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@CSᵠ regexr.com/3baan This seems to work but only on the website. I am using scala and it does not work there...
here key2 = ';'
@Sohaib what regex flavour does Scala use ?
@Sohaib by "does not work there" what do you actually mean?
what's the error/output?
@nhahtdh Optional key means that the expression could be key1=someval; or key=someval in which case I need to extraact everything after key1 if no semicolon is found.
@CSᵠ Same as java I suppose.
not sure what that is atm
@CSᵠ It does not match the pattern. If you are familiar with scala I could paste a couple of lines here.
go ahead
@CSᵠ j.u.regex.Pattern
val extractor = """key1=([^;]*)""".r
val test1 = """key=val;key1=123456;key2=val2"""
test1 match  { case extractor(a) => println(a)
case other => println(other) }
you're in search of the global match flag i should presume...
Just so that no one is confused key2 is just randomly written. My regex needs to extract values between 'key1=' and ';' only.
@CSᵠ By the global match flag you mean?
a test 2 for the same could be like

val test2 = """key=val;key2=val2;key1=123456"""

Here since key1 is at the end no semicolon is found.
Ah I got it. In scala it tries matching the 'whole' string. So if we specify something like
val extractor = """key1=([^;]*)""".r.unanchored
it works
keywords :)
glad you figured it out
1 hour later…
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!!afk pizza
10 hours later…
@vks 'a bit' is very lightly put. It's horribly slow IMO when compared to what can be done. In any case, lookarounds shouldn't be used for that.

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