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I need a motto/slogan for the soon to be site regexdoc.com if anyone can throw some suggestions.
2 hours later…
fools rush to where angels fear to tread
@Unihedron "Take a deep breath."
Hmm, keep it simple "Regexdoc — Community Regular Expression QA"
To this day, anyone can answer.. who would you say are the top 3-5 regex legends that defined regular expressions?
The legend of the little \d and it's journey in .NETland
I'm speaking in reference of people disregarding SO users.
Tim Berners Lee ?
just throwing manes around
might as well tell you about Alan Turing
Gill Bates, Jteeve Sobs
2 hours later…
@CSᵠ Congrats on passing the 5k rep mark
awesome number to pass it looks awesome
wow, you're at 40k... i remember like it was yesterday when you were just a baby at just under 20k @Jerry
so fast you grew up
lol, yesterday? xD I was around 38k-39k for the longest time ever. I kind of got less active this year compared to the previous
my memories go way back :)
3 hours later…
morning pals
Q: Regular Expression for validating DNS label ( host name)

RwahyudiI would like to validate a hostname using only regualr expression. Host Names (or 'labels' in DNS jargon) were traditionally defined by RFC 952 and RFC 1123 and may be composed of the following valid characters. List item A to Z ; upper case characters a to z ; lower case characters 0 to 9 ;...

I'm too new on this site for any shared memories. :P
:P i'm trying to understand the answers
don't get how "must not be only digits" is checked
you mean on the accepted answer?
the js one
actually i don't get most of it
What's so ununderstandable about it?
@Unihedron pretty much everything?
[0-9]+$ what's the $ there?
Isn't all digits + doesn't end with - (though it's done in a poor way) + doesn't start with - (again done in poor way) + 1 to 63 characters consisting of a-zA-Z and digits and hyphens only
I would put it like this:
actually never mind, never realized it was JS
JS-re suks
how would you write it with pcre?
^(?<!\/).*?\K(\[\d+\])(?=.*?;) will work in C# and will not return anything commented out with a "/". — jbarker2160 23 hours ago
@WesleyCrushed It's the end of string anchor.
doesn't match "a1"
tough eh? :D
still not working anyway
the python one works in PCRE
the JS one also does
I usually explain it like this: if what's inside a negative lookahead matches, then fail the match
the python one didnt work for me
so if [0-9]+$ matches the string, then the match fails
[0-9]+ will match numbers and $ matches the end of the line. The two together basically matches if the entire string is numbers
well, together with ^ at the start, strictly speaking
i see (ish)
lol, I guess you need to get familiar with regex in general
the biggest problem i have with regex is that i don't have to use them often. so even if i try to learn something about them, i will eventually forget it, due to lack of practice
my practice stems from SO xD
i should just hire a @CSᵠ instead
I used to answer about every regex question I stumble on and can answer provided there is enough clarity and effort from OP. Now I most of the time just try to solve it in my mind and move on :s
well yea, there are people who already answered in the meantime and... I tend to read a question, got something else to do and when I come back it's too late
I used to sift through every question to find the good ones where it actually is worthwhile of getting an answer from me. Now I don't, I simply laugh at OP for not reading a book of Regex, and move on to the next.
Actually, one time the OP was so happy of my answer they found my website and donated money.
wow cool
@Unihedron did you laugh at me? xD
@WesleyCrushed I don't do it in comments. That's rude and barely constructive.
A: Regex matches only full condition, but it should settle with less for a search engine

UnihedronSee the regex: /^(?=.*status[:=](\S+)|)(?=.*type[:=](\S+)|)(?:.*?title[:=])?(?|"([^"]+)"|((?:(?!\s?(?:type|status)).)+))[^"]*$/ You can extract the information with capturing groups. Here is a regex demo! Expression explanation: ^ Asserts position at start of string. (?= Positive lookahead...

