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Q: How to stringify json object's square brackets inside braces for http get?

TonecopsI have question about good practise coding. I have a chrome extension which is supposed to track tab events for dev purpose. Then the service worker send the json.stringified string embedded in http get to server php code which writes those events to a file to be immediately read with PhpStorm. O...

Simple solution: send a POST request with the JSON in the body, instead of a GET
Do you mean "How to stringify JavaScript object's square brackets inside braces for http get"? It makes no sense to stringify JSON. JSON is a string. What are "object's square brackets"? Do you mean JavaScript array literals? Or do you mean "How to encode JSON for http get"?
That said, the JSON you've provided is valid and perfectly decodable by PHP - demo: . It's unclear what the debugger is showing the result of, or where in your process that's happening (especially because we can't see your php code!). Is maybe the fact that you're sending this in a URL querystring causing issues? Are you URL-encoding this data before you transmit it? The question is unclear, poorly described and lacks a proper worked example. We'd like to help you but you need to edit it substantially first I think. See also How to Ask
Well. You cannot ask simple question it seems. Read it wholly. If you don't know how to create a chrome extension or debug it or cannot debug php in server end you might have difficulties to understand the question.
Very familiar with debugging PHP, JS and HTTP requests, thankyou. But your question contains nothing to debug, unfortunately. We just have a piece of valid JSON, and a contextless snippet of output from some debugger somewhere.
You cannot ask simple can, but it needs to make sense to people who can't see your screen...
I tried to edit. I will take your advice. Could you reread the question and then come back exactly what directions you need?
As I said before...did you URL-encode the JSON string before putting it into the URL to send to PHP? Did you check the content of the HTTP request using the browser's Network tool? Did you log the raw JSON string received by PHP? Again...we can't see any of your code. Again, provide a proper minimal reproducible example of the issue please, otherwise realistically you're just asking people to guess the issue. You've added a lot of text to your question in your last edits, but very little of it is meaningful content. We need to see your actual code , not a meandering description of it. Thankyou.
Don't vaguely describe your code, show it.
I think, it's more helpful if you create a minimal reproducible example on your computer and show that. I assume, the problem is unrelated to Chrome extensions.
Thank you very much ADyson. I will try to execute of those steps. What is browsers Network tool? I have only used this developer window. But as I mentioned I create the request at service worker.
Press F12 in your browser and go to the Network tab inside those developer tools. If you're developing JS and AJAX requests, you really should be familiar with this already
But even without that you can do all the other debugging I mentioned, and show your code and answer the other questions I asked, and that might be sufficient for us to help you
I have been using F12 previous two days full time. I prefer to step debug things and see exact values at certain points. Network tool has not been yet in scope. Starting from URL encoding what is the preferred method? Currently using encodeURI which makes no difference. I try to paste code and images.
Again, stop describing bits of your code and just show it, in your question. This is not difficult, but you are not helping us to help you. BTW You can encode the JSON string specifically with encodeURIComponent before including it in the URL, in general. But we need to know exactly what you're doing to generate the JSON, put it into the URL, and then send the request, in order to spot potential issues. Surely, if you are familiar with debugging, then you can understand how important small details can be.
It depends where in the URL you put your value and how. Generally speaking, you need to JSON.stringify your JS object into a string, and then encodeURIComponent that string when putting it into a URL. However, this may already be happening automatically depending on what API you use exactly to construct your request. Thus: show your code.
Network tool has not been yet in scope...yet that is the very tool which will clearly show you exactly what URL was used and what was sent to the server.
const encoded = encodeURI(load); should be const encoded = encodeURIComponent(load). You're only encoding one bit of the URL, not the whole thing
http://localhost:80/tabs_report/tabs_query_report.php?'+load‌​...this doesn't include a parameter name as per the format of a URL querystring parameter (i.e. name=value). So it's unclear how PHP would be able to pick any of this up - it wouldn't show up in $_GET, for example, because there's no name to put in the array key. Again, you still didn't show how you're reading this data on the PHP side. I'd expect to see http://localhost:80/tabs_report/tabs_query_report.php?payloa‌​d='+load and then something like $json = $_GET["payload"]; in the PHP
It would still make a lot more sense to just use a POST request and put the JSON into the request body and send it with a Content-type: application/json header. That's how everyone sends JSON in HTTP request. Literally everyone. A big JSON object can easily get messy in the URL string.
PHP can only automatically decode www-form-encoded parameters into $_GET; JSON encoded data won't end up as anything usable there.
Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?. Code, data and logs are text. Provide it as text, please. See also How to Ask where this is mentioned. Images of text are not searchable, copyable, or re-usable in answers, examples, research etc. This makes it a lot harder for people to help you by re-using your code or data in a test scenario or an answer, and for others with similar issues/errors to find your question. Copy/paste is easier than making screenshots, surely?? Thanks.
Well I suppose it's quite possible to get a query string intact. But still one has to answer first - why GET and not POST?
I'm using GET. This is a question about how to use GET. ADyson has the pieces for answer. I have to change the code accordingly and come back with those corrections. Making clear what are the values in debugging situation demans use of pictures so there will be no confusion. Of course the code is code and it is in my question.
Of course the code is code and it is in my question except that the PHP code isn't. It's fine to show the debugging screenshots if it's something that can't readily be copied and pasted, but the site's rules also require any relevant code provided as text.
What php code you mean? Think I checked it all. Those containing debug values are not code. They are intentionally showing debug values at that moment. And I mean that PHP code having overlay values.
@Tonecops we don't need to see a breakpoint really. And even if we do that's fine but it doesn't count as posting the php code, it still requires posting as text too

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