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A: How to fill a pandas column by calculation involving values from two dataframes

cottontailHere's one way where for each n, the indices of the lowest actionID (which is found using groupby.idxmin) is used to filter the corresponding action1date values, which are in turn mapped to their baseDataFrame n values and the time difference is computed. The desired column age is the time differ...

Thank you. I didn't think of the option of using an 'intermediate' dataframe. Now this is using the earliest action1date which is fine in this case. But I like to base the minimum on a seperate column (in this case the actionID )
actionDataframe.groupby(['n']).agg({'actionID': 'min', 'action1date': 'first'}).drop(['actionID'], axis=1) seems to be doing what I want. Am I missing something?
@t3ahunt3r I edited the answer to make the filtering go through actionID instead of action1date. In pandas (and numpy as well), since these methods are vectorized, it's very common to create an intermediate Series/DataFrames which can be used to filter a dataframe or merged into other dataframes to get the final output we want.
@t3ahunt3r also the groupby.agg definition you have there works for this specific case because the lowest actionID corresponds to the earliest action1date. If that's no longer true, it breaks (similarly, my groupby.min implementation would fail in that case as well). However, the current case of indexing actionDataframe using the indices of lowest actionIDs would work for all permutations.
Thank you. I just expanded my testing and added a score column and you're right, the groupby.agg fails. I haven't fully understood the map function yet but I'm getting there. The action_dates is a series that basically acts as a dictionary, correct? Every value in the ´baseDataframe['n']´ series that matches the index of the action_dates series gets replaced with the according value of action_dates at that index. Is that what's going on?
@t3ahunt3r yes, that's exactly what's going on; it's a very common remapping method that is very fast (this answer touches on it). You can think of it as LEFT JOIN on a single column in sql or VLOOKUP in excel.
Another question: If I don't want the min or max for the ´actionID´ but a specific value, let's say 2. How would I go about it? ´actionDataframe[actionDataframe['actionID'] == 2]´ and basically reduce it to those rows only?
that would filter the dataframe where actionID is equal to 2
yes, and after it I call the groupby on it and continue as you suggested before. It works, but is it the "correct" or clever way?
If you're going to filter that way, there's no need to do groupby again (I think).
Main thing with using min is that for some n the lowest actionID might be 2, for some it might be 5, right? In that case, groupby.idxminwould get the index of the lowest actionID regardless of what that is. If you're going to fix it to a specific value, say 2, then there's no need for groupby. You've already performed the filtering
what I mean is, action_dates can be constructed like: action_dates = actionDataframe.loc[actionDataframe['actionID']==2, ['n', 'action1date']].set_index('n').squeeze()
ahh yes you're absolutely right. I got too focused on this new aquired knowledge.
squeeze() is necessary for ´map´ to work, right?
map maps Series or function or dicts, so to convert a single column dataframe into a Series, we need squeeze.
if you notice actionDataframe.loc[actionDataframe['actionID']==2, ['n', 'action1date']] is a two column dataframe, after set_index, it is a single column dataframe, after squeeze it becomes a Series
yes, I played around with it a bit and printed out almost every intermediate step and what type it is
Thank you very much for your time. I think I got a better understanding now. I got everything that I wanted to do with my data working before, but I used a for loop and a few dozen if statements. Although my dataset is only around 1500 rows I like to learn and practice how to do it right from the beginning. So I'm rewriting everything now
No problem. Once you get the hang of it, pandas is really fun because there is a builtin method for almost every use case. There are very few cases where you need an explicit loop. Cheers.

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