the only time I was close to getting monetary reward was from excel help. but I don't have paypal or something of the like, so... nada
I was really happy not for the money, but that someone actually made use out of my help and found it helpful.
My work environment is almost like this:
I wonder if there's any job not like that x)
@Unihedron are you actually 16?
in JavaScript, 2 hours ago, by Unihedron
I'm 16 5/12
:D you rock kid! respect :P
/me has wasted his life
I'm just this other guy, you know?
to be 16 you have a great knowledge
@WesleyCrushed you keep changing your avatar/name...
Sometimes I just use /wes/i to remember it is you...
there is only one wes that is also a cock @HamZa
and that is me.
we have a minor...
@WesleyCrushed Great knowledge? You're kidding. Kids can't use computers, teachers can't use computers, and the demand for programmers is low in my place.
@Unihedron haha great article
Yes, I like that blog.
That said, I should really start my own website, where I write articles, tutorials and share links!
And have a cv-pls section!
@Unihedron nope.avi
not really interesting...
@Unihedron you from?
Well not from a company POV...
@WesleyCrushed hksar
@HamZa Well then, rebuild reddit.
step 1: fork reddit on github
step 2: deploy
step 3: ?
step 4: profit!
Oh this 10K is so nice btw :P
Congrats, now you have a site great from a company pov
hong kong? seriously demand for programmers is low there? thought it was one of the business capitals of the world :P
@WesleyCrushed I meant programmers whom could write code, not general infrastructure stuff.
Technicians are everywhere.
well there's china close, and i'm pretty sure they need programmers :P or you could move anywhere in the world :D
China needs programmers? You mean crackers? :P
I would love to move to somewhere else like sweden where there are demand for programmers, but I'm not really that good at programming to begin with.
talking of talented kids, i heard that the hk recent days protest was headed by a 16 year old :D
You're overestimating me. :P
@WesleyCrushed Yeah.
that's awesome :D
@Unihedron tried to make some sense of it in it's original shape regex101.com/r/wW9tL2/6
seems to be an interesting regex
would have some practical use
my idea wasn't that bad, except the implementation was tricky.
Cuz I cross-referenced the two groups, which messes with the backref.
It works like this:
eg. see which hand was used most on some text
For where caps comes first, we match as many caps character as possible, while capturing, starting from the first lowercase, as many lowercase as possible, missing out if needed
For when lowercase comes first, we do the opposite, except we don't allow missing out on uppercase, instead recursively check the inner region
anyway i'm too burned out to make sense of anythign right now
helped a junior with some code neither of us understood... in jsp
i hate jsp
It's moderation hour for me, so I'm not that frequently chatting. I'm going to sleep soon though. Test tomorrow.
Java Server Pages!
never touched it before
java should not do pages
i can't believe that's a thing
14 hours ago, by Unihedron
fools rush to where angels fear to tread
can't see why anyone would do web in jsp
anyone has android device ?
i just need to check other countries name from timezone other than pakistan
What is the purpose?
You wanna solve that with regex?
Of course "You can use regex for anything" lol
@Unihedron btw, how does my regex formatting look like
@CSᵠ It's great. 5 stars.
do we have // should we have, a code format rule when /x ?
^ ^ ^ cc @HamZa @hwnd @Jerry ^ ^ ^
@CSᵠ no
i mean, what the preety-est way we can format, most readable
sounds like a RFC
need to research existing data first
Sounds like you'll need a research team... and five years
who wants to be on funding this research team
we need funds
sometimes me is greedy, does not have question marks at end of text
I always format, if I need to like my regex tool formats
@hwnd cool!
You can use comments like that as well or use the comment group (?# ... )
@CSᵠ I do mine a bit like I write SQL. What's inside groups get an indentation except when |ing and comments if any are at least 2 whitespaces after the character the furthest to the right in the regex that does something
hmm, maybe go multiline on the comment if needed
i seem to tend to break the the last bit
something a bit like that:
  bar # bar
  baz # baz
      # very baz
that is, whenever I use the /x mode. I do 2 space indent also, 4 is too much for me ^^;
2 hours later…
@Unihedron @CSᵠ guys here?
They are not in the room, what's up?
hi @hwnd
I need a review on this regex
What are you trying to match
@hwnd It should return true for the following cases:
1. any character in the test is not a alphabet or number or _ or .
2. . or _ are used more than once simultaneously
yeah this is all
@hwnd is it good enough?
Example data?
I need that myself, but to list some:
^these should fail
So what would pass?
or any such character
You said it should return true if " any character in the test is not a alphabet or number" the strings contain both as well.
What language are you using?
basically, this is for username. So I want to make sure that this pattern does not appear in the username.
@hwnd javascript
So "hwnd_awal.garg" would be valid or invalid?
@hwnd it would be valid as a username. but the regex would return false when tested against.
It sounds like it would be easier to look for valid usernames instead...
@hwnd how can I create an "inverted" version of this regex?
Something like this? regex101.com/r/lM8fT4/2
> Negative Lookahead - Assert that it is impossible to match the regex below
why? is this some technique?
I would recommend reading about lookaround assertions - rexegg.com/regex-disambiguation.html#lookarounds
hmm nice
It would take me a while to understand the regex you just made
thank you so much for putting in the effort @hwnd :)
I would understand yours
and ask if I have any confusion
also @hwnd how do we decide if we should match what is "not allowed" or match a specific allowed pattern?
If you're looking for valid usernames, I would define what is allowed.
hmm okay. The reason I went to match the invalid ones and reject, is because I just had those two rules about what is "not allowed" so I thought maybe I should just go with it.
But I would take care next time.
(?!) - Negative Lookahead foo(?!bar) matches foo when not followed by bar

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