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Q: Requests module is not found despite installing it

Starship - On StrikeSo I was trying to run the following program: import requests def main(): url = " try: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() print(response.text) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: pr...

Does this answer your question? ImportError: No module named requests
"Why can't python find the stupid requests module?" - Because it's not installed
No because its not an import error @SecurityHound
well why cant it install correctly? I edit that in @SecurityHound
It absolutely is an import error. The error message indicates an import request was made, then indicates the module could not be found. Provide the output of pip3 install request as an edit to your question
It literlaly says "ModuleNotFoundError" @SecurityHound
That would be exactly the reason, the module isn't installed, because the module cannot be found. Feel free to provide the output of the command I have suggested.
As we can see on the answers comment its installed but just not found@SecurityHound
I have done that @SecurityHound
You ran the command suggested by the answer but not the command I suggested, and if you did, because you don't use any paragraphs any additional information is tough to read. The only clear thing is you have a Python environmental issue. I am done here unless the quality of the question significantly improves.
I've added the result of that too @SecurityHound
I still don't see the output of the command I suggested.
I have looked at your question 3 times, only because you suggested you had attempted my suggestion. Now you are getting into the territory of wasting my time.
You mention you don't have administrator but it's a personal machine, so make yourself an Administrator, by enabling the built-in Adminstrator
How that is accomplished is well documented.
Read nyumber 9 I did try and got an error @SecurityHound
"No matching distribution found for request" - did you try to install request or requests?
My comment was missing the s
c:\users\caleb\appdata\roaming\python\python39\site-packages and `C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310` are two entirely different Python environments
Install the Requests module in the correct python environment, or run the script, from the environment that already has it installed.
So the correct command would be either python3.9 -m venv "my_env_name" and I believe python3.10 -m venv "my_env_name" but don't quote me on that. This assumes both of the PATHS in my previous message are in your the PATH system environment variable.
Since one is a roaming profile and the other is the Local AppData profile I am guessing that isn't that case.
You might benefit from configuring a single Python environment and using that instead.
You should be able to just do python3.6 -m pip install requests, this again assumes, you don't have to provide a full path to Python36 in order for it to run… has everything you need to fix your environment issue

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