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Q: Django Content-Disposition not working as expected

DevolamiTechI'm trying to build a functionality with Django, Gunicorn and Nginx where a user can request for a pdf download by submitting their email, after which a custom download link will be sent to their email. Clicking on the custom link should prompt the user to download the pdf. However, I keep getting "

Check if your token saved in db & brochure_download_view(request, token) token in parameter are same
@AnkitTiwari I just checked and they are the same. But What I noticed is that the custom link sent to the email is not also changing to the actual file link, and not propmting the user to download the file, hence the 404 error.
Have you set media configuration correctly?. You're using /api/filedownload/brochure/{token} but I don't see api mentioned anywhere in Please provide relevant code in post
I have updated the question with more information for clarity including Nginx config. The file to be served is located in my media directory and its URL is working properly when visited from any browser, but not working with this functionality. Please check. Thanks.
Is token same everytime you send an email?, try to visit url manually greate a BrochureToken & then type your url with newly generated token check if it's still giving you 404.
The token is not the same. It's random. I've just done what you suggested and I still got 404. And after visiting the url with the token manually, token.Is_used was set to true as expected.
The app is deployed with Github Runner. I suspect the issue is permission-related. Although the workflow still runs successfully, making migrations, restarting server Gunicorn, etc from the workflow still works. What do you suggest, please? As I earlier said, the file URL works perfectly when visited with any browser.
Whats the status of gunicorn & nginx service try this command for gunicorn service log journalctl -u your_service
Gunicorn seems to be running fine when I ran : sudo systemctl status gunicorn ``` gunicorn.service - gunicorn daemon Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-02-27 12:52:18 UTC; 58min ago TriggeredBy: ● gunicorn.socket Main PID: 1996387 (gunicorn) Tasks: 4 (limit: 9478) Memory: 191.3M CPU: 4.275s CGroup: /system.slice/gunicorn.service ```
I mean check the old logs when you got 404 for both services gunicorn & nginx
& provide the output
if there's permission related issue it will show in the logs
Ok. I checked the logs and the last log there was on January 6 about mail sending failure. No other logs were found there.
Thank you for your time.
The screenshot you've provided it's only first page out of 49 you've to press end key to go to the end of the page & show me output
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