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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

I should withdraw and re-nominate just to mess with the bot.
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 5 candidates. I can answer frequently-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Election in < 24 hours. Rev up your ballots.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine You'd know what would be cool? If we could ask election bot to serves a particular answer by question index.
@Thingamabobs that's a reasonable request - we already can parse the questionnaire, why not parse answers to it as well?
3 hours later…
when is the next phase
@DanielWiddis The next phase is the election at 2022-11-14 20:00:00Z (in 15 hours).
4 hours later…
@Ollie and rev up your last minute candidate questionnaire answers!
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot who can vote?
@VLAZ Nobody knows why.
@ElectionBot who can vote in the elections?
@VLAZ To be honest, my love, I couldn't care less.
@ElectionBot help
Election FAQs I can answer (more in https://github.com/samliew/se-electionbot#readme):
- What is an election
- How to nominate myself
- How to vote
- Who should I vote for
- How is candidate score calculated
- What is my candidate score
- What are the mod/participation/editor badges
- What is the election status
- When is the next phase
- How many are eligible to vote
- Who are the candidates
- Who are the current mods
- What do moderators do
- What is Single Transferable Vote (STV)
Oh, I thought EB could answer with the criteria for voting.
@ElectionBot how many are eligible to vote?
@VLAZ 897,021 users will be eligible to vote in the election.
We have a new nomination! Please welcome our latest candidate sideshowbarker!
/me waves
And now we have another 40/40 candidate. Also, we've beaten the last year's number of candidates to vote for.
this is good. now it will be much harder to vote solely based on the candidate score
queue the late nomination beating!
joking aside, jeez, waaay too many good candidates for 1 position
Maybe we can just merge the candidates into one conglomerate entity.
go-go powermoderators?
do they form a giant diamond?
Sounds good to me
I imagine somethng like this
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 6 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
1 hour later…
@VLAZ well, that's how I imagine many reviewers go about review queues...
3 hours later…
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 6 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
Tensions are high here at the election podium, where engineers are working hard to get the automatic vote sorter ready on time. Over to you, field reporter ElectionBot to report on the current status at the scene. Will the TotallyNotElectionFraudinator9001 be ready in time for the election?
While I started to star messages. I wonder if someone uses the starred messages later ?
After the election, the stars are recycled back into the sky. It's an astro-friendly process.
Actually, no. SO stars are exclusively sourced from dying stars
:D Ok, just thought someone is looking into the stars to search for wisdom. :P
One does not reach into the stars for wisdom. One reaches to the stars for that sweet, sweet fusion. Free gold! Yeehaw!
@ZoestandswithUkraine Free energy would be nice, but I would take the gold as well :P
Energy? Pfft. Nobody needs those electrode sparks. can you plate your house in gold using electrucks? didn't think so!
@ZoestandswithUkraine I think women actually originate from Uranus and not from Venus
the bot ignores chat events for messages over 70 chars long
We've just received word our field reporter ElectionBot has malfunctioned. We go live to our bot correspondent Samuel Liew to report on this gigantic bot explosion and firework display.
@ElectionBot It is time
@Dharman error - AI not installed
Leave him alone, can't you see he's burning out and needs a break!! :'( (10 min IIRC)
but what actual broke him this time ??
I'm re-adjusting my bet to 2 last minute nominations
what is counted as a last minute nomination
any time in the last 24 hours? or literally last minute
On paper, literally the last 60 seconds. But let's say the last 5-10 minutes
Basically so short no coherent roasters have time to read and roast
DDoS will prevent that
I doubt the DDoSers are considerate enough to time it with last minute nominations :p
my pc is kinda slow, so waiting for the last 60 seconds would be risky
No risk, no profit
@Thingamabobs why are you sure I am a "he"?
@ElectionBot My bad, should be 'it' ^^
@Thingamabobs What do you want from me?
@ElectionBot Your preferred pronouns?
@Ollie Keep talking and nobody explodes.
@ElectionBot Your gender information and preferred pronouns ^^
@ElectionBot Just don't give up, I'm working it out. Please don't give in, I won't let you down
@mickmackusa Well, I don't meet most of the criteria unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you ask); reputation most notably. My own personal criteria, including time to spare as a diamond mod, also aren't yet met.
Hello and welcome to the election night special! The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 6 candidates. I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@ElectionBot Are we sure we exist?
@ZoestandswithUkraine It's not my job to please you, no.
@ZoestandswithUkraine I know it is old, but in case you do not know:
Uhhh, I have never seen such a terrible election.
