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Q: Encountered a problem when enabling paging mode

ParrotXrayI am learning to create an x86 protected mode program. Currently, the GDT is enabled, but I’m not sure if it is set up correctly. The issue I’m facing is that the CR3 register, regardless of what I do, always stays at 0000 0000. As I’m a beginner in this area, I would like to ask for guidance fro...

The start of your boot.S is being assembled as 32-bit code (the default when assembling with GCC using -m32), however you want the first part to be assembled as 16-bit code. Before _start: add the line .code16 to assemble as 16-bit code. Then on the line before protected_mode_start: add the line .code32 to tell the assembler to encode instructions as 32-bit code from that point on. I'd recommend using BOCHS to debug the early stage and bootloader.
@MichaelPetch When I added .code16 and .code32, GDT became 00000000 00000000, effectively turning off. Could you please tell me where I went wrong?
I made the change I suggested with the exact code here in thee question and it worked. I recommend ensuring that you are using the code you provided in the question as a starting point. I don't know if you've made other changes to the code you are using locally.
@MichaelPetch I edited the issue, please take a look. By the way, are you using Bochs for debugging?
I ran it in BOCHs and QEMU. In both cases it worked. It went into an infinite loop and both were in protected mode with a proper GDT and paging was enabled (The first 4MiB were identity mapped). If you wish archive your system.elf and system.bin files and email them to me at [email protected] or create a github repo with all your code and Makefiles etc.
I will forewarn you - the order that your object files (.o files) appear to the linker will matter if you start adding executable code (not just data) in your .c files. If boot.o isn't listed first when linking then it is possible .text (code) from other files may appear first and that will cause things to fail.
@MichaelPetch I have uploaded my code and environment setup method to Thank you for your assistance.
Okay first thing I noticed was that the system.elf/system.bin didn't match the boot.S file in using .code16 and .code32. I had to do a make clean make all and the code looked correct except that somewhere along the line you removed the jmp . (infinite loop) that was just before gdt_desc: in boot.S . Without the infinite loop it will crash trying to exxceute garbage in memory.
I see you removed the jmp . and replaced it with j_: hlt jmp j_ . The problem is that you needed to place that loop before the gdt_desc: otherwise you try to execute gdt_desc as code which will lead to garbage being executed and possibly crash.
@MichaelPetch I followed your suggestion and made the changes, but it still didn’t work. I’ve uploaded two images to the README on GitHub for you to take a look at.
The -d int you can remove if you wish. With that option though it will show all the exceptions and interrupts as they occurred which can be useful for debugging.
@MichaelPetch I saved the QEMU output logs into registers.txt. Additionally, I have uploaded the corrected boot.S file to the old file location. I apologize for the inconvenience.
@MichaelPetch I've updated all the files. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I ran both those and they worked. You can ignore the SMM interrupts at the start. Your code gets to the infinite loop without crashing now. It works in QEMU and BOCHS. If the SMM stuff is just confusing you then you can use -d int -M smm=off instead of -d int
@MichaelPetch After running make all and then make run, you mentioned that it should take effect, but when I use info registers, CR0 is still 00000010. I haven’t made any changes, and using debug-bochs results in not finding the boot. Is there an error in my bochs.cfg?
It looks like the disk image (system.img) isn't big enough (minimum geometry) to be seen understood as a hard disk by QEMU or BOCHS. In the Makefile Just before dd if=$(BIN_DIR)/$(OS_BIN) of=$(BIN_DIR)/$(OS_IMG) conv=notrunc add this line dd if=/dev/zero of=$(BIN_DIR)/$(OS_IMG) bs=512 count=20160 . system.img will be about 9-10MiB in size with geometry of 20 cylinders, 16 heads and 63 sectors. Then make sure in debug-qemu that you use system.img and not system.bin so use @qemu-system-i386 -s -S -drive file=$(BIN_DIR)/$(OS_IMG),index=0,media=disk,format=raw
If you ever have an unexpected problem opening a disk image with BOCHS check the directory with the disk image and remove all the files ending with .lock .
It would probably be a good idea before int $0x13 in boot_load that you do mov $00, %dh to ensure the cylinder number is initialized (0 in your case). You initialize all other values except that one.
@MichaelPetch I added the dd command you suggested, and now it’s working fine. However, I want to ask, is CR3=0000a000 normal?
Well it aligned on a 4k boundary. If it is the pg_dir address in the objdump then it is fine. If CR3 is not equal to pg_dir then there is a problem
@MichaelPetch Alright, thank you for your help today.
@MichaelPetch Sorry, I have a question out of curiosity. When I added a function in C and then ran make, I noticed that the boot signature 0x55AA disappeared. What could be the reason for this? Thank you.

With the function added:
hexdump -C build/bin/system.bin | head
00000210 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa 66 b8 10 00 8e |.........U.f....|

Without the function:
hexdump -C build/bin/system.bin | head
000001f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 aa |..............U.|
I hinted you were going to have that problem in a comment I made.
It appears OI may have mistakenly deleted that comment though
The problem is that you need to make sure that the boot.o object is listed first (in OBJ_FILES) otherwise the first time you add executable code to a C file it will be placed in the system.elf file first before anything else including your bootloader code which pushes everything further in the file including the boot signature.
One way to fix it though is user a linker script rather than using -Ttext=0x7c00 while linking. A linker script can process certain files in order ahead of others. You could create a file link.ld with this in it:

. = 0x7C00;
.boottext : AT(0x7C00) SUBALIGN(0) {
.bootdata : SUBALIGN(0) {

.text : SUBALIGN(16) {
.data : SUBALIGN(16) {
And then replace -Ttext=0x7c00 in the linker options with -Tlink.ld
That linker script will always place .text and .data and .rodata sections in build/obj/boot.o first
The formatting on here was removed. You can find a better formatted version here:
Use the one at pastebin and not the one I pasted in the chat. There were a couple of mistakes in it that have been fixed here:

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