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Q: C# Website logins/Network problems

ploxticWhat i'm looking to do is type in a url to a website: college campus, email, forums, other things you'd need daily and create a working login for them. usually these sites have cookies enabled, so you use a cookie enabled WebClient: namespace watcher { public partial class Form1 : Form ...

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it's not really the whole project that i'm looking for, but i need to know how to work the networking credentials/changes would be needed. Along with the cookies that seem to not always be there.
The generation of cookies can be completely controlled on the server - so things like user agent, IP address, what js is run - can all affect what cookies are generated.
everything is returned, origination can't really matter.
network credentials should be supplied via the System.Net.NetworkCredential class, or via an OAuth mechanism (I'd find a pre-made library for OAuth)
I assume you meant "everything is the same" - and that simply is not the case. You are only asking for the page's HTML, not the page's js files, css files, image files, other pages that may be referenced via iframe, etc, etc.
It's not that easy. things change, how would you be able to supply EVERYTHING then grab results, without causing an attack/security alert/overhead not necessary? Something on their server must request these infos before you attempt to send.. this can't be too difficult, maybe i need to work with sockets instead?
you're not on the same page. It's server/client, not html bs:: WebCLIENT
ok - so lets try to get on the same page.
tell me what I am missing.
k you open a site
no problem
you grab some login tags from the html, easy enough..
now where i'm at: where you try to login
sending a user/pw isn't just a post of those two things
nor is just getting to the page sometimes either
lets back up
there are http credentials, network credentials, and security credentials + USER/PW credentials
"where you try to login"
for what purpose?
bring me up to speed on the project so that I know what were talking about
I dont know the purpose here? is it to scrape content from these sites?
sort of
i want to create a general login form
connect to a login url
grab the tags, input username/pw with their tags, but how would you connect to the login server and retrieve all of the credentials that they require?
who owns the login server? you? or a site you are attempting to log in to?
a site you're trying to connect to
ok.. so "login server" is a bit of a misnomer, as most sites dont have anything that that term could be applied to. They have pages that allow you to log in, but server is a bit of a stretch
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="15" value="">
those are easy enough to parse out
so to send login credentials there are a couple of methods
and it depends entirely on what kind of authentication the site has
yea, how do you determine the authentication type?
i updated the page too: check it out
If it uses HTTP Basic Auth, then you can just set the .Credential property to a new NetworkCredential, and request any page within the site - the WebClient object will negotiate the login.
if the site uses OAuth - then you need to use an OAuth library, point it at their login page, and fetch the token (string), then send that token along with every subsequent request
what about other http credentials?
like 2-fator?
ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
what is that
how do you find that the site requires it?
The site will not require it. It's optional. Set it to false and you'll be fine, just not terribly efficient.
you could probe for it, but that would take quite a bit of effort, and it sounds more like a version 2 thing - get your core functionality built then start worrying about efficiency
i get what you mean..
so onto the next point: cookies
why do cookie responses differ?
i've sniffed out and used exact requests and still gotten differing responses
you can't always turn it to false either
the server would terminate your connection
because WebClient is not a browser. Web client ONLY fetches the html of a page. It doesnt request the linked resources like css, js, images, iframe content
it doesnt run any active content, like js
what are you using to compare what cookies are sent
it uses post/get
and grabs cookies
i post something to a site, then it responds differently than chrome would
and how are you comparing that to a request made by a browser?
i'll replicate the request, and the response won't be the same
so i feel that i'm missing some kind of header/credential that is hidden from packet sniffers
hmmm. well, what are some of the cookies that are missing?
when talking about http, theres nothing that is hidden
hey I have an appointment now - I'll be back in about an hour. If you're still here we can continue this discussion if you like.
i'll post a link to a discussion
Q: Not returning 1/5 cookies, C# short and sweet code: RichTextBox, Form1_Load, using System.Net / System.Collections.Specialized

user209214 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string site = ""; CookieContainer cookieJar = new Cooki...

very bottom
n they cut that first post too
Q: How do you determine the client side requests necessary for logins & http-requests all automatically?

ploxticWhat i'm looking to do is type in a url to a website login server: college campus, email, forums, other things you'd need daily and create a working login for them. Since each server can vary, request types change: (ie): //castRequest.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false; //cast...

reformatted it
lemme know when you're back
im back
You know LastPass tries to solve this issue - but it relies on a combonation of human and machine interaction
Q: CONNECT HTTP method via C#

MhdAboAhmadgood morning I am C# programmer , I have got a problem I tried to open socket to get an HTTP connection and read the page as a stream of bytes and all was right , for example, to get the home page of google via a C# Socket, the steps that I followed are : 1.Opening a stream and connect to goog...

u there?

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