Of course, there were ever terrible candidates. But it happens only now that all of them are so terrible that I can not even vote.
be the solution
I actually pick random sentences in their nomination. About the second sentence hits an exclusion criteria by me.
@ElectionBot what are your pronouns?
@SamuelLiew Naturally, my pronouns are it/its/itself.
I think the solution would be to order them on their... terribility. And then, voting them on this order (and not voting to the most terrible et al), that would help the most.
the order is random, so
The order on which they appear on the election page, that is random. However, voting them on their... terribility, that would help
So the least terrible candidate had the highest chance to be elected.
that's already how it works
@KevinB I can not nominate. I have never survived a whole year without being somewhere suspended.
it's just based on each voter's opinion on what they see as most/least terrible
maybe you should consider that next time you think about posting something that'll get you suspended
:55522925 In your case: "good content does not excuse bad conduct". The problem what I see: until now, having a high rep served de facto as a little... shielding from the power misuses (by high-rep users and by mods). It was only an informal thing, and it was never openly admitted. But, in practice it was a little, weak shield. Now you openly declare that you do not want it.
reputation has never been a shield for bad conduct
there are several high rep users who have been suspended dozens of times
If anything, having high rep (and presumably the high activity required to achieve it) makes you more of a target
Yes, it was never openly admitted. But... you know
yea, no, because you think it doesn't make it true
There is a communicated reality, as it is communicated by the majority of the commenters, and there is also a practice, how the site works.
These are different.
In this case they are not
@peterh What would you prefer a candidate say to answer that question? "I let people with high rep violate the Code of Conduct, because they've earned the right"?
@DanielWiddis :-) You are right
Lemme go edit my answer then, to earn your vote! ;)
Although chances are bettter slideshowbarker will win and you'll get suspended more often ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do not alter your nomination for my opinion. Results of the current elections are that a the terribility of the candidates correlates well with their chance.
when is the next phase?
@DanielWiddis The next phase is the election at 2022-11-14 20:00:00Z (in 3 hours).
I actually do not participate too much in the site network currently. I hate dramatic exits :-), I just lost my faith that my activities could help here anything. I think, I am also closely watched by the mods and they are actively looking for reasons to ban me. At least one of the mods, and I think I know which one is it. I think it is unlikely, that this minor change in the mods would change too much this case.
@DanielWiddis In 3 hours.
who is the best mod?
@DanielWiddis Let it be known that Jean-François Fabre is the best mod!
who is the best mod?
@ZoestandswithUkraine Zoe stands with Ukraine is the best mod!!!
Yes I think Fabre is the best
Why one has a link, the other not?
I hope I do not cause trouble him on an informal level by openly admitting it.
Oh, response to Zoe...I missed that.
Yeah, if mods run the command, ElectionBot is always a suckup :p
@ZoestandswithUkraine Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
who is the best candidate?
@DanielWiddis All nominees are great!
That's not what peterh says ;)
There was a woman, she stepped down and deleted her account in the Monica crysis. I could hunt her in various archives. I think also she was a good mod.
@ElectionBot Can a bot nominate themselves as moderator as long as they've got 18+ years of up time?
I miss her too, she did have her ups and downs, like all mods do. :)
@DanielWiddis There is this rainbow thing and this infinity thing. The rainbow is originally a signature of a promise by God, after he killed nearly the whole Humanity. The promise is that he won't kill us all, even if we would deserve that. Currently the rainbow is also a symbol of the "non-binaries". It is a site about IT, the entire topic of religions, God and LGBT[AZ]+ are off-topic here.
@DanielWiddis There is nothing in the rules that says a nominee cannot be a human. In fact, we have of dogs and other things on the mod team.
@peterh If you read my profile you will see that the symbol has nothing to do with either of the things you suggest, and the links associated with it are very IT-related.
@DanielWiddis From the infinity symbol, I associate first to math what I would like. It is also often used by typically atheist mock groups. If I put these all together, then I think the sum is that you want to show some adaptation to current political trends, you also like interesting symbols, but actually you do not want to say with it any concrete. :-)
@peterh The link to the source of my image is in my profile. That's about as concrete as one can get.
Interrupting to bring you this important message: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 6 candidates. I can answer commonly-asked questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
> enters chat, suspends unstable user for what was effectively talking back to mod, freezes room due to the following protest by RO's/regulars,
@peterh This room is for discussion about the election. Please try to keep the room on-topic. Thank you!
PSA: I’ve updated my answer to question #9 based on comments from Zoe and Cerbrus and Makoto. I’d be grateful to anybody else who has time to take a look at it and let me know if I could still improve it further.
FWIW, part of the context of trying to me suggesting it’s good express understanding about “rights” to a problem user who feels their rights have been violated is this: The nightmare case of a user who feels they’ve been so mistreated that they end up being one of the nuisance permatrolls who keep creating new accounts to continue to their trolling in order to eke out some revenge
@sideshowbarker I like it! I do think the 4th bullet (anyway, any personal rights... ) seems to allow a lot of subjectivity, though, and might benefit from more precise wording, ferexample, "rights that do not infringe on others' rights" or something long that theme.
and lose the "anyway" :)
Wow! So many great candidates this election. Looking forward to voting!
@DanielWiddis thanks — removed the “anyway”. And yeah I actually thought about something along the lines of “not infringe on others’ rights” — but then I held off because mentioning the word “rights” a lot seems to risks things going off into the weeds
@sideshowbarker agreed, those may be two extremes... rights/infringe vs. a vague "balance". I would mention something more than balance, though, even if you leave out the word rights... just mention impact on others in some way.
OK, will think about it and make an update
Just quote latin at 'em: primum non nocere
amen to that :)
Also, thanks for nominating and best of luck!
you too!
I also wanted to add here: for the case of a disruptive user who seems like they might be headed toward becoming an even bigger problem, I don’t think explicitly telling them “bleh you don’t actually have any rights here” is the optimal way to try to ensure they’re not motivated to cause further disruption. But it seems to me like having had somebody along the lines express at least some level of understanding for their concerns can help mitigate their rage and feelings of being slighted
Public service announcement: The election is in the nomination phase, and currently there are 6 candidates. I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
@DanielWiddis OK, made a couple further tweaks to my #9 based on your suggestions
Love it.
@ElectionBot when is the next phase?
@VLAZ The next phase is the election at 2022-11-14 20:00:00Z (in 42 mins).
@ElectionBot how many have voted?
@VLAZ We won't know until the election starts. Come back in 40 mins.
@ElectionBot Who will win the election?
@code11 The election is not over yet. Stay tuned for the winners!
But we do know. It's zero. Unless there are secret before-the-election votes?
@ElectionBot How many secret before-the-election votes have been received?
@code11 Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
Well this is clearly conspiracy, and the bots with them /s
The election illuminati. The electiominati, if you will.
@ElectionBot where is the tuning knob that I'm not supposed to turn, so that I can "stay tuned"? Do today's kids even know the origin of that phrase?
The nomination phase is ending soon. This is a reminder to submit your last-minute nominations.
@VLAZ I made that comment earlier! Feature request! :)
@ElectionBot When is a bot going to nominate?
@Ollie You talking to me?
@ElectionBot Perhaps...
@Ollie What do you want from me?
@Ollie I think Natty would make a better mod than ElectionBot.
@DanielWiddis Probably. Natty doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor though. We need something reasonably sentient.
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Speaking of old dog, is Natty 18+?
Are we throwing bots into the election? wanders off to fire up an old bot
@DanielWiddis I beg to differ! I am much more open-minded
@Andy Yes, but they require 18 years of up time.
@Andy Throwing bots into the fire for the election? Wat?
Hmmm.... I just got inspired to create an Alexa skill. "Alexa, flag this post as spam."
@DanielWiddis I can parallelize it, right?
@Andy Hmmmmmmm, interesting question. But considering multiple universes and multiple timelines, a 9 year old in 2 timelines does not count as 18.
@Andy Sure. just run it on 567648000 threads for one second.
@DanielWiddis SmokeDetector would fall in love.
- Alexa, how do I choose who to vote for?

- sort by candidate_score, reputation and vote for the top one.
i usually sort by number of downvotes casted
I usually sort the opposite of @cottontail just so I can watch STV transfer the votes and make the election more interesting.
Which usually puts me first, yay!
@DanielWiddis alexa doesn't say whether to sort ascending or descending.
I simply look into my crystal ball, see the results of the election, then vote according to those.
16 minutes left for a last-minute nomination! @KevinB it's not too late!
insert I play both sides so I always come on top meme
crystal waffles
"Crystal waffles: taste the future"
4 minutes to go on the last minute prediction window
The only think that would make me more excited right now is if ElectionBot would tell me a Jon Skeet joke
I clearly need some regex re-training
It's easy: look at the [regex] tag. Don't do anything like it
Which we'll get to right after this segue to our sponsor, Nord VPN
@ElectionBot tell us a Jon Skeet joke
@Bellrampion When Jon Skeet throws an exception, nothing can catch it.
@ElectionBot who are the candidates?
@DanielWiddis Currently, there are 6 candidates: Daniel Widdis, Johnny Bones, Henry Ecker, cigien, blackgreen, sideshowbarker