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Hi for the famous Dabid
Nope, wrong david.
3 hours later…
@DavidLyod maybe add description to room? Smth. like at least link to ruby-lang? Like in Ruby's tag description.
1 hour later…
@DavidLyod Never mind )
hey guys
hey George
What would you guys consider to be some of the biggest barriers facing a C# programmer wanting to get serious about Rails development. Sorry for the general non-specifics - just curious about some feedback
Hey Antonio
(I'm drafting a response, but it's a bit long :))
heh, no problem I appreciate it
For a bit of "thus-far". I've set up a Ubuntu box at home and I have MySQL, Git, Ruby, Rails, and the Ruby Package/Version Manager installed. I figured it would be beneficial to develop on a new OS as well - what I don't have is a Web Server picked out yet and I haven't picked an IDE or deployment method. Am I stretching myself too far away from Windows? can Rails be worked with easily on a Windows box?
It is fundamentally easier to go from C# to Ruby, than the other way around. That said, the biggest challenge C# developers will face is the culture shock. There is a whole ecosystem of tools that are typical of the Rails development world which are pretty much unknown to most C# developers. When you approach Rails for the first time, you are almost expected to be competent with *nix operating systems, the command line, and an editor rather than a powerful IDE like Visual Studio.
Ahh so I was headed in the right direction then
you definitely are
working with Rails on Windows is possible, but far from recommended
you will face all sorts of edge cases and things that don't quite work
ahh I'm glad I set up that box then
I have an SSH server installed - I can connect to it from anywhere to practice my command-line-fu (which I need to do, really)
Do you have any advice for web servers, or editors?
yes, the only downside is that your learning curve will be steeper as you know have to deal with more than just learning Ruby/Rails
For development purposes, simply install Mongrel or Thin
for production use, the best combination is probably NGINX + Phusion Passenger
I'm ok with that, the hardest part is knowing the questions to ask I think - and I've read enough that I feel ok asking the questions
what material are you reading for Ruby and for Rails?
Let me look some of these up real quick
None yet, if you have any suggestions by all means
I do
So far it started off with blogs, SO questions, and supporting code samples for getting started
This is the best, up to date, tutorial:
it's the size of a 500 page book, but it's really good to get you up to speed
Great, I'll have to go through this
if you need to dig deeper when it comes to Ruby itself, I recommend either the 2nd edition of Peter Cooper's book, or "The Ruby Programming Language" by O'Reilly. The first uses a tutorial style. The second is an excellent, lawyer-like reference. Depending on your learning style, you may like one or the other.
I think both are necessary to have actually. The problem + solution guides are great for getting started, the reference is for more complex digging - thats how I use C# books anyway
the Cookbooks and reference guides, separate purposes for sure
Oh, and at this stage, don't worry too much about Ruby 1.8 vs Ruby 1.9. Use whatever the tutorial you are reading uses; the differences among the two can be learned very quickly.
by the way, if you do need to use ruby/rails, I'd use RVM :)
I just wrote a blog entry about learning Ruby on Rails online ( Does anyone have any other good suggestions, besides books, for learning?
I have RVM installed on my Ubuntu box, I used it to get 1.9.2 up and running
yeah, it's amazingly useful
Jeff, Joe, the Rails Tutorial covers RVM as well, so it's all good
oh really? :)
I'm definitely going through that
Oh, one thing I just noticed skimming it
Lets back up for a second though Antonio if you don't mind - why Mongrel/Thin for development and NGINX + Phusion Passenger for Production.
it recommends installing rails 3.0.0
I'd use 3.0.1
(security reasons)
Ahh I have 3.0.0, I'll get that update
hmmm, also, reading up, for production, have you ever heard of heroku? :)
Do you guys still use <%h even in rails 3.0.0 to escape html ?
in rails 3, everything is h escaped by default
Joe: yes, heroku is great
you have to use raw to output unescaped html
yeah but you can still use <%h
(I know Kateray, sorry, meant to aim that at jeff)
I think its a good practice
daniel, you don't have to. You can use raw if you wish to mimic the unescaped behavior of Rails 2.3
will it be supported in 3.1 though?
I know they are taking some backports out (like the old routes)
Joe: confusing part of this forum, it's hard to know which conversation people are engaging in
it might just be there so that 2.3 apps work right
So you guys advocate not using <%h, just because its not needed ?
@daniel: I don't.
Jeff, the reason why I suggest Mongrel for development is that it's extremely easy to setup. You simply add gem 'mongrel' to your Gemfile, and then install it and you are done. rails server will pick it up for you. For deployment tough, where you want performances, nginx and Passenger are hard to beat.
Ahh I understand, good to know
I am using heroku right know for deployment, but its kind of expensive for me if I were to use it in production, what do you guys think of hostgator ?
daniel: have you tried Webbynode?
daniel: I've never used Hostgator, but I switched off Heroku to Slicehost a few monts ago for the same reason (too expensive). If you're willing to learn some sysadmin stuff, Slicehost is great.
daniel: and also
So Antonio, that tutorial is done using Heroku, I'd be fine running that and should I look into Mongrel/Thin afterwards as well? try different servers?
@jeff: you should be fine with that
@JeffDalley: but you'll want something to develop locally with, so you aren't deploying every 5 minutes, mongrel/thin is good for that
Makes sense
Jeff, Heroku is perfectly fine. Learning to do it without Heroku is not hard, so I wouldn't worry about it for now.
daniel, Hostgator is OK if you can't afford any better, but don't expect fantastic performances or 100% uptime. Webbynode and Linode are better alternatives. Webbynode guides you more than Linode, where you are a bit on your own.
