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Q: Why 'fetch' doesn't immediately hit the server in asynchronous JavaScript?

Pranav KServer.js const http = require('http'); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const now = new Date(); console.log(now); res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello, World!\n'); }); const port = 3000; server.listen(port, () => { conso...

Are you running that code in two separate environments?
Like, is the "server" code running in Node, and the "client" code in your browser?
@Pointy no same local machine, no virtual environments either, so could account for any latency , the loop runs much longer
@Pointy, no both client and server running on node
@Pointy , have tried running the client directly on chrome as well, still the same result
@PranavK: "both client and server running on node" - As the same process, i.e. a single application? (As an aside, it's also worth noting that Server.js wouldn't output a date value at all. It would output the literal string now...)
@David , running as different process , and yes, it seems i made an error in the code I shared here, will fix it, now the code should show time, instead of the literal string now
@David , also tried running the code in different machines, server on one and client on another, still the same result
@David , what is generally the expected behaviour? Is it to immediately send the fetch request in background to the server?
@PranavK: I'm not able to replicate this result locally. I've copied/pasted the code shown into separate files and opened two terminal windows. In the first I run node ./Server.js and in the second I run node ./Client.js. The resulting timestamps on my machine (one in each terminal window) differ only in miliseconds.
@David Did you account for the loop? It could be possible that you have a better machine so loop doesn't have longer duration for you? Increase the count of loop variable 1000.... To a higher value , So the loop is significantly longer duration, if the loops itself runs for a few milli seconds for you, it will be inconclusive , so increase loop variable
@PranavK: That did indeed make a difference. Which implies to me that multiple instances of the same Node executable are sharing the same resources? (I don't really have better terminology to offer for what's going on under the hood.) It's an interesting test.
@David , but I have tried in multiple scenarios, where there shouldn't be any sharing of resources, like running on different machines, still the same result , most documents available online share the same information that the fetch will hit server immediately in the background without blocking (asynchronus, not waiting for response) but the experiment paints a different picture of the javascript engine, the asynchronous seems pretty useless this way adding no benifits
Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
While you point it out, it bears explicitly repeating: there are no threads in the main JS context so If you spin-loop for 10 seconds instead of using a timeout, you have locked the JS engine for that tab for 10 seconds. The JS part of fetch is still part of that single thread, so if you start spinning before the work's been handed off to the network manager, you just locked the fetch operation too.
@Community , They behaviour from the experiment is different from the official documentation , the question aims at understanding if the behaviour of the javascript engine is faulty or are the documents not very clear
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans , yes I know javascript is single threaded, but the API is called before the loop, if the browser itself or the environment is not necessarily single blocking threaded, the fetch should have send the request while the loop runs in the single threaded js context, blocking it should have no effect on the API functioning
Why? What part of the spec says that fetch has to hand things off to the browser's network manager before the function call itself synchronously returns a Promise?
The comment isn't big enough to allow quoting documentation, however, it is in the spec that Web API calls like "set timeout" (just as an example) are seperate from the call stack of the js engine , so the timer of set timeout will run out then come in the queue , and if the js call stack is empty , the event loop pushed its callback in the stack , same goes for other APIs like fetch , took the example of set timeout, as it is better understood, the point being it expires outside of the js single thread , so likewise , expected the fetch to execute outside
If the comment isn't big enough, that's the signal that you should edit your post to explain why you think it's not doing what it's supposed to. Quote the spec in your post, it's a critical detail that should be in there.
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans , sure I will make edits in the post , however could you confirm if this is expected behaviour?
@Boaz No, that doesn't provide an answer. This is a much more specific question. You say "the sync loop is blocking Javascript from handling the asynchronous call for fetch", but that's not entirely correct. The blocking code prevents the event loop from handling events, like the fetch response. This is well understood by everyone here. The question is why does it block the call that sends the request?
@PranavK If you'd let the JS engine come up for air in your loop, you could still do your loop while the Fetch call runs. Tight loops are fine if you actually need them, but as you see they'll block some things. The Fetch API call isn't magic... there are probably references to things back here on this main thread that need to clear up, and since you've starved it from any CPU, then that isn't going to happen. Someone with more knowledge can explain the specifics, but basically... the engine is fine, the documentation is fine, and you're taking examples too literally.
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans "What part of the spec says that fetch has to hand things off to the browser's network manager before it returns a Promise?" - probably none, but there's also no part of the spec that says it has to wait until the current execution has run to completion before handing the request to the network. (Or is there?) So why is it implemented like that?
@Brad that is entirely unrelated, unless you have evidence that the fetch implementation internally uses another event loop tick to send the request
