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Q: Why are interrupts not triggered during an infinite printing loop task

xingharveySpecifically, I have two tasks fn and fn1 that are being run by a scheduler. The code for each is below: int fn(void *arg) { for(;;) { printf("a"); } return 6; } int fn2(void *arg) { for(;;) { printf("b"); } return 6; } Each of these functions are scheduled by a schedule fun...

Do you send an EOI to acknowledge to the PIC that you've processed the interrupt? An EOI for IRQ0 through IRQ 0x07 (inclusive) which includes IRQ0 - is done by sending a 0x20 to the Master PIC at port 0x20. Do that before you IRET. We don't know what your schedule function looks like and how it all fits together. A minimal reproducible example would be useful.
I have uploaded the full kernel code, it isn't really a minimal reproducible example, but the other components of the kernel can be ignored if they aren't relevant.
Also, without the schedule function calling these two tasks in the timer interrupt routine, the timer works fine.
I attempted to send the EOI, but nothing changed
Your code (in the zip file) does send EOIs but the problem is more fundamental. You receive a timer interrupt, timer_handler gets called in interrupt context and the scheduler ends up starting fn which prints a in an infinite loop. While fn will have interrupts enabled because you set eflags with IF=1 when the task starts, you won't get another timer interrupt (or any interrupt for that matter) until an EOI is sent to the PICs. Because of this once fn goes into the infinite loop no fiuther timer interrupts will occur and thus the scheduler will never have a chance to switch tasks.
What I have attempted to do is set a variable, do_task_switch as a flag, either 0 or 1 that is set to 1 during timer_handler. In my main function, I have an infinite while loop that detects if do_task_switch == 1, than it will set it to 0, and run the schedule function. What happens however, is the schedule function is only called once, on the first timer interrupt, and fails to do so in any subsequent ones.
It's only called once for the reason given earlier. Once your code schedules and switches to the first task it sits in an infinite loop printing a and it never reaches the EOI code that acknowledges you processed IRQ0 (timer). Without acknowledging with an EOI you will not get another timer interrupt (or any external interrupt in the case of IRQ0 not being acknowledged). This is the case even if you have interrupts enabled (IF=1)
Should I call the EOI at the end of switch_task, or before the task
You can call it before switch_task but I haven't investigated fully whether your code as written has potential other issues.
I call the EOI before switch task, and a GPF appears to happen, causing qemu to reboot.
That would be a different problem of course. As I said I haven't actually looked at all how your code interacts. An observation though is that your switch_task seems to be based on something that was part of some co-operative multitasking code. I'd actually recommend compiling with debug output (gcc's -g option and nasm's -g option) and use QEMU and GDB remote debugging facility to debug. A script that launches QEMU and GDB can be found here: .
If you don't have at least NASM 2.16.01 I highly recommend downloading the latest stable source and building it as it has a problem with debug output that was recently fixed. I suspect though that you received a second timer interrupt and the switch_task failed trying to switch the second time. THe script in the last comment also runs QEMU with the -d int option and redirects output to dbg.log . That log can help as it will tell you what exceptions and interrupts occurred before failure.
This is the state of the regs during `sigquit`:
│eax 0x100010 1048592 │
│ecx 0x96 150 │
│edx 0x20 32 │
I am not sure what they mean, perhaps the IDT is setup incorrectly?
It seems to be pointing to the `exception_handler` function:
pusha ; push all registers
mov ax, ds
push eax ; save ds

mov ax, 0x10 ; load kernel data segment
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax

call isr_exception_handler

pop ebx ; restore kernel data segment
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
mov fs, bx
mov gs, bx

popa ; restore all registers
add esp, 0x8 ; restore stack for erro no been pushed

sti ; re-enable interrupts
1 hour later…
I don't have time to look at this just this minute, as I have to go out for a few hours but when I stepped through your code with GDB/QEMU the switch_task seemed to throw an exception after your code called switch_asm executed somewhere unexpected in memory. As I was heading out I noticed for some reason your code is now just throwing a page fault exception. Not sure if that was because of the debug info added. I'll have to look later.
3 hours later…
"when I stepped through your code with GDB/QEMU the switch_task seemed to throw an exception after your code called switch_asm executed somewhere unexpected in memory." should have said "when I stepped through your code with GDB/QEMU the switch_task seemed to throw an exception after going somewhere in memory that wasn't expected - as in it jumped to the wrong memory address"

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