apple will reject your app :P then we will party
@Radhey ,I did it like this , fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(null);
@iShwar use titleView
here replace to value with your fcm token @AmarbirSingh
ok.. @HimanshuJoshi and can i add one image view on navigation item..
wohi to bataya
@Shubhank left side is the indexid and this is the code NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", j];
you need to make a model @Purushothaman
then get all question id and answer and then sort it based on id value
share ur fragment trancation code stuff and main cointanier activity backpress on paste.ofcode.org @BarnaliBhattacharjee
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@Shubhank still the same error
where did you get the token from
ok i ll try and let u know
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
kamini ko b sun lo koi :P
Hi @Shubhank..as u told me ..I am still trying to print my respone..But it still prints nothing ..in the layout..Please see this..
ye bhi bewafa ho jayegi nahi to sonam gupta ki tarah :p
A: JSON response Using Volley in a recycler view in Android app

Rushi AyyappaYou should probably check your response first of everything. As per your requirements you should use HashMap and ArrayList. Follow these following steps: 1.Take a ArrayLsit and store child data of 1st heading and so on with index starting from 0. 2.Store headers in HashMap as key. Example: Ha...

@AmarbirSingh haha
first use getSupportFragmentManager instandof getFragmentManager in case of ur fragment B @BarnaliBhattacharjee
still the same error
how are you getting token
still its unclear what is the exact flow of ur fragments ,form homefragement to fragmentA or B ,put all of related code stuff @BarnaliBhattacharjee
send me your payload nd server key
will check
@Shubhank mazak hai ke sach ?
daarav mat yaar
waise bhi i m
let rect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5) , size: image.size)

text.draw(in: rect, withAttributes: textFontAttributes)
@Dory :P
@twilight2 please follow rule 6
/punch @Shubhank
─=≡Σ(([ ⊐•̀⌂•́]⊐ @Shubhank
@Shubhank text not in center
@Radhey when i open the app then , there is a login activity ,after user logged in then homefragment is getting called (i.e fragment A) and there is a button in fragment A ,while clicking it i am going to OrderFragment which contain one button , while pressing the button the popwindow is going to appear
OrderFragment is Fragment B
@AmarbirSingh try using this id in firebase console
@twilight2 where is it drawn then
@Radhey what should i do , when i press back button from the fragment B then popwindow if appeared should dismiss and remain in Fragment B (pop window is dismissing but loading Fragment A in current Scenerio)
where can i share the code ?
4 mins ago, by Shubhank
@twilight2 please follow rule 6
where i get rule 6
> Please read the room rules here.
Good Afternoon guys
@Shubhank How's life?
you have to check the current fragment in to ur stack like activity.getSupportFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() >1 ,put one if else condition in ur onBackPressed @BarnaliBhattacharjee
:34072766 total original :p
original qtiyapa
@HimanshuJoshi sonam gupta kaun hai?
ha ha
shubhank ko pata hoga
@Shubhank bata be
@Radhey i debugged my code , when i press back button then first it's going to Fragment A then to the Activity Back Press
ha ha
whatsapp pe famous hai aajkal
are radio pe too
in all social sites
i was listening in morning
ha ha
kya listen kiya?
RJ said we are discussing sonam bewafaiyi from morning 10 o clock
@Radhey by doing so , can we stop fragment A to get inflated ?
you can't stop but you can close ur popups simultaneously
@HimanshuJoshi haha
@AmarbirSingh id mismatchh
@Radhey popwindow is getting dismissed , but after dismissed Fragment A is loading , that i don't want , i want when user Press back Button and popwindow is showing then popwindow should dismiss and load Fragment B only not Fragment A
@Shubhank :P
@HimanshuJoshi hahah.. :P
/annoy Amira
@Amira You are stupid
@Amira Arent you stupid
S2pid is @Amira
Just joking you suckk too @Amira
/annoy @Amira
@Amira @Amira
@Amira @Amira @Amira
Listen to mee @Amira
Are you annoyed @Amira @Amira @Amira
@Radhey ok
Thanks for giving your tym
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
try to replace this @BarnaliBhattacharjee
@Radhey ok i am trying to use your code
@Radhey not working
when i put debugger and back press then it's first coming to fragment A then back to the ACTIVITY
what gesture recognizer do i have to use in order to say: drag select multiple cells on a UICollectionView ?
I need some help regarding android webview session management which is managed in server level in .Net framework. Could I maintain the same session in android as well and until the user clicks logout button, the session should stay alive in android webview.
@Shubhank rofl
GooD Noon
Q: How to Logout from Instagram in Android?

Jai AppvolutionI logged in Instagram using browser. I want to logout from the Instagram. How can i archive programmatically?

Q: How to clear cookies and cache of webview on Android when not in webview?

JohnRockUpon a user's sign out from my app I am clearing everything that may have been cached previously from the webview by calling this method: public void clearCookiesAndCache(Context context){ CookieSyncManager.createInstance(context); CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstan...

please check this one
A: how to draw text in center to uiimage?

Marie DmTry this: func textToImage(drawText text: NSString, inImage image: UIImage, atPoint point: CGPoint) -> UIImage { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(image.size) image.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)) let font=UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Bold", size: 32)! ...

@MahmudulHaqueKhan Dude. CookieManager is already deprecated. I have a used CookieSyncManager as well. But nothing worked. I want to store user session in android from webview.
@MahmudulHaqueKhan well I appreciate you help.
Q: How to save a cookie in an Android webview forever?

JoeWith my code below, I have been able to save a cookie, but as soon as I close the application the cookie disappears. How is this caused and how can I solve it? package com.jkjljkj import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Window; import android.webkit.CookieSyn...

A: Save Cookies Webview?

A-Droid TechYou can Use this with Websetting : webView.getSettings.setCacheMode(WebSettings.LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK);

03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 20:00

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