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Q: [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module ... is not supported

Ben BuckschProject setup Electron app using electron-builder, which uses vite as build system. The build system is still almost identical to the template. TypeScript, with the .ts file extension ESM and import everywhere in our code. We do not use require() anywhere in our code base. Obviously, we're using...

Do you transpile your code to CommonJS? Can you create a minimal reproducible example and add the transpiled code?
As described, this is the default electron-builder setup. I didn't build it, so I cannot really minimize it. You can see the complete and exact code in the link that is part of the question.
The default electron-builder setup works. Your setup doesn't work. The code is probably not the problem. It's probably the configuration. You haven't posted any configuration. Stack Overflow is a question and answer platform for specific questions and specific answers. Your question is not answerable. Users would have to guess what the problem could be.
As said, I've posted the configuration in the question: See
Questions on Stack Overflow have to be self-contained. The goal of Stack Overflow is to help future users with similar questions. It's not a discussion board or help forum to help one single user. It's more like a wiki. External resource can change and links can break. Your questions becomes useless for future users. Please provide a minimal reproducible example in your question, not as external resource.
As mentioned, this is a default setup. I've been able to reproduce the issue with a minimal testcase application. I've now added the detailed steps more explicitly to the reproduction. The problem is reproducible without my app, only with the reproduction steps given. I didn't modify the code at all, other than what is listed in the 5 steps. The problem is also reproducible with other libraries, not just the mentioned one. It's a generic problem, affecting everybody who uses this generic template setup and ESM-only libs.
In that case, I would say, it's a bug. I would open an issue at The repository isn't really active. I wouldn't call it deprecated, but most files in the projcet are 2 years old or older. The documentation mentions npm v7 or older.
Is there a reason you use this template and not the official steps? I can't even build the project. I get ERROR An entry point is required in the electron vite main config, which can be specified using "build.lib.entry" or "build.rollupOptions.input".
The project builds and runs for me.
I followed your steps. The only change was yarn dev run -> yarn run dev.
I don't have any problems with modules
Which version builds for you? without template? straight template? template with the electron-context-menu module added?
template with the electron-context-menu module added
the straight template builds for me. But it fails to build once I add electron-context-menu. It needs to be added both as yarn add ... and as "import" to the source code, and actually called in the code.
(it builds, if you do only yarn add, without adding it to the code)
I haven't called it in the code. Now, it fails.
Same error.
right. good. so you see the same problem as I do.
I would follow the official steps and avoid a 2 year old template.
That's too late now, because the project is already built based on this template.
I suspect the problem is either in vite or in electron-builder
Which "official steps" do you refer to? It needs svelte, vite, electron-builder, electron-updater, etc.

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