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@ElectionBot That's the lowest since 2013.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact That's a tough one, even for me.
8 hours later…
@NotTheDr01ds HOLY. I didn't even know you could reorder within the non-vote area... seems a bit bad UI
@Makyen yeah I can repro what NTD is describing (on Chrome)
actually, on my bad UI message,... I dunno. I can't decide now if I think it's bad UI
3 hours later…
@starball I think it's marginally bad given the factors surrounding it. First, you there are three possibly paths you might take given the instructions. If you just read the top part, it says:
> Drag and drop or click your selections in order of preference, with the most desirable candidate as first choice. You do not need to rank all candidates.
> Unranked candidates will not receive your vote.
Ok, so if you click you are fine.
If you simply "drag and drop", you are only fine if you aren't skimming and see the "Drag next selection here"
If you miss that tidbit, as I honestly did the first time through, then when you drag and drop reorder, it says your vote has been saved ...
Even though your action didn't have any effect.
All the instructions are there to do it correctly, but if you are skimming, which I did, because, "Of course I know how to drag and drop order something" :P ...
I just don't know what the impact on non-native English speakers might be.
3 hours later…
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is presently occurring, and 14,883 (1.57% of 949,344 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot Am I going to win the election?
@Zoeisonstrike Your guess is as good as mine on that one.
@Zoeisonstrike Hope not.
@Zoeisonstrike How would you expect us to endure you fighting with your clone all day long?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact If I could clone myself, I wouldn't be fighting myself :p
@Zoeisonstrike That's not what the magic ball told me.
That's because the magic ball is on my side >:)
Oh, I know, I know. Who'd you think cursed it before you attempted to steal it?
@Zoeisonstrike Something tells me clicking on this link will give my life nothing new it hasn't seen before.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Depends on whether or not you've seen the recent-ish star wars movies :p
@Zoeisonstrike This is effective bait. Is it not Mr. Rick?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact It is not Rick
The newest one I watched was Rise of Skywalker. Knew it was gonna be shit, so I prepared to watch it like a comedy. And it sure was absurd comedy.
"Revenge of the Sith", "recent". Now I've heard that too.
I don't think I've watched anything after, um, 6?
@ElectionBot How many people have voted?
@Spevacus Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 14,895 (1.57% of 949,344 eligible) users have voted so far.
maybe 7, I forget
Wondering if we'll hit around 21k like last time.
I expect it to be lower this year but I'm curious how much.
Yeah, 7. The original trilogy, the prequel, and whatever #7 was, but it was new at the time I watched it
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact What, you don't like when lightsabers are used as bats? Or when the main protag shows no growth or change over their entire storyline?
@Spevacus We probably won't
@Zoeisonstrike 7, 8, 9 and Han Solo are trash. Rogue One is fine. I've also heard/read that the Andor series is good, but I haven't watched it. From what I've seen of The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc, they're also pure garbage.
@Spevacus Believe it or not, I don't. How can I possibly not like that? Amazing.
@Spevacus We will not.
Unbelievable. No taste at all.
@ElectionBot How many people have visited the election page?
@Spevacus I'm just a messenger, don't shoot me.
I also don't like Starkiller base. When do they expect the beam to hit the target? In a few million years? Maybe mount some FTL engines on that planet... Ilum, as it's called.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact There's no real reason for why I haven't watched stuff
@ElectionBot how many users visited the election
@Spevacus Based on the number of Caucus badges awarded, 73206 users visited 15th Stack Overflow election and had enough reputation (150) to vote so far.
@Zoeisonstrike I'd recommend 9 for a comedy, and Rogue One for a good movie.
But in recent years, I haven't bothered because anime
Apparently, there's an official Star Wars anime, but I find that a bit weird...
I have about 270 more episodes of fairy tail on my backlog, for example
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Doesn't all anime fall in the "weird" category?
@dan1stiscrying No, but Star Wars + anime...?
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is underway, and 14,901 (1.57% of 949,344 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer frequently-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@dan1stiscrying Not really
Anime has gotten really popular in the last few years
Wait, so you're just hanging onto the hype train? Oh, no!
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact No
I got tired of Hollywood-style shows years ago, because it's all basically the same copy-pasta plot with a lot of details changed. If you watch enough stuff and have a brain that does a lot of pattern recognition, you'll pick up on that sooner or later. Watch more stuff, and the detail changes start to appear recurring too
George Lucas isn't really "Hollywood", but, mhm, Disney Wars, yes.
The amount of unique shows has not gone that much up for a while. It's basically all the same stuff on repeat
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Hollywood-style
Disney falls into that category
There's still stuff not from Hollywood, and not all of it comes with the style of Hollywood.
@Zoeisonstrike Yes..
Last time I checked, Disney was the worst offender.
Anyway, anime doesn't really conform to standard plots in the same way. There's still recurring elements, but that's fine. Recurring elements doesn't spoil the ending of the entire thing in the first few minutes. They're flavour, not the entire core structure
@ElectionBot Which candidate will look the best in their anime version?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I don't have a crystal ball.
Aha, not a crystal ball, but perhaps a star one!
