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A: Android -How to Get a View From a Parent Class to Show in an Inherited Class

Lance SamariaI'm coming from the iOS world where I do everything programmatically. In iOS programmatic views are very versatile. That being said I decided to take the same approach here. I'm not sure if it's the correct way to do things in the Android world but this has worked so far. 1- I created an Interfac...

I think this is OK. XML is there to help make things easier but you don't have to use it. Jetpack Compose is Android's new code-based UI system, where you directly create your UI in Kotlin, but it is a different paradigm of view creation because everything is created reactively instead of imperatively telling already-created views what to do.. By the way, there's no reason to call setContentView in the parent class since you'll be replacing it.
I do think ConstraintLayouts are particularly clunky to work with programmatically. I don't know how your method of doing it could be adapted to work in various different layouts where other views might depend on where it's placed, but maybe you're not planning to use it that way.
Usually you can set a view's visibility by setting the extension property view.isVisible to true or false. It will still take up space in the layout. So for this particular case, what you've built here seems like overkill because you're not saving any steps by having the interface.
@Tenfour04 thanks for the look over. I still need to learn SwiftUI but I don't want to overwhelm myself. Right now I want to learn Android using XML then after I learn SwiftUI I'll bounce back to Jetpack Compose. ConstraintLayouts reminds me of iOS' Anchors, they're very similar. Relative and LinearLayouts are what I'm unfamiliar with. From my understanding Google was pushing for ConstraintLayouts over the other 2 the same way they're pushing Kotlin over Java.
I'm personally not a fan of creating parent Activities. Composition over inheritance. For instance, the functions in your interface don't reference each other, so it could all just be a couple of global functions.
@Tenfour04 I was going to use visibility but I figured alpha would be easier to understand for the next person who comes along, runs into a problem similar to mines, and finds the post. When I first encountered View.GONE vs View.INVISIBLE it took me a while to wrap my head around the difference. Especially coming from an iOS world
I tried to make it as simple as possible. For eg. in the actual app the reason I'm using the Parent and inheritance is because I can control the back button in the parent and use the same steps in the children without having to replicate the same exact code. If a user is posting, I disable the back button, and then enable it afterwards. Having the able/disable back button logic in 1 class, then any child can use it. I also have a Job coroutine lifecycleScope (per your comment to my other question) in the parent. Any child that needs it can use it instead recreating the same one over again
Anyway, the way I would build this: (1) Create XML layout of just your ImageView with the drawable icon and layout params that assume it will be in a ConstraintLayout. (2) For each activity layout that needs it, <include> the layout as a one-liner in the XML. (3) You can create global (possibly extension) functions that work with ImageViews or whatever you're doing with them that might be common between multiple activities.
The composition way to solve what you described would possibly be a self-contained class that manages that functionality that you can create an instance of in each Activity.
Interesting. I didn't even know that you can pass around XML layouts like that. I have to look into it. In iOS SharedInstances/Global functions are highly frowned upon. I still use them though for very specific things.
but how would the class that you're have access to the back button? Specifically: onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(this, object: OnBackPressedCallback(true); override fun handleOnBackPressed() {...})
Plus the Job needs to be in an Activity, Fragment, or ViewModel (never used that before)
Global functions should be frowned on if they're doing something with global state because that's error-prone and hard to unit test properly. But the main negative with a global function that just operates on whatever you pass to it is only that it pollutes the global namespace (bad for auto-complete). But in Kotlin that is easily mitigated by using extension functions or putting the functions in an object.
You can write extension functions for ComponentActiity and then inside the function you can freely access things like that.
The reason to write extensions on ComponentActivity instead of Activity is that's where the Jetpack features are defined.
fun ComponentActivity.setSomeBackBehavior() { onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback...`
Ahhhhh I get it, it's almost like when you extend the ViewController class and write a function inside of that all view controllers can use. The thing is I didn't know how to do that in Kotlin. That's something I definitely need to learn to keep my activities cloeaner. Thanks :-)!!!
"GlobalClasses == hard to unit test properly" Very true.
That's actually a job interview question :)

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