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@HamZa I think they were looking for some kind of bot that would do the operation in this room =P
@Jerry hehe
@CasNouwens lol
i always think of that when someone types hehe
4 hours later…
Dem regex
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
u golf @HamZa ? :)
@CSᵠ Sometimes, but it's hard with php ...
that's what i thought
but looks like i won this
just.. no love golfing...
ppl are too competitive
is anybody here_
morning @Isti115
I have a thing which I don't know if I can do in regex
@Isti115 we love challenges :P
let's say, I have a list of strings between quotes separated with spaces like this:
"asdf" "qwerty" "cheese"/ "something" "jkl;"
and one of them is marked with a slash (or anything) behind it
like "cheese" in this case
@HamZa good to hear that :)
so I'd like to select the string(s) which is/are marked
I thought about lazy operator '?'
because it I do
it simply selects everything
@Isti115 marked with? What's the output you want ?
".*?" selects strings in pairs of quotes
I'd like either "cheese" of cheese
@Isti115 So you mean a quoted string that must be followed by a forward slash ?
so I thought I'd just do
but that for some reason selects other strings before the marked one
@HamZa yes, exactly
@Isti115 What language are you using ?
@CSᵠ to the point :P
I'm doing it in sublime, so it's perl regex if you are asking about this
fast and dirty :)
I'm trying that one right now
for more, please learn regex :D
and that WORKS :D:D:D
((['"])\w+\2)(?=\/) maybe
didn't check that
wow, I'm really confused here!
@CSᵠ where them quantifiers :D ?
just trying to understand all this stuff
(yes, I'm a beginner)
@HamZa ty, fixed, AGAIN :)))
@HamZa lol... that pinned message is a bit down...
thank you guys :)
@Isti115 welcome, you might try regex101.com and rick.measham.id.au/paste/explain.pl
though I already knew about the "ends in" operator, I didn't think about that
wow :D
that's a useful site!
@CSᵠ Which one ? I got a lot of rooms open hehe
also, by "ends in" I meant positive lookahead
also, I'm curious why my original try didn't work?
If you could enlighten me about that too I'd be more than happy :)
was what I though of
@Isti115 Have you tried escaping the forwardslash ?
I'm new understand the dirty solution and I'd like to add one more thing to the challenge: there can be whitespace between the quotes
yes, I tried, but it didn't work, also I've read that it doesn't need to be escaped in perl regex: boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/…
@Isti115 "\S" means match a non-white space. So it won't match a space
yes, I know (I just didn't think at first)
that's why I'm asking for a solution that is compatible with strings that contain whitespace
only if you want the challenge though
it isn't really needed :)
"I'm new understand"
wow, I really messed that one up...
*:"I'm now starting to understand"
17 mins ago, by HamZa
ugh, sorry! I must be blind, missed that one...
it doesn't work!
@Isti115 Ah facepalm, regex101.com/r/vG2wQ1
I need to get on your level :D
How many years of experience do you have?
Thank you guys very much!
@Isti115 experience ? Can't recall, I'm a student :)
me too :D
I'm 17
Well I do have experience. Let's just say I've got 1year experience in regex from stackoverflow
I've done quite some programming, but I've never relied on regex much
See that first starred message ? There's a link in there which has good links to other posts
are you planning on participating in google codejam?
I was, but I got a lot on my head lately ...
I see the message, but I won't start reading it right now, because it's 23:09 right here and I have school tomorrow...
but thanks for the info :)
Good bye!
@Isti115 cyaaa :)

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