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A: Is transferring Stack Overflow reputation from one account to another using bounties allowed?

DharmanIt's not allowed! Please don't attempt this as this would result in your new account being deleted and the old one getting suspended. If you want to keep the posts and gained reputation from them on your new account, you can ask to have them merged. Moderators cannot do it, so you need to fill ou...

Thank you for the answer. I am happy that I asked this question before attempting this. I am only active on this account at the moment so I'll ask the moderators to do a merger.
@Stranger - If you merge with a question-banned question, your (new) current account will be question-banned. Creating a new account is NOT a method to avoid question bans. "would it be considered sockpuppets?" - Yes; This would result in your account being suspended. You have to know that NOW that you have said you want to vote for your own contributions, dedicated users like myself will be watching for strange behavior on your account(s). Sockpuppeting is the only thing below plagiarism that I cannot stand.
@SecurityHound I feel that is a strong reaction and Dharman's response is more measured. They did ask here before further breaking the rules (I acknowledge creating a second account to evade a question ban is also breaking a rule.) I guess it is the meta effect, as they are currently suspended for 7 days.
@JamesRisner - Flagging potential voting abuse would have been my measured response if I saw any strange activity on the profile in question.
The meta effect can't suspend someone though, @JamesRisner . It looks more like that they actually had a 3rd account they had used to cast votes on their other 2 accounts (as both lost reputation in a user removed action).
@Larnu If so, I stand corrected on their truthfulness.
@JamesRisner - Users who ask about voting for themselves typically are asking for a reason, and that reason, often raises my eyebrow slightly. I am shocked the author's user profile wasn't just deleted to be honest given existence of their original profile and them voting for themselves.
@SecurityHound it wasn't, as far as I can tell, the other account they reference that did the voting (if it were it would be deleted). Though I would expect that both accounts should be suspended. I could raise a custom flag, it won't be reviewed in time, considering that the average time to review is 4+ months.
@SecurityHound: Seems like a possible bug? Merge accounts should most likely recalculate question ban immediately. Most likely in this case the resulting account will not be question banned. Disregarding the fact that OP got suspended for a different reason, that is.
@Joshua - It's not a bug. Suspensions are handled by hand. So if it didn't happen, it simply didn't happen. Frustrating that such an obvious case of voting abuse wasn't taken more seriously. User gets zero brownie points for asking if it was "ok" given the obvious case of voting for themself.
@Stranger, just an FYI if your old account is question banned it is not impossible to escape and you can ask a new question every 6 months until your questions get enough upvotes to put you back over the threshold of the ban
@SecurityHound I have to say your attitude towards this person seems very guilty-until-proven-innocent. My impression is of someone being very transparent about having transgressed in the past, having corrected their behavior since (their profile bears this out), and, now that they make the effort to be cautious about how they do things, soliciting advice about how to do something without transgressing again. This seems like an earnest question from someone trying to do things right and your response strikes me as discouraging them, rather than rewarding them for making sure they did it right.
@AikenDrum - Their profile was suspended for voting irregularities. You are correct, my only impression of the user, is that they were suspended for voting irregularities. There are only two things I have no penitence for plagiarism and voting fraud. Due to their own actions, and the fact their original question likely was question banned, I have little faith their original profile didn't have voting irregularities also. I am not going to pat somebody on their back, for asking if something is allow, when they apparently already did that action.
@SecurityHound It sounds to me like you think these two offenses amount to capital offenses. Yet here I see evidence that this person has acknowledged they've applied some of their local social mores inappropriately here and, having been reproached & punished, have adapted to the social mores of the site. I consider this to be good rehabilitation. OP is from India, which—and I must stress, I am not stating a personal opinion, but rather repeating what many co-workers from India have told me, much to my dismay—is a place where dishonesty & bribery are commonplace and an expected part of life.
@SecurityHound To add to that, I think when someone is socialized in a culture where such things are considered just part of daily life, and they can manage to see that it's not really a good way to do things and they then make an effort to figure out how to do it right, that's a person worthy of praise, not eternal condemnation or banishment. Yes, this question still had elements of that kind of thinking, but you will note that they made the effort to ask first if this also would be a problem. People don't learn new ways of life overnight. For pete's sake, show some appreciation for effort.
@AikenDrum - "you will note that they made the effort to ask first if this also would be a problem." - Their suspension for voting irregularities and the "user removed" reputation adjustments tell a different story. "I think when someone is socialized in a culture where such things are considered just part of daily life" - Individuals can justify behavior all they want, which is how their is a multi-Billion dollar industry, to scam individuals out of money pretending to be (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.). Does not mean I have to give a free pass to behavior I find intolerable.
@SecurityHound There seems to be a large disconnect between what I write and what you say in response. Generally you just repeat your (reasonable) opinions about bad people rather than examine the specifics here. I consider that an unproductive approach, but if you're this committed to it, I don't think there's any point in discussing this further, so I will end it here, barring any reconsideration on your part.
Correction @ myself: Above I said OP was from India. I need to read more carefully. Not India. Pakistan. I don't know how similar the daily-life cultures of the average Joes in India and Pakistan are, but the two countries used to be one and minds change oh so slowly, so there may still be commonalities. Still, what I said about India may not apply here. On the other hand, it's still likely a local-culture vs. site-culture adaptation thing.

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