Interrupting to bring you this important message: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 4 candidates. I can answer frequently-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@starball Based on the number of Caucus badges awarded, 15925 users visited 15th Stack Overflow election and had enough reputation (150) to vote so far.
@rene do you know how to get a working comment link for nomination comments in SEDE? SEDE tries to use /posts/comment/<comment-id>, which the server chokes on for some reason. I can get a nomination post using /q/<nomination-question-id>, but I don't know how to combine that with a comment fragment to get a comment link in the SEDE interface.
the SO UI uses the form /election/<election-number>#comment<comment-id>_<nomination-question-id>
When there's not an active election the /election page looks like this which also has the dates. Though I don't know if there's a way to get to that page while an election is running...
@starball A bug report about /posts/comment/<comment-id> causing an /error would probably be good because it really shouldn't do that...
First off, this is probably the least significant bug I've ever reported. I'm not sure it's actually worth fixing. But it is a bug, so for completeness's sake... (and hey, maybe someone at SE is wondering where that error in the logs came from).
Important notice from the electoral commission: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 4 candidates. I can answer frequently-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Some of those links won't work because for some reason SEDE has post ids for purged nominations and comment ids for hidden comments, but I can't find a way to filter those posts and comments out... because it seems that SEDE has no clue they've been deleted.
In case you missed it: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 4 candidates. I can answer frequently-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Important notice from the electoral commission: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 4 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@NotTheDr01ds We got ElectionBot to agree not to run in return for something we can't disclose for legal and safety reasons that are completely unrelated to a robot takeover that you don't need to ask about again
<Suddenly, the ground shakes underneath you, as a large crack reveals itself. As the shaking stops, you notice a large figure emerging from the crack, at least a few times larger than you. As you look up at the figure, you see ElectionBot staring menacingly down at you, as it screams "Death to humans!".>
@NotTheDr01ds I did not know that a "grue" is a type of monster, and googled "grue" and got a construction vehicle, a bird, and a verb about shivering first :P