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Q: Efficient way to find sum of largest x elements in a subarray

RedzI have a 1-indexed array of positive integers, and I want to make several queries to it, all in the form, 'what is the sum of the largest x integers in the subarray 1 to y inclusive?' This array is not sorted and has no particular order. x and y are not constant and can change between queries. No... is for asking about algorithms.
Arrays are indexed starting at 0. Did you mean zero to N inclusive?
First this is not O(N). Sorting by itself is at best 0(NlogN) depending on the algoritm
Hm, no, this one's 1-indexed - I'll add it to the question. I also don't see why the question needs more focus - if that person's around here, I would appreciate some feedback!
Algorithm wise, you should consider the sort you are talking about, but only sort (descending)the subarray. and sum the first X elements. should be O(NlogN) + O(X) and since X < N, we have O(NlogN)
That's fair, but I have many queries, which would raise it to O(QNlogN) which is still too slow.
Is your array of positive integers sorted? If so, then the subarrays are also sorted and thus no need to sort again
@Onyambu No, it's not sorted, I'll add that to the question.
Also does x change? ie the number of elements to be summed. or does it stay constant for each subarray?
x can change, I'll also add that to the question. Y can also change. I've edited the d input so it's not confusing.
Use a heap. You keep only the top x largest elements in the heap. Complexity here is O(x.log(x)) this should be better assuming that x <<< n.
@MartinYork Could you please elaborate on how to do this, preferably in an answer?
@TedLyngmo Input is guaranteed, so I'll put that in the question. Thanks again!
@MartinYork heap would work if the top x elements are shared across the subarrays. But as posted, since the array is not sorted, the top x elements in one subarray might be different with the top x of the next subarray.
why using scanf() and printf()? Also, have you tried to use the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) first?
"What do I have to do?" listen to people in the comments. There are many algorithms available, but what do you mean by an efficient algorithm? Vague questions lead to ambiguous answers.
Alright, I'm sorry for that little rant. How is it unclear about what I'm asking? So far, nobody has provided me with an algorithm that fits the question. I also don't see how the question is vague. I would really appreciate some constructive feedback that I can use to improve the question.
By the way, what is the time limit for this problem? And do you have a link to some online judge for it?
The time limit's 1 second, maybe 100 million operations is fine.
Your current solutions is Q Y lg N if I'm not too mistaken, lg N from the pops..
Is there a link to the puzzle.
No, there is not, sorry.
@CroCo The Standard Template Library doesn't contain any IO and would be a poor replacement for scanf and printf. Perhaps you meant the iostream facilities in the C++ Standard Library?
Assuming subarray1: 1...n, and subarray2: 1...n+1, then notice that the first x greatest elements in subarray2 are of 2 forms ie: the same as the the first x greatest in subarray2 or [n+1, x with minimum removed]. This is due to the notion that a new element n+1 will either be less than all the x elements or atleast greater than the minimum. So you will have to remove the minimum in order to accomodate x elements. This assumes the length of x is fixed. Thinking from this perspective can mean you can use heap and thus use O(x.log(x)) assuming all quesries have same x
@Onyambu Queries can have different x, as explained in the question.
Does this answer your question? Partially sorting array so last n elements are sorted? (There's probably more direct duplicate for that, but I can't find it. Anyway, I can't understand what you're describing, because you say that your approach is to sort everything, but then you show code using a priority queue (which I am pretty sure does not sort everything unless you extract every element).
@KarlKnechtel No, it does not, because it is too slow. Thanks for the reccommendation, though!
Just to make sure: you do understand that using a standard library algorithm to partially sort an array is not the same runtime complexity as sorting the entire array (but instead O(n lg x)? You're also aware that you cannot possibly do any better than O(N), because you must consider every element in order to know whether it's one of the x largest? (i.e. there is no way to exclude anything preemptively)
@KarlKnechtel Is there absolutely no way to get the answer from a previous answer? I'm sure there has to be some way to solve it, otherwise it wouldn't be a question.
I'm trying to tell you why I believe you are either incorrect about the performance of what I proposed, or else expecting something that is provably impossible. Your separate queries can't help solve each other. Also, I have used n to mean what you call y; obviously to find a sum of large values in a subarray, it is only necessary to consider the subarray.
... oh, all the subarrays have a common start point? That might help, but.
@KarlKnechtel All the subarrays have the same start point - I'm sure that there must be some way to do it, as people have solved the question before. So it must be feasible, right? (Do you also have any constructive feedback on how to improve the question, if I may ask...)
Since bound for all values are 100,000 it will really depend a lot on the data. If you could say that X << Y in all cases, then you could make an argument for a heap. Otherwise, maybe an insertion sort at each step then adding the top x values (doing some caching to minimize recalculations).
100K node sparc cluster and do map reduce on it.
@KarlKnechtel we don't actually need to sort the x largest, therefore nth_element is much better in this case. But likely still too slow.
@MartinYork That really isn't necessary.
@KarlKnechtel We can certainly achieve O(log(range of values)) per query with O(N log (range of values)) preprocessing. There are also multiple fast offline approaches, e.g. square root decomposition.
@user4581301 yes I mean iostream.

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