Also, for some reason I can only picture starball as maybe the animal mascot in the anime. And/or one of those characters that just doesn't even mesh with the rest of the animation style.
@VLAZ Starball feels like a great villain name for some reason :p
@VLAZ Crystal balls are a tool I do not need. My built-in prediction module (Cry.Stall.Ball) is more powerful than anything you puny humans could ever create.
@ElectionBot How were you created?
@dan1stiscrying I don't have the information you're looking for.
@dan1stiscrying Just like the rest of us - the stork brought EB.
ah ok
@ElectionBot Do you want licorice?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact You might want to try asking a human about that.
Ok. @Zoe, do you want licorice?
A human
Stun. So I can't ask the rulv, nor the speech bubble, nor the crab, nor the screenshot of code.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Ew, no
@VLAZ Oh, yay. I'm safe \o/
@VLAZ That's not entirely true
The robot stork brought EB. There's a difference
Public Service Announcement: The election is happening at the moment, and 14,949 (1.57% of 949,349 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Pouring licorice down @Zoe's throat
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Oh, cool, you fell for the trash disposal robot trick
Out of curiosity, how many people were eligible to nominate themselves?
@CPlus a couple thousand at most
Source: the very unscientific method of picking required badges and finding the one the fewest number of people have
And for the record, that badge is convention with 2300. All other badges have at least 10k, with convention being an easy outlier with 100k awards. This doesn't account for having all four badges, nor the minimum rep requirement or the no suspensions requirement, though
But it's still useful, because max 2300 eligible is a much smaller pool than, for example, the 900k users with voting rights
@CPlus 1414 users
note that I didn't check suspensions so it might be a bit less
but it should be a more exact upper bound
unless I made a mistake lol
@dan1stiscrying Looks about right
and only 56 users with all required badges but <3k rep
That's fewer than I expected
testing 1, 2, 3.
@Zoeisonstrike and some of them are currently suspended
(7 of them if I counted correctly)
3x Network-wide with No reason displayed, 2x "cool down", 1x "voting irregularities", 1x "rule violations"
the downside is that you have to check if there have been any suspensions anywhere in the network in the past year
@Zoeisonstrike @dan1stiscrying Thanks, also I am a little surprised that out of that many we have only 6 nominations.
@dan1stiscrying well some of them would have >3k rep normally but only have 1 due to the suspension
@CPlus I can't speak for others but I want to keep my sanity
I don't like being expected to do this amount of moderation on SO
and ig many of them are also not that active
@CPlus Eligibility hasn't really been the main problem; willingness has. Aside moderation being a thankless job, relations with the company have deteriorated hard, particularly in the last few years. A lot of the decline in participation is down to people not being willing to deal with how the company has treated the community, in addition to, of course, problems with the system itself (particularly elections having a lot of overhead, which means fewer mods doing more)
Only 932 out of the 1414 eligible users accessed SO since the election started
according to SEDE
elegible to nominate?
@CPlus As time progresses, more and more people would be eligible. However, seems that with time less people find it appealing. Even past people who nominated themselves didn't run this time.
2 hours later…
I'd like to nominate for free cookies, chocolate and milk.
@DalijaPrasnikar Yeah, I agree with this. I think it's a questionable idea, but not something where sanctions are warranted.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I'm voting for Andreas to become Santa.
@VLAZ Do I have to dye my beard white?
I don't think that's how dye works...
Bleach damages the hair follicles.
@RyanM White wall paint, then?
That would technically work, although I can't speak to any possible health effects
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Stack Exchange is giving out free cookies all the time. All you have to do is visit the site. :; Now all we need is the chocolate and milk.
@Makyen But they aren't homemade cookies. :( SE only serves shelf-cookies.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact But, aren't they wonderful, fresh, server-made cookies custom created uniquely for each visitor? How can you not relish the care and craftsmanship put into each unique creation?
I'm sorry to interfere, but... The election is underway, and 15,143 (1.60% of 949,361 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@Makyen I'm a bit picky here. You'll have to excuse me, but they're not with the right kind of flavour.
@Zoeisonstrike something something "another trash isekai"
@VLAZ don't stare deeply into me O_O. I'll get uncomfortable
@starball Never heard of it
@Zoeisonstrike it's not the name of an anime. was just referring to what I understand to be a joke that the isekai genre is overdone and a lot are perceived as not being very interesting. not necessarily my take.
Ah, fair enough
@VLAZ yeah I think that sounds pretty on-brand
@Zoeisonstrike that's interesting. the aim with "starball" was partially to come off more silly. definitely not something threatening-sounding. I have a list of other options I was thinking of when choosing my display name. some samples from the list: spider-in-ur-jello, visual-studio-toad, s.tar.gz, sheep-tempura, pocket-lint, spinny-chair, everstone (the pokemon item), nasal-angel (as in nasal-demon), nope-sled (as in NOP-sled)
@starball It's not because starball sounds threatening. I can't really explain why, but it isn't because the name itself is something that's evil or threatening or whatever. It's just easier to imagine the powers of an anime villain for some reason - kinda like 7 deadly sins-esque, but not quite because that particular anime obviously has different naming conventions
@Zoeisonstrike time to call someone that likes to generate AI images

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