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Q: JavaScript code encounters syntax errors, but there are actually no syntax errors

SNQUphpThe error message is:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ';' The error line:"})();"(the last line) My browser: xbbrowser My browser version: 10.4.5312.1827 My browser kernel:chromium My browser kernel version:87.0 I have tried the following methods: Refresh the page Clear the cache Check for ...

Remove ;? Which line is line 11?
If I use your method,system output a new syntax error,this ";" is must write in code
Line 11 is the last line
xB Browser has not received any update since 13 years and is deprecated since. Why exactly do you want to support this browser?
Maybe your browser/version doesn't like IIFE. Try making it a named function and calling that named function immediately after the definition.
If your browser gives you an error that ; is must write in code[sic] (is that really the actual error text?) then you should add the missing ;s at the end of the setTimeout lines.
No,error message is "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ';'"
No,other autoexec anonymous function can run
Your code has 12 lines. How can the last line be line 11? Where doe p_OpenSetHomepageWindow and p_OpenThemeSettingsWindow come from? Can you provide a minimal reproducible example? Maybe the error is caused by surrounding code.
No,error message is "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ';'" - and the suggestion was to remove the ; to which you replied system output a new syntax error,this ";" is must write in code
Does this same code work in a modern / up-to-date browser?
Oh sorry,but I cannot find error root cause
My browser is latest
There were no errors before editing some code in other functions, but there were syntax errors in the one function I edited.
Can you provide a link to xbbrowser latest? wiki page states last version was 3.9.10, not 10.4xx and released in 2009. Doesn't sound like an up-to-date browser to me. I don't have access to
Do you see this error in a current Firefox or Chrome? I get SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical.
If I use your method,system output a new syntax error,this ";" is must write in code What is the new error?… — The parenthesis around the IIFE are trying to call owhw immediately and pass the anonymous function as an argument to it.
Typo: setTimeout((function(){ has an extra (
New error: unexpected token function
But syntax error on last line(content is "})();")
Don't use automatic semicolon insertion (ASI) (, if you don't know how it works). Fix the syntax errors in the code and update your question.
But the error on the last line
The error on the "last" line a red-herring. It's caused by errors further up. This is common in programming.
Should the IIFE be inside owhw or after owhw? Currently, it's inside. I have to add brackets to fix the syntax errors.
The syntax error disappears when I don't load other functions
"The error on the "last" line a red-herring. It's caused by errors further up. This is common in programming." — This is one reason it is a good idea to use small functions and define them so they aren't nested. It makes it easier to test them independently, to indent code so it is readable, and to name them to make the code easy to follow.
The syntax error disappears when I don't load other functions - because the other code is causing the error.
A possible code without syntax errors: I'm not sure, if this is what you want, because braces were missing and I had to insert them somewhere.
I mean to add: it used to very common in programming, but less so now. Partly due to better practices such as smaller functions as mentioned above and partly due to better tools to identify issues. Still occurs occasionally and is, as here, caused by other code. The trick is identifying the cause - and if you remove other code and your error goes away (as here) then that other code is the cause.
How to fix the error?
I posted you a link with a fix: Fix the syntax errors.
@3limin4t0r Yes, you're right. Updated:
@jabaa Thanks,how can I edit your reply into an answer?

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