Sounds good - the tutorial seems to go from code to Heroku though - How is it that he's suggesting we test before we deploy to Heroku - is there a default Rails server that will host your app locally in the same way Visual Studio hosts your app when debugging?
by default I mean, built in - or am I misreading a step where we use something like Mongrel/Thin in this tut
I'm sure I'd actually find the answer to this as I'm going through the tutorial in detail, haha - I just thought I'd ask
@JeffDalley: at the command line, rails server
ahh great webbydone fits my budget and I can save 1 cent every month :), $9.99,
ahhh I figured - that makes sense now - So rails server comes with the rails installation eh
@JeffDalley it does :). There's quite a few other commands it does, but I'm sure they'll come up in the tutorial
Would it be beneficial to use Mongrel/Thin as opposed to rails server while going through the tutorial though?
for the experience in setting it up etc
@JeffDalley, before Rails 3, you used to do ruby script/server
the script folder had a bunch of scripts
these days the rails command does a lot of things for you
Ahh ok
rails --help will give you a glimpse
Taking a look now
heh thats fun, can create a default structure site by simply going: rails new ~/project/newsite
they really aim to make every development action short and sweet eh
oh let's talk IDEs
@JeffDalley Yep :)
Sure I have about 10 minutes before I unfortunately have to go do Sharepoint work (kill me now)
@AntonioCangiano: not just Textmate/E/gedit (depending on OS)?
(or VI)
so far in Ubuntu I've been using gedit, and I hear there are addins (GMate)?
My recommendation is RubyMine. If you get their beta version, it's free (even though it expires)
Hmm I'll definitely check it out
@JoePym Editors are perfectly fine. TextMate on Mac OS X is really great. However, for someone coming from Visual Studio like @JeffDalley does, an IDE like RubyMine or AptanaStudio will definitely make things easier
@AntonioCangiano: Fair enough. :) I found they tended to be really slow, but it's been a few years since I tried them properly
I think I might do some simple things command line + Editor, and then try to build projects through an IDE for ease of use
I'll try both
by the way, from what I've read so far, people are comparing Mongrel to Thin, which is better to work with
@AntonioCangiano You should defiantly get into Vim/Emacs if you have time but as @Antonio
since I have to choose one at some point heh
said, it's gonna be easier going from IDE to IDE
Right, and I definitely want to transition well, so I'll try both
@JeffDalley Rails.vim is essential for Rails development.
@JeffDalley In Vim, that is
I'm making quite the list of bookmarks from all this, thanks for your help guys heh
@JeffDalley: No worries. Anyway, hometime in the UK, so I'm off :). Good luck learning rails!
Thanks Joe!
@JeffDalley Mongrel or Thin doesn't really matter. Thin is event based and can perform slightly better. But it will perform worse if there are blocking calls. For development purposes, install one or the other, it won't make a difference.
Fair enough, in the end I like to work with anything that is powerful enough but overall easiest to use and work with
thats how I choose .Net tech and frameworks anyway
@AntonioCangiano Indeed, and it's not like it matters much in development anyway. You should fire it up pretty rarely too, since you should be writing tests.
Alright guys I've got to get back to work
Thanks for the help, we'll chat again soon - I'll let you know how its going
@JeffDalley Awesome. Good luck.
Can whoever created this room add the feed from StackOverflow's "Ruby-on-Rails" tag? It's...…
2 hours later…
Hm, lets see if this is gonna work. SO Chat, I suppose it is good for questions which do not deserve a real question on SO :). Like the small ones you truly want to be answered but are not big enough for a real SO question :).
It might help with certain classes of problems, having people help each other walk through what's going on. It may be better than asking questions in comments and waiting for the asker to edit their question with more info.
True. So, lets kick it. Anyone here ever worked with the youtube api (especially the uploading part) and can give an argument for either using a gem (youtube-g / Quark .. etc) or start clean? Can't really find good overviews off the available gems so wondering which way to go. Want to do some browser-uploading via my site if possible.
has anybody used facebook connect with devise on Rails3?
I guess oauth2 is the way to go, but I'm hesitating to write my own warden integration
any ideas?
Wow, maybe SO chat will actually be helpful, unlike #rubyonrails :)
Greetings all. This is sort of nifty.
#rubyonrails is not terrible, when the right people are around and not busy.
heh, I must never be there at that time
i do more helping now anyways
usually when i do ask a question, it's not something easy to explain or answer :)
wow this is awesome
I miss the tab completion in IRC
Ok, nm, I just have to use the @ symbol here
@PrestonMarshall Who are you on IRC? I'm jstew
@Jasonstewart BBHoss, haven't been on much though
Ok cool. I'll keep my eye out next time I get on.
is this built on campfire
@learn_plsql looks sortof like it but I highly doubt it
wonder what 37Signals guys have to say about this. this looks an awful lot like campfire
Who cares?
they probably think its awesome anyways
awesome it def is
So, anyone here using mongoid with cancan?
oooh SO chat
you guys know how they are pushing data up? websockets? flash?
2 hours later…
noob question: I have a form that a user fills in, and then sends it to my post route. I then inspect the parameters and if everything is alright I render a preview html page, if not, I redirect back. The problem is, that if I redirect back, the form get cleared empty, and I dont want that to happen. Anything to prevent it?
@zyash redirect :back (if that is what you're using) will redirect to the HTTP-REFERER, but the values you want are in the params for your current request
@zyash a more common pattern here would be to render rather than redirect, particularly if it's an action in the same controller
ahh, yes, that solved the problem. Thanks!

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