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@mirabilos, ow, thanks.. but that's cheating =D
and as HamZa said, if you mass vote it will be canceled... one day i've got +400, the following day they took back -370 :/
Anyway, i'll check some of your answers later =)
@HamZa, btw, what are my privileges now :P
nothing interesting :/
I must wait untill 2k :>
hopefully before July xD
6 hours later…
why is this statement regex r("[^a-zA-Z\'\"\\.\\?,:;]+", std::regex_constants::extended); giving runtime error
2 hours later…
@Enissay nah I upvoted only like 5 or so, and only ones I honestly thought that were worth it enough
@nbbk why do you escape ‘.’ and ‘?’? also, can you give more details?
@Enissay what does “see vote counts” mean, anyway?
@mirabilos since they are special charecters in regex i thought of escaping them
@nbbk not within character classes, no. you will have the reverse effect: your character class will contain characters you do not want
[^a-zA-Z'".?,:;]+ is a valid PCRE, anyway
what's the runtime error? and what sort of RE does C++ use?
if it's POSIX RE and not PCRE, use [^a-zA-Z'".?,:;][^a-zA-Z'".?,:;]*
that would be r("[^a-zA-Z'\".?,:;][^a-zA-Z'\".?,:;]*", …);
brush up on your dialects and knowledge of character classes here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13673987#13673987
@mirabilos oh sry!! tats my mistake.
@mirabilos i got "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::regex_error'
what(): regex_error
Aborted" error
@nbbk can you detail what the error is? usually, a regex error contains more info.
did you try the posix BRE version?
that would be r("[^a-zA-Z'\".?,:;][^a-zA-Z'\".?,:;]*", …);
@mirabilos i just went through stackoverflow.com/questions/8060025/…. maybe the problem was due to compiler
@nbbk hm interesting to see that even [0-9] doesn’t work by default. Anyway, please brush up on your RE concepts (POSIX vs Perl/PCRE): chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13673987#13673987
@mirabilos thank u :)
2 hours later…
@Andrew Need some regex power ?
@HamZa, haha. just Thanks.
2 hours later…
fabio linhares here
Yo and welcome, I've got a question for you ...
Say for example, I've got two names "Hamza Regex"
You said it should be 1 to 50 characters long. Is it just one name ? or the two ?
it is the two names...
@FábioLinhares Also counting the space ?
Let me figure something out in PHP ...
it can be more names actually as long it is 50 caracters long
@FábioLinhares, dont forget to change your avatar, it reflects your personality =)
i will do that :)
Check this out http://regex101.com/r/qR1aF6
It seems to work for JS too, I'm still a bit stumbled why my 50 char limit didn't work ...
Ah for PHP, you might use the `u` modifier for UTF-8 stuff
But I don't think that will work in JS
so as i thought it might be necessary two different regexes
@FábioLinhares Why ?
"Ah for PHP, you might use the `u` modifier for UTF-8 stuff
But I don't think that will work in JS"
Who cares about JS :P
the server :p
With your regexp you miss French letters 'ÿ' and 'œ'. Try /^[A-Za-z\u00C0-\u017F]+$/ to get them all. — Cœur Mar 26 at 17:02
my god, where do you place the u modifier in this monster ??
I hate regexes for life!!!
@FábioLinhares hahaha
Say for example "regex+" is your pattern:
preg_match("~regex+~mu", $input)
^(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+(?:\s(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+)~mu*$ like this ?
^~(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+(?:\s(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+)~mu*$ like this ?
@FábioLinhares Derp
~ are the delimiters. It's like in JS you use /regex/. I prefere to use other delimiters than / to avoid escaping a lot of them in my expression
ohh, ok so let me try again, im trying im trying :D see that i could just ask you wehre to put it :p
^(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+(?:\s(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+)mu*$ like this ?
or very probably like this ^(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+(?:\s(?:[^\W\d_]|\b[-']\b|\B_\B)+)*$/mu like this ?
@FábioLinhares NoOooOoooOOoOOoooo have you checked the demo I submitted ?
yup but i inserted know the mu and it doesn't accept my name for example "fábio"
it just accepts HelloWorld
@FábioLinhares What version of PHP are you using ? It's working here ...
even here regex101.com
in your example!
@FábioLinhares I forgot the u modifier in my example there. Check it out regex101.com/r/oI4cA6
it is working
of course it is xD
joking :)
wait a second, and the 50 limit ?
not thee
can you do it ?
i know im already asking too much of you... :/
@FábioLinhares you can do it :) I mean it doesn't have to be a regex, mb_strlen() should do the job
Also, you or your time are doomed if you ever had to change/review that regex ...
ya strlen do the job
@FábioLinhares Meh, use mb_strlen($input, 'UTF-8') for UTF-8 support. Since strlen() would fail for some cases
:D --'
were always learning
well i think you help me anyway !! many thanks to you, and sorry for bad English i am Portuguese, the people who discovered the American continent :p
@FábioLinhares Try to run the following code, and see the difference :)
$input = 'fábio';

echo 'strlen: ' . strlen($input) . ', mb_strlen: ' . mb_strlen($input, 'UTF-8');
you should be convinced 100% what to use :P
@FábioLinhares At least I can understand you hehe
i will try taht
you are right !
men, i see you understand very well programing, can you that monster equivalent in javascript ? ok, i know building a monster i complicated :D but i do not loose anything for asking
I'm not familiar with utf-8 in JS. So I guess I can't at the moment ...
That's why you could just do a basic check on the client side and then do the hard part on the server side
ya, i thought about that too .. it is not that good, but is better that nothing
A: Validating user's UTF-8 name in Javascript

maericsThe XRegExp library Unicode plugin adds Unicode character class support (like "\p{L}") to JavaScript regular expressions.

Well then if you want to go the hardway ...
Just use that library, but I think you would still need to change the expression ...
Happy regex !
loading a complete library just for this, hummm
my god, i think some stuff shoud be mere language native already!
@FábioLinhares Then just check the length and let php do the job
ok Hamza, i thank you very much!!!
you a great of a person ! and smart too!
godbye, and thank again!
Cyaa !

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