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A: How to Group and sort IEnumerable in in one line in C#

Cuong LeSound like below if I understand correctly: items.GroupBy(x => new {x.A, x.B}) .OrderBy(g => g.Key.A);

You understood correctly but x. ... A or B but doesn't come in intellisense and writing OrderBy in this way items.GroupBy(x => groupOnFx(x)).OrderBy(g => g.Key) doesn't help because Key will contain both columns. g.Key..... doesn't show A or B in intellisense.
@NavneetDuggal: Then you should be more specific, show your method groupOnFx
You understood correctly.My Items list is generic list Ilist<T>items thus x. ... A or B doesn't come in intellisense and writing OrderBy in this way items.GroupBy(x => groupOnFx(x)).OrderBy(g => g.Key) doesn't help because Key will contain both columns. g.Key..... doesn't show A or B in intellisense.
@CoungLe here is the code public static ObservableCollection<O> exampleMethod<T, O>(IList<T> items, Func<T, object> groupOn)
@NavneetDuggal: please could you update your question with this
@CoungLe here is the code public static ObservableCollection<O> exampleMethod<T, O>(IList<T> items, Func<T, object> groupOn) and here is the code line which calls this method var plans = exampleMethod<ExampleCollection, ExampleClass>(newExampleCollection, o => new { o.A, o.B})
@NavneetDuggal: could you edit your question rather than posting in coment like this.
@CoungLe, please check now and let me if something more you want.
Hi Cuong let me know if more info is required
Hi Coung can we discuss that question of mine here?
you still there?
you can explain
so can I explain the question again?
ok thanks
so "exampleMethod" is the static function which returns ObservableCollection of type O
Could you give example how to wanna sort
Just sample code you would like to archieve?
ok I will give....
Say suppose my collection is of type Country class and Country class contains Name, Id and Population
now this collection is grouped in Name and Population and after that it needs to be ordered on basis of Name
the example you gave perfectly fine but ..
it only works If I provide specific Type instead of generic
could you give example the generic?
why you cannot achieve?
public static ObservableCollection<O> exampleMethod<T, O>(IList<T> items, Func<T, object> groupOn)
IEnumerable<IGrouping<object, T>> groupBy = items.GroupBy(x => groupOn(x));
Now in this I can provide T = country class
it doesn't work you can try it if you want.... it will only work if I write IList<Country>
how you call exampleMethod with Country
and which part does not work?
I call exampleMethod as ..
var plans = exampleMethod<ExampleCollection, ExampleClass>(newExampleCollection, o => new { o.Name, o.Population}
newEaxmpleCollection is collection of Country class
now this part doesnt work..
IEnumerable<IGrouping<object, T>> groupBy = items.GroupBy(x => groupOn(x)).OrderBy("what to write?")
Ah got it
If you want to do OrderBy
you need to know
which property to ORderBy
but in here you just know T
and you dont know what property in T
so you know what you want to OrderBy?
it is one of the 2 properties on which I am doing group by but now how to write it in order by?
that property you know when you call the method
but in general the method don't know T have two properties you pass in GroupOn?
I grouping on o.Name, o.Population and now I want to order it on Name
maybe you add more parameter for method
I am trying it... but not able to write it.. I am new in Lambda and linq
exampleMethod<T, O>(IList<T> items, Func<T, object> groupOn, Func<T, object> orderBy){}
yes I tried this way only
how to use it to do orderby?
and it works?
why not work?
wait a sec I will give the error message which comes
Argument type System.Linq.IGrouping<object,T> is not assignable to parameter of type T
now since groupBy results in IEnumerable of type IGrouping<object,T> thus I cant assign parameter type T in it
did you try dynamic linq?
this is what I tried to write
items.GroupBy(x => groupOn(x)).OrderBy(g => Orderon(g))
I am new in Linq.. can you guide how to write it?
the link
maybe your problem can solve by dynamic linq
Dynamic Linq is the answer?
You can try it
ok thanks
one more question ....
var plans = exampleMethod<ExampleCollection, ExampleClass>(newExampleCollection, o => new { o.Name, o.Population}

Why we new 'new' keyword and why it give error if I dont use it?
you have to
because it creates anonymous class
you need to
on this
got it
thanks I will try dynamic Linq.... If I need more help on this can I invite you to this chat again?

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