Dear i suggest to try My this Code
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View v = convertView;
ViewHolder holder;
if (v == null)
v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_image_layout, null);
I get bat barchart as like below.
I have used below code for it.
public void createBarChart(String loanName1,String loanName2){
XYSeries loan1Series = new XYSeries(loanName1);
// Creating an XYSeries for Income
XYSeries loan2Series = new XYSeries(loanName2);
I am using smsfunction to send an sms,i want to fetch contact list from my number,if i click edittext of phoneno it has to open contact list of my phone,and it has to fetch contact number whatever i am selecting and it has to send.
Right now in emulator,it shows "SMS faild, please try again late...
Ok Dear Here I put my Whole code of Crop Image In Android.
This the Global variable.
//This For Image Crop
* Uri for set image crop option .
private Uri mImageCaptureUri;
* int for set key and get key from result activity .
Ok Dear Here I put my Whole code of Crop Image In Android.
This the Global variable.
//This For Image Crop
* Uri for set image crop option .
private Uri mImageCaptureUri;
* int for set key and get key from result activity .
dude you are telling that i have to write like this ah dude is it correct?ok for thre replace of i we will write sendIntent but for Activity-Create what we will write @AnkitMakwana