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18:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

A: Upload random image from local file to html5 canvas with AJAX

AmazingDreamsSomething like this should work, the two functions combined ;) <script> window.onload = function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "retrieve.php", succes: function( data ) { var canvas=document.getElementById("drawing"); // grabs the canvas element ...

Thanks so much for your answer, for some reason it's not working. I don't get any images to the canvas.
What is stored in $randomImage, and what is stored in data. ie. what do you see when you visit retrieve.php directly?
I have updated the script, should work this way.
I don't see why even the edited script isn't working. If I just insert an image manually it works. As soon as I throw in the php and the AJAX I get nothing.
what do you see if you visit retrieve.php directly?
I'm not quite sure if it did it correctly. I went to local host and opened the php file. All I get is a blank page. What should I be getting normally? By the way, thanks for all your help!
Try it with if($randomImage != '')
it is now showing me the path to the default image. So randomimage seems to be failing?
Yep, just place echo $randomImage; before the if ;) to see what $randomImage is.
Apparently it's a blank page...yikes...
What's the output of var_dump($images)
i get Array(0){} and I have no idea what this means... by the way, I can't thank you enough for all your help :)
it means there is no file found
so you should check the pathname
ah you have a space in your directory name
not advisable
ah wow, good eye! let me get rid of that
debuggers eye lol
I changed the name, and it gave me nothing...
this is a code that I found somewhere, it should normally work right?
I do have images in the folder
well code from 'somewhere' does not always work lol
var_dump() still nothing
still the same Array(0){}
there are so many codes, it's hard to know what will work
your own will lol
I'm really really new to code
started html-ing about 2 months ago
and it's been like a learning code on steroids
but I've been focused on javascript, and now I found out I need PHP if I want my idea to work and have a time limit with no ideas where to start
glob($imagesDir . '*.{png}')
try that
without the GLOB stuff
yeah learning how to program takes time
and also see if you maybe need to use your document root i.e. is your folder relative to the working directory (the dir retrieve.php is in)
well I gotta go eat, I'll leave the tab open it should work now
ok thanks so much for your time, bonne appetit!
I changed all that,root directory and no GLOB, and it's still not changing the array(0){}.
I don't know which part isn't it the link to my folder? or is it the rand bit...
$folder = opendir(images);
$i = 0;
while(false !=($file = readdir($folder))){
if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
$images[$i]= $file;
echo '<img src="images'.$images[$random_img].'" alt="" />';
I found this... it kind of works... it shows the image of a broken link
if I put the var_dump, with this one, it gives me all the images like this...
monimage_1362647130.pngarray(4) { [0]=> string(9) ".DS_Store" [1]=> string(23) "monimage_1362647130.png" [2]=> string(23) "monimage_1362648741.png" [3]=> string(23) "monimage_1362657823.png" }
does this mean it works?
everytime I refresh, the first image changes! Something is working :) but its not showing up on the canvas now...
Yeah that seems to work. you should get rid of the hidden files though,
make it echo $images[$random_img];
and you should add the http root to it
echo "". $images[$random_img];
ok perfect, now when I go into request.php, I get the name of one image that changes everytime I refresh
I guess I need to work on the AJAX now...
you get the name and path stuff?
you have included jQuery right?
no, just a javascript function
<script src=""></script>
$.ajax is a jQuery function
add that in your head
oh yeh, that I have
oh okay
you know your way around a browsers debugger?
you may laugh... but does that mean like "firebug"?
oh ok :) then yeh, been using that alot today
when I'm on the html page, nothing comes up
there's a script debugger in there
you can add breakpoints and watch variables
so go to the scripts tab
what's your site?
look up the line of the succes: function
ah okay loll
add breakpoint in there
*press the line number
then refresh your page
then you can place your mouse on the 'data' thing
and see what's in there
should work like this though
it's wierd...I can't click on the numbers at all
and a few pixels in front of the lines?
*line numbers
no, apparently I have Firebug LITE
gosh this keeps getting more embarrasing haha
Other features though are too dependent in browser internals and will not be supported (at least in a near future*), such as:

Javascript debugger / Javascript profiler
nope isn't in there
well get Firebug :P
I'm assuming I need Firefox for that haha
brb, getting all the necessary materials
oh chrome should also have it built in
ctrl-shift J
* if you have chrome
ahhh ok, now you tell me :)
well lets start with the console
anything on there?
errors? etc
oh yeh...
data shouldn't be between quotes..
it says
ReferenceError: img is not defined
i took the quotes out and same error
hmm well
with some quick googling
I found that var img should be referencing an <img>
so there's another way
create a hidden img
you only want this image to be generated at the start right?
yeh, i want it to be generated on load and stay there until the person saves their own image
then you can just skip the AJAX stuff
place your retrieve.php in a function
getRandomImage or sth
and let it return the URL instead of echo it
in theory that sounds like I should be able to pull it off
then you have this <img src="<?= getRandomImage(); ?>" style="display: none;">
`var img=$("#hidden-image");
on page load
should work
so I would put it in a jquery function
yeah, but no ajax shit
ajax is cool if you need to repeatedly do something, i dunno facebook likes etc.
if it's important that something is happening while the user can keep open their page -> ajax
ohhhhh ok
it's all becoming clear now
#hidden-image is the id of an image though, right?
`<img id="hidden-image"
I just think my brain is frazzled...
I'm not able to write a simple jquery function anymore lol
then go do something else and come back in 15 mins lol
The stress is getting to me, I have to present it tomorrow
this is a project for school?
kind of
its a hypermedia project
for personal use that the professors want a look at
its mostly about coming up with the ideas but we have one professor that wants the results even if we dont know how to do it
okay :P
what do you study?
last semester I spent ages coming up with a new application idea with all the graphics etc which i got 0 for because i dont know how to code iOS....
communication and hypermedia
its stressful sometimes...
and this is meant to be presented tomorrow, and I have overcome every coding hurdle, only to stumble at the end lol on something so simple
anyway, thats my sad life story :P
*school life
haha hold on
window.onload = function() {
var canvas = $("#your-canvas");
var img = $("#hidden-image");

