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So what's the problem ?
i have following url fr/home
and regex is RewriteRule ^(../)?(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
my language = fr/
i dont know if there a way to take group 1 only if there is / after 2 characters
if i change it to this
^(..)?(/?.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
it would work
but with url like this
my language would become de
so i need precice rule
Hmmmm ... Let me think ..
Do you have any other language ?
ok ...
Have you tried
RewriteRule ^(..)/(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
it work, but it dont check /
so in url detail/ it stll take language
as de
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 Have you tried the last edit ?
yeah same
That's just impossible, do you have other rules ?
hey thanks i actually changed on of your regex
and it works now ^^
^(..(?=/))?(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
didnt know about (?=/)
like a charm
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 lookahead, it doesn't eat the match, but it does mean that your second group would contain /....
y it works^^ thanks
i will look what lookahead means
lol not sure if that is what you want, it's ugly and there should be something simple
Can you give some input and expected output ?
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 huh ?
this is url after base url
if language is empty i define it myself and make redirect to new url
thats why i need precice rule to check if first 2 characters is language
thanks alot man
i wish i could give you thumbs up lol
So if
> fr/detail/animaux/chats/angora-turque/minion-chatton-149
> index.php/detail/animaux/chats/angora-turque/minion-chatton-149?language=fr
else ???
it needed for search engines
and beautiful urls
# if language exist
RewriteRule ^(..)/(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
# else
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
#Simple as that
can you post full regex?
[L] means LAST So if the first one is matched, the other one is ignored
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 not sure what you mean there ?
RewriteRule ^(..)/(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L] this wont work
language would become de
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 it wouldn't because it's not de/tail !
i know its gonna show throw 404 error but i dont need that
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 that's why we have the second rule :P
ok sec
Internal Server Error
lol wut
# if language exist
RewriteRule ^(..)/(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
# else
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
ima maybe stupid lol
cést bon laisse tombé mdr
one last question
# if language exist is this do anything?
well if you need any help, i'm hanging around here
or im just stupid lol
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 # means a comment
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 BTW, have you put RewriteEngine On on the top of your expression ? Maybe that's why it's throwing internal error
> RewriteEngine On
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^(..(?=/))?(.*)$ index.php/$2?language=$1 [L]
fair enough
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 So is there work in france ?
i work in belgium in small entreprise
ok gonna do some work
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 ah ok ...
@ccd580ac6753941c6f84fe2e19f229 Is cool, take care

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