RewriteCond showed the new domain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?newexample\.org [NC]` shouldn't it be the old domain? 02:03
> In the first example you gave the first
No, it's correct to have the "new domain" there. (Aren't all these requests that you want to redirect to the "old domain"?) That rule states that if a request comes in for the "new domain" then the next 102 rules are skipped (
flag). So, the redirects are only processed for requests that are not the "new domain", ie. the old domain (assuming you don't have any more domains, other than the "old" and "new" one?)
Well, I'm assuming
should also be pointing at the same server and the request should be of the form
)? If you want to "test" these redirects at
then temporarily change the hostname in the first rule to "" (so it doesn't match) AND comment out the last "generic" rule entirely (otherwise you'll get a redirect loop).
But also bear in mind that 301 (permanent) redirects are cached persistently by the browser (and possibly any intermediary caches), so if there are any errors in the redirects then they will be cached. Preferably test with 302 (temporary) redirects to avoid caching issues and/or test with the browser dev tools open on the "Network" tab with "Disable Cache" checked.
12 hours later…
Thank you for the follow-up.
I appreciate the clarification on the RewriteCond. The more I thought about it, the more I came to see the logic. Thanks.
I appreciate the clarification on the RewriteCond. The more I thought about it, the more I came to see the logic. Thanks.
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