omg! that is so not what I was in the middle of doing lol
I was going in the complete wrong direction
the debugger says something weird though
canvas.getContext is not a function
it's turned into a jQuery object
not a canvas object
or use var canvas = document.getElementById("your-canvas");
theres still an error, but its an error that is the same as other parts in the doc
whats the error?
TypeError: Not enough arguments to CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage
oh lol ofcourse
is that a normal error?
canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(img , 20, 20);
my bad
should specify coordinates
still errors
it wont give up
wait...I haven't put retrieve.php anywhere in the code :s
<?= $variable; ?> is shortcut to <?php echo $variable; ?>
just so you know lol
ahhhhhh ok
got it
I put $images[$random_img] since that is what should be echoed...
btw do you want your name or screen name on this project? you've helped me so much so far
nah whatever you want :p
you should return $images[$random_img];
haha ok, I'll put you in it
thanks :P
I get this error
TypeError: Value could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement.
before I tried the return thing
I cant use getRandomImage because thats not in the PHP
getRandomImage() should be in PHP
then you should `<img src="<?= getRandomImage() ?>"
but it isnt in PHP
it doesnt exist
then define it :p
in the PHP?
ok so I wrote this
function getRandomImage()
echo $random_im;
function getRandomImage()
my php doesnt work anymore with my function O_O
function getRandomImage()
$folder = opendir(images);
$i = 0;
while(false !=($file = readdir($folder))){
if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
$images[$i]= $file;
return "/path/to/image/dir". $images[$random_img];
do you study code? or did you learn this on your own?
yeah but been busy for couple of years though
started young
but thanks :P
your welcome ^^
I still get that stupid error message about the
TypeError: Value could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement.
which line?
try with the [0]
canvas[0] is undefined
but you have to learn code for your college?
hmmm weird
no we dont, but they expect us to know it
var canvas = document.getElementById("your-canvas");
we are graphic designers mostly
do they train you to think like a programmer?
we dont have programming classes
that's bad
tell me about it
var canvas = document.getElementById("sketch");
sketch is the name of my canvas
and same error
i'll try to remember
its ok, its not hard to change it lol
still saying that it is undefined
my cod
maybe I did something silly in it
window.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("sketch");
var img = $("#hidden-image");



<img id="hidden-image;" src="<?= getRandomImage() ?>" style="display: none;">
you do have you canvas somewhere right?
yes haha
don't worry, I have a canvas
called sketch
it is below this code though, should it not be/
try exchanging the window.onload with $(document).ready(function() {
// Handler for .ready() called.
$(document).ready(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("sketch");
var img = $("#hidden-image");

looks like a good source:
same error
I just dont understand why its not possible for jquery to put up an image from my folder lol
and with the canvas.getContext
withouth the [0] now?
TypeError: Value could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement.
hmmm and if you define var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
and then at the end do context.drawImage(img, 20, 20);
and try placing the code after the canvas element...
was just in the middle of trying it out :)
same error...
try it like this
`var canvas = (HTMLCanvasElement)$("#sketch");
and then document.getElementById("sketch"); if that does not work
it doesnt like the $ from the first
ah I think the problem lies with our img
change it back
Its HTMLCanvasElement not HTMLCanvas lol
var imageObj = new Image();

imageObj.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(imageObj, 69, 50);
imageObj.src = '';
where did I put HTMLCanvas?
no about the error
ohh ok
the error is saying 'HTMLCanvasELEMENT' not HTMLCanvas :P
try it with this
yep it is lol
var imageObj = new Image();

imageObj.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(imageObj, 69, 50);
imageObj.src = '';
oh url breaks
you should get a darth vader..
var canvas = document.getElementById('sketch');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
he is on the canvas!!!!
no errors :)
now you can
I put <?= getRandomImage() ?> in the src bit
imageObj.src = '<?= getRandomImage() ?>
nothing... :(
no errors either
but nothing appears on the page
imageObj.src = "<?= getRandomImage(); ?>"
and return fullurl + path_to_image?
function getRandomImage()
$folder = opendir(images);
while(false !=($file = readdir($folder))){
if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
$images[]= $file;

return "http://Drawing.html/images/". $images[$random_img];
$(document).ready(function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("sketch");
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var imageObj = new Image();

imageObj.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(imageObj, 700, 100);
imageObj.src = '<?= getRandomImage(); ?>'
php and html respectively...
darth vader was just there
shouldn't that be "http://localhost:8080/virtual_host/path/to/images/dir/
function getRandomImage()
$folder = opendir(images);
while(false !=($file = readdir($folder))){
if($file != "." && $file != ".."){
$images[]= $file;

return "http://localhost:8888/EspaceUtopique/Drawing.html/images/". $images[$random_img];
still errors, but no image either
just out of curiosity tried var_dump
and got back NULL
return "http://localhost:8888/EspaceUtopique/images/". $images[$random_img];
or do you have directory named drawin.html
your so right
images is inside EspaceUtopique
but still nothing, even when changed...
what does it var_dump?
or what does it echo
and coordinates might be a little high
set them on 0, 0
context.drawImage(imageObj, 0, 0);
should be top left corner
the coordinates were perfect for darthvader but I will change them
it var_dumps NULL
but I dont know if that's because it wont let me put var_dump inside the function
18:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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