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A: klaro-config module not found

Naren MuraliWhen running the build for klaro. It's recommend adding klaro to the allowedCommonJsDependencies array of angular.json ... "options": { "allowedCommonJsDependencies": ["klaro"], "assets": [], ... Ensure the path to klaro-config.ts is correctly set. I think it ...

I’ll try it and update you soon.
Hey, is there any configuration that I can do manually line when click on "Accept" button I can code it that cookie has been accepted. Actually I want to create that square box manually in which there will be "Accept and Manager" buttons and on click of those button cookie will be accepted or something!
On click of some button just show that popup!
when I specify like this: import { klaroConfig } from './klaro-config'; it says Cannot find module './klaro-config' or its corresponding type declarations. also tried import { klaroConfig } from '../klaro-config'; with ../ the it says could not find a declaration file for module '../klaro-config'.
@PathikVejani define it in the same place you are using it! no need to import then!
what to delete or add?
@PathikVejani Stackblitz
Ok, trying it!!
Still have an issue, not sure what requires
@PathikVejani COuld you replicate in stackblitz, have you removed the import? if there is no import how you will get the error, maybe restart the server
I have commented import: // import { klaroConfig } from '../klaro-config'; then added configuration data here (<any>window).klaroConfig = {} but then I get error here: Klaro.setup(klaroConfig); Error is: Error: src/app/app.component.ts:186:17 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'klaroConfig'.
Please check my stackblitz, I have used the object directly
I am also doing the same
in your code comment out this" import { klaroConfig } from './klaro-config'; you will also see the error
went for lunch
Your stackblitz is working but same is not working for me
Related CSS is added I can see but not opening the popup
Any console errors? Is it working in local?
no error, actually my project is based on drupal and in drupal they have included angular 16
Okay if it works in local it should work after deployment, plz check if klaro.js is included
can't see the klaro.js
That might be the problem, import it on index.html

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