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@shantanuo Before formulating recommendations in the form of a ready-made answer to your question, I propose to comprehensively discuss possible solutions here.
I see at least three ways that one way or another will help solve your problem.
This extension is useful but too complicated to use. I will like to know any suggestions to make it simple one click macro.
1. Contact the developer with a proposal to add the ability to set the "preferred translation direction" to the extension. For example, add a drop-down list with a list of all processed languages to the options dialog. Unfortunately, right now I do not know of an easy way to notify the developer of the desired changes. On the one hand, you can leave a comment directly on the extension download page, but it is not guaranteed that this message will be delivered immediately.
When we view an extension in the Extension Manager, there is a "Mario" link that will take us to the project page. There is some kind of forum where one could discuss with the developer the desired additions to the extension.
This would be the most correct, although not the fastest solution to the problem.
ok. Got it.
2. "If you want to do well - do it yourself." You need to make changes to the extension yourself. Yes, you are absolutely right - there is no need to study all the code, changing a few lines in Addons.xcu should do the trick.
You wrote that you have already tried to change this file. What editor did you use for this?
I took care of line breaks and I have used notepad to edit other files too. So that should not be a problem.
Hmmm... This is hard labor. Perhaps you have Notepad++ or some specialized editor for XML?
I am trying to figure out the code that runs when I choose "en" to "hi" dialog box. Is there any debugger in Libre writer?
In other words what happens internally when I push a button?
That will make it easy. what is your third suggestion?
The fact is that the author inserted a lot of Unicode characters into the text of the file. This is beautiful, but it makes Notepad completely unsuitable for making changes: instead of all the beautiful GB, Hi and other things, we will get a lot of empty rectangles, Notepad will "kill" the design
ok. understood.
(I'm not finished with the second one yet - I was just about to explain where to change characters in the file) The third suggestion I already voiced is to change the locale and use the second button on the toolbar. Yes, I saw your objection - "most of the time I work in the English locale"
I have already tried that. Can you try to change it to the language that you understand. For e.g. French/ Russian etc?
I am asking because I think changing Addons.xcu is not going to help.
And I have no idea why the keyboard shortcuts are not working. Do you have any clue?
You can see them in Accelerators.xcu Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C
Are you from Ukraine?
Here is a possible solution - create another profile in LibreOffice and set the Hindi locale for it. Use the main profile for everyday work, and use Writer in the second profile for translations. (Don't you think I'm slowing down with answers? :-) The fact is that I am very weak in English, I check and double-check my every phrase through Google Translate, it takes a lot of time, sorry)
I think changing Addons.xcu is not going to help. - The matter is that I already tried, still yesterday - it works. It just needs to be done carefully. This is exactly what I wanted to talk about.
You are absolutely right: to translate the current text into Hindi, you need to use the same command that you showed in your comment <value>service:org.openoffice.comp.pyuno.pagetranslate?trigger&amp;lang=hi</value>
Now in the .xcu file it is in the section <node oor:name="M2HI" oor:op="replace">
The meaning of the command is simple - call the service with the parameter "target language - hi"
Here we again have several options. We can just hide all the other sections. To do this, it is enough to remove or comment out (preferably!) All other languages. For XML, a comment is a pair of tags <!-- and -->
So you mean if you click on that button your text is getting translated to Hindi. Right? In that case you can share the extension file with me?
Not so fast! I reason and do at the same time :-)
You just said that you are not so good in english. Right? Then why are reasoning? If you share the file I will know what is wrong with my approach.
The point is that we can suppress the output of all menu items except "Translate - Hindi". But this is not entirely fair to the authors of the extension - people tried hard, wrote so many control structures, and we will simply throw them in the trash. A more honest approach is to leave it as it is, but add "Translate - Hindi" as a separate menu item.
ok. got it.
And thanks a lot for your help.
2 hours later…
*Then why are reasoning?* - Are you annoyed by my talkativeness? Sorry, this is my way of working: by speaking out loud or writing out ideas with the help of words, I clearly understand the sequence of necessary actions.

Well let's try. Here is - - the modified .xcu file. And this is - - a modified extension where this file is already inserted. Please try to install and use. Waiting for test results

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