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@rekire, it's already more than an hour later! Go, go, go! :p
1 hour later…
@WesleyMurch I'd disagree about that 'not typo related one' (stackoverflow.com/questions/10683031/…). Noting a bug in a particular version of some software isn't overly localized in the same way that a random typo is. Maybe enough folks think that that software/version combination is rare enough to warrant closing, but I'd keep it.
@blahdiblah You may be right, I kinda figured by the 0 votes on the question or answer (out of 127 views) that it wasnt helping anyone. The problem wasn't really discovered either, its like saying "Whelp I rebooted and now it works"
Not to mention the OP said "Closing this"
But yeah if no one agrees it will remain open, maybe even get an upvote in the future...
5 hours later…
@Alexander and when should I sleep? :-P
Nice stats: http://stockport.aquacool.ltd.uk/cv-pls/
768 vote requests total
716 unique questions
685 close vote requests (18 duplicates): 606 completed (90.85% success)
83 delete vote requests (4 duplicates): 71 completed (89.87% success)
1 hour later…
I am out of votes again
5 hours later…
I ran out this morning. When this is the first thing you do every morning, it leaves a long day of itching cv-fingers. =)
DOWNLOAD it today. Made by our very own @PeeHaa and @DaveRandom
Just a suggestion: since there is a big gap between 10k and 20k, I would like to request the feature of filtering delete vote on cv-backlog.pieterhordijk.com
Filter questions that have been closed a few hours ago, vs. a few days (not sure how many, but there is a limit before 10k user can cast close vote)
@nhahtdh I like it. Filtering days is already possible on my local machine (testing it currently)
here comes the flood...
@crypticツ Not to be a prude, but I think CVs for PHP specific posts (not related to obvious typo) should stay in the PHP room.
Referring to this and this
DaveRandom said they can be in both as they get picked up by the backlog, but apparently it's easier to get it from here than from the PHP room.
The problem is that people who have no clue about PHP will be reviewing this room's backlog @crypticツ
You have a point, will post them in PHP room in future =o)
@crypticツ (or anyone) If you want fuel, run this query: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/edit/101614
I already did the ones with post body under 200 chars
sweet, didn't know of such a feature
Probably could use improvement in the text matching.
For instance I neglected "spelt" and "didn't spell"...
This would have saved me so much time when I was cving the parse errors =oP
I added it to the original meta post but the post is pretty ragged and forgotten right now.
I wish there was a bulletin board or something here, other than starred comments.
So I've just been trying to keep the backlog loaded. Also been dropping the canned comment which has been very well received.
Backlogs definitely been burning right up though, no shortage of close voters.
Arent the hollow stars stickied?
I'm not sure how it works to be honest.
or does that just mean they were posted by room admin?
Not sure, is Pekka the room owner?
Can there be multiple owners?
@crypticツ: Do you mind deleting the links to the posts that shouldn't be closed by someone without deep knowledge?
I can't. It's past the time limit
@Pekka 웃 can you delete this and this
@Pekka웃 yay
Room ownership now 50% off
Only $99 for a limited time only!
please move those links to trash
or @WesleyMurch =oP
@crypticツ I will once I figure out how
hmmm how to move messages....
@Wesley aaah, the "room" dropdown has a "move messages" item
Ahh comfy
found it
click on the ROOM link at top right
oh nvm doh
I had to refresh the page.
Now, "Recycle Bin" or "Trash Can"... doesn't matter?
2 messages moved to PHP
@WesleyMurch ahahaha
Oh, it seems to be sorting them chronologically in the receiving room as well
Well, in that case, it's just as well.
@Pekka웃 They were PHP CVs.
great moar crap in PHP :(
Ah, okay, I thought they were erroneous ones
Do we move non-typo ones now? Why?
Ah because of the expertise, I get it
Makes sense.
@Pekka웃 Yep.
@WesleyMurch they don't show up here
I was going to trash them but realized they had a home
oh nvm just saw above post
@crypticツ they probably do, but chronologically correct?
What detail!
I got a question, I've seen people posting typo cvs here where the link is to the answer and not the question itself
which is the one we want to do?
@crypticツ It's all good.
The chat parser thingy will figure it out.
The backlog will link directly to the question as well, so it only matters in the chat room itself.
Well I was thinking more along the lines of linking to answer allows us to see yes it was typo question, but then also linking to answer takes more time as we need to scroll up, sometimes quite a bit to get to close link.
I prefer to see the answer first if it matters, and I find it easier to just copy paste the entire URL I'm on.
That's the weird thing about this, it's hard to tell the question is rubbish until you see the accpeted/correct answer.
This is a question about a bug in Android
@nhahtdh Does the bug still exist?
I don't know
It is indicated as fixed in the accepted answer
It's my belief that the post is "only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet."
It doesn't need another answer added.
So there's no harm in closing it.
Will closing auto add it to the delete vote list?
@nhahtdh Yes, and you have a valid point. Not all closed questions should be deleted.
I wonder what can be done to address that issue.
I think you can double tag cv-pls and delete-vote pls
Per link
@nhahtdh On second thought, I don't believe there's any harm in deleting it either.
It belongs on their blog or issue tracker or likewise.
It's a bug report.
There are cases where bug report are made on SO...
that never reached the bug tracker
Which is unfortunate.
I've done it myself a few times....
Even offered a 500 bounty, only to end up reposting in the proper forum and getting a real patch
I gave the bounty to a workaround
Q: TinyMCE issues with resizable content in IE8

Wesley MurchUpdate: After posting on the TinyMCE forum (something I should have done before offering the bounty) the primary issue may be solved, but I'm still very much open to anything regarding the other issues of how to disable the resizable behavior (number 2 and 3 at the end of the post). I am havin...

....gotta get to work - best of luck guys, have a good day!
There are some bugs (features?) in Java implementation of regex, but I don't know how to browse the bug database bugs.sun.com (it is full of old bugs)
@WesleyMurch you too =o)
@crypticツ I'll sticky-post something useful later to do with the data explorer that should make this easier.
no more vote...
Current progress:
816 vote requests total
763 unique questions
732 close vote requests (18 duplicates): 655 completed (91.74% success)
84 delete vote requests (4 duplicates): 68 completed (85% success)
Barely a dent in the big picture but great success for this particular escapade.
4 hours later…
According to my stats I'm running locally, 670 of those 714 cv requests have been deleted.
3 hours later…
This is the first time I come here and I leave with close votes

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