@Bergi I don't have any specific evidence, just saying that there's a ton of stuff that needs done in JS land before something can go actually do that HTTP request, and more importantly... it's not surprising if you block in a tight loop, you've probably blocked something else, and that it's not magic. I know you know this, and that a specific answer is desirable... that's why I'm just commenting and not posting an answer.
Completely agree with all the points by @Bergi , here is an example for others setTimeout(function() { console.log("Hello"); }, 3000); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) { sum += i; } console.log('loop over'), in this code hello world gets printed immediately after 'loop over' it doesn't wait for 3 seconds, it started its operation as soon as the line was executed , but outside the call stack , and thus was non blocking to others, however the fetch gets effected by the loop, when it could have started its request to the server, and server response could be put in queue
The Web API delegates the task to the run-time environment, so the fetch api shouldn't be bothered if the single main thread of javascript is busy , stuck in some loop, it should ideally , hit the server and get the response in the queue , whenever the call stack gets empty , the even loop should put it in
Unless it's in the spec, there is no "should". There's only "I'd expect [...]", and then the counter-question is "what is that expectation based on?". If the behaviour is technically undefined, and you want to understand why Chrome behaves the way it does, it might be time to seek out the Chrome, Chromium, Webkit, even V8 teams to get their insights (In addition to keeping this question open of course. And probably with a bug filed on the Chrome bug tracker if you really think this behaviour is wrong).
Also note that in testing, I get the same result in Firefox 128 and Chrome 125, with both immediately hitting the server with the code you have listed in your post (although I did add a CORS allow header for * just to make sure things don't error out over that, and I made it spin based on 10 seconds passing by using a comparison so the test doesn't depend on how slow or fast the cpu is). So you're probably going to have to add some more details like OS, system spec, specific browser version, extensions, etc. etc.
(What I do see is the console.log operations not running until after the spin loop is done, which is pretty much in line with how console.log works, but you're capturing now independent of the logging operation, so that shouldn't matter in this case)
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans "what is that expectation based on?" - OP already explained that they base their expectation on the observable (and probably also specified) behaviour of setTimeout in a similar situation. Regardless, thank you for trying (and failing) to reproduce this!
@Brad "just saying that there's a ton of stuff that needs done in JS land before something can go actually do that HTTP request" even if that were true, these would block OP's script before it reaches the busy-loop.
@Mike'Pomax'Kamermans "What part of the spec says that fetch has to hand things off to the browser's network manager before the function call itself synchronously returns a Promise?" The fetch specs are quite complex since you need to check from where the request has been made with which params, whether the resource has been cached, etc. but basically every time you see "in parallel" it corresponds to this "should" you're asking for. And so in the basic case, from you'll hit it at the 11th step of main-fetch, before the promise is returned.
Han! sorry that this closure reason has been selected.. The actual reason is that what you describe can not be reproduced, we need more details on what you are actually doing. Try on a different setup (maybe a different browser/without extensions, or a different server-config) and try to find in what particular conditions you do meet this behavior. Then if it's not clear why these conditions trigger this behavior, come back to us with all the details.
@Kaiido , It has already been reproduced by the user david (in this comment section) , and it is easily reproducible if you set the loop to be long duration enough , I didn't want to use any built-in delay function to cause any confusion. As stated already in the comments I have tried it on all configurations of browser and even different machines, seperating the codes entirely, all you have to do to reproduce is increase the loop count variable, if the loop runs for 30 seconds for you, then their will be a 30 seconds time difference in client and server
@Kaiido , the question was clear in nature, that I based the expectation of fetch API's behaviour on other Web APIs and how they work. The result however was different than expected, (which has been confirmed to be reproducible by making minor edit in the code, based on your particular machine), I see no reason for a closing the question, could it be reopened, so that someone who understands how it works could provide an explanation of the behaviour or the reason of design choice if it is expected behaviour
I'm sorry but the conditions needed to reproduce the error are still not clear in the question itself. Even looking at your comments with David I'm not sure what's the actual setup. Where are you running Client.js from? If it's from another node process on the same machine, then please show it and how both process are started. If it's from a browser, which browser?
Instead of using a simple for loop as you did, you can use an actual timed loop (t1 =; while( - t1 < duration) {} Doing this on my side with a 10000 duration (10s) I see the request hit the server right away and the browser come back only 10s later, as expected.
3 hours later…
@Kaiido , can you share the exact code and your systen setup/config and how you are running them? Because even after using (t1 =; while( - t1 < duration) , I still see a 10 second difference between client's time log and server's time log, like before only. I too had set a duration of 10000 , 10s.
@Kaiido, the setup I have tried on are running 2 different node process , and also tried running one as a node process (server) and one running in browser(client, chrome)
Server: node. Browser: Chrome and Firefox. But once again, it's on you to define your setup clearly, in the question itself.
8 hours later…
Yes working as originally expected when I tried Firefox (negligible lag between server and client timestamps, meaning the fetch request was sent immediately) , However the same not holding true when running both as seperate node processes on the same machine, almost as if the server.js is waiting for client.js main thread to get free before it starts running (noticeable timestamp defference)

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