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Hi everyone. Does anybody know about the status concerning an R package support for the new ubuntu 16.04 LTS version? The CRAN page doesn't seem to mention anything, although the last update was made shortly after the release of "xenial". cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu
2 hours later…
Update: As I have seen, the latest R version 3.2.5 is already available in the xenial ubuntu software center or with sudo apt-get install. Presumably it is no longer necessary to modify the entries in the /etc/apt/sources.list file with the xenial distribution.
Morning, @all.
1 hour later…
It's almost noon here. Which means it's time for food.
Morning all \o
Rather, Evening all \o
Anyone counting down to GoT?
6th Season?
That is 25th April, iirc
New season, you bet.
I tried Ubuntu Xenial, Found a few bugs.
I need to remove windows to install that.
I gave up on Ubuntu and I only use Debian whenever I have linux.
What I don't like as well is the frequent updates. Debian has a healthy frequency.
I haven't used Debian. I need to try that.
I have a partition of 100GB only for temporary testing of any new OS
I installed Windows there for that Google Earth stuff.
Wouldn't it be easier to have a VirtualBox?
Granted, the integration to the outside world may not be the best... But for simple testing purposes it should be fine. Don't know if it's available for nix systems, though.
It's available, but I prefer Bare Metal
You can test out the bugs properly. Also, VMs don't provide full graphics support.
@RHertel Did you upgrade apt-get before install? I tried it now and got 3.2.3
1 hour later…
Hello @har-wradim
Hello @Ravi and @张实唯
Hi can anyone help me in making a question paper using machine learning
The questions are assigned according to the wieghtage of the modules and almost every topic is covered
What do you understand by the term "Machine Learning"?
Randomization is ruled out
The model should take in the questions undertand wieghtage and then predict
@BhargavRao Can you propose an idea?
Not quite. Do you have any thoughts?
The questions have same keywords if they come from a particular section
So we can assign clusters based on keywords
by that we can atleast know the wieghtage of each module
By raw analysis I think 15-20 clusters will be made
@BhargavRao What do you think? I am out of ideas
How do you decide the keywords? Are they given as input?
Yes almost 60 questions are given as input
Ah fine. Have you done any research on this topic before?
There are 1m results on Google Scholar related to Automatic Question Paper Generation
You will certainly get better ideas there, but you need to spend some time
@BhargavRao Thanks for your help!
Np. Do a bit of research. Read as to what ML is actually. Chalk out a algo plan, do more lit surveys. Once you get to the implementation part, you might get errors. That is the point, when you need to jump in and ask for clarifications
All the best for your work. :)
Bye all, Going out to watch a movie \o
1 hour later…
I'm saving myself for Game of thrones. :)
1 hour later…
@BhargavRao You're right. It's version 3.2.3 http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/r-base-dev
I was looking at the entry at the "Ubuntu Software Center" and it showed me the version that is currently installed on my computer. I misunderstood this and thought that it was the default version that is available.
@RHertel Ah Fine.
So I guess we'll have to wait for binaries. Actually I regret the upgrade. I should have waited till the first wave of bugs was removed...
Did you start using 16.04? I tested it out and found a few bugs
Well, I was using 15.10 and upgraded from there.
The last upgrade from 15.04 to 15.10 was unproblematic, but now there are a few things that no longer work.
I downloaded the ISO and tested it out. It has bad support for the drivers atm
My webcam is no longer recognized by Skype and, what is worse, CUDA is not working properly any more.
Yeah, That's the worst part.
I think the nvidia-361 file has some issues. Have seen a lot of reports on askubuntu.com
Also the keyboard-backlight turns on everytime you log out. Lots of bugs
I am still on Ubu 15.04. I will upgrade to 16.04 in June
It's a pity that they came out with such a buggy release. I'm actually a big fan of ubuntu, but this was too big a change, and I think it was released too soon.
True, They were racing against time. They should have started earlier
Anyway, can't help much but wait for patches.
As far as I can tell 15.10 was awesome. I had zero problems. Upgrading from 15.04 to 16.04 could be difficult. I think you might want to go through 15.10. Usually upgrades are only possible from one LTS version to another. That would be 14.04 to 16.04., or from one to the next subsequent release.
I usually install from ISO after saving data and creating a list of installs. So that would not be a problem.
Ah, I see. That should work in any case.
@BhargavRao Exactly. That is my current decision. Waiting for patches. However I still wonder whether I should downgrade back to 15.10...
Don't downgrade, it'll cause some errors with drivers.
But I probably won't do that. Going back and forth has a tendency to mess things up, at least on my computer :-D
I went down from 14.10 to 14.04 and ended up messing the USB driver
You name it :-)
lol, yeah!
Yep. So I'll be patient and I hope I will remember the lesson next time. Wait a few months after the first release.
Anyway, Let's hope for the best.
Np, Haven't seen ya around here (though I am in here only from the past month). Join us in your free time
You'll be an input to the Peanuts army :)
Thank you! I used to join more often the GMT room but lately I haven't been chatting much at all.
Oh yeah, I think it was RichardScriven who started this. The Peanuts thing I mean.
That's awesome! :-D LOL!!
GMTs is for moderation, This is just for general queries regarding R. So you might find many interesting new users, who would become your fans!
Good to know. I'll drop by and I'm looking forward to chatting with you folks (I'm not sure I would feel comfortable having "fans", but this seems to be a relaxed and funny place).
So long, thanks for the nice chat. Gotta go again.
See you around!
See ya later, Bye
3 hours later…
Hi @josliber \o
Morning, Free Saturday or busy?
Pretty free :)
Same here. Prof was out of town, so enjoying the day!
Nice :)
Bye all, Time to sleep \o
Hi @m0nhawk \o
and Bye :P
@BhargavRao Didn't you just go to sleep? :D
Yep, I was closing the tab when I saw you :P
Ok, cya.
Have a nice sleep.
Ty, Bye :)

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