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Q: Convert Javascript encrypt/decrypt code using crypto-js to Python

micronyksI am able to encrypt and decrypt data in nodejs using crypto-js package as shown below, Working demo main.js (nodejs) const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js'); const encrypt = (plainText) => { let secretKey = 'mySecret'; const salt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(16); const key = CryptoJS.PBK...

I tried but failed to get an appropriate answer from ChatGPT :)
@buran 55k reputation doesn't qualify me work with ChatGPT smoothly. There is not point downvoting it.
The "Demo" link you've posted can't be run unless I sign up for Replit, which I'm not going to do. Please add the error you're getting into your question.
For one, your Python code is using CFB encryption mode, and your JS code is using CBC. Your scheme has no authentication tags that I could see, so you can probably never be sure you've decrypted the correct message either.
@AKX Yes I understand what you say. I know nodejs/javascript but don't know python and I may be making some mistakes but some how I want to encrypt data in JS and decrypt it in python.
No, you do not want to "somehow encrypt data". You'll need to have an explicit security goal in mind first. Only then you can choose which encryption scheme (and you shouldn't roll your own from low-level primitives as you've now done; you're importing from cryptography.hazmat – hazardous materials).
Now that that's out of the way, the Fernet symmetric encryption scheme is available for both JS and Python. Naturally, since it's symmetric encryption, the moment your encryption key becomes public, so do all communications encrypted with it, past or future. Whether or not that's an issue is a matter of your security goal (as discussed in the previous comment).
@AKX As I mentioned I don't know anything in Python area. For me, I am able to encrypt/decrypt data in nodejs/javascript. Then, I have one AWS lambda function written in Python to which I have to pass my encrypted text (encrypted in node/JS), and the python lambda function must decrypt it. That is my end god.
How are you passing the data to the lambda? Over HTTPS? Congratulations, it's already encrypted, and you don't need to do any of this.
Of course I want to secure it also. I'm okay to change existing Node/Javascript code if you have any better suggestion.
You will need to explain what "of course I want to secure it also" means to you.
So I have an encrypted token that goes with each HTTPS request (in the header) to API gateway which is attached to our lambda. Once we received encrypted token in python lambda, we want to decrypt it for other use.
Why is the token encrypted? To my best knowledge, AWS API Gateway does not support plain (non-secure) HTTP, only HTTPS, so all traffic is already encrypted.
there was a typo. It it HTTPs request.
Great! To quote myself: "Over HTTPS? Congratulations, it's already encrypted, and you don't need to do any of this."
Yes it is encrypted but to check if coming token is valid or not in python lambda, we have to decrypt it.
Do not separately encrypt the token you pass in the header, and you don't need to decrypt it. Since your communications are over a secure, encrypted channel, you do not need to encrypt the header.
Our backend server encrypts all tokens come to our web app front-end at the time of login. In subsequent requests, encrypted token is passed to the lambda layer and there we need to check the authenticity/validity of the token. If it is in encrypted form, we can't check its validity. For that we want to decrypt it first.
If you have any better example of doing encrypt/decrypt in nodejs/javascript and python, I'm happy to adopt that solution.
I may not have in depth knowledge of security as you have. but at basic level, we want to encrypt it when came from backend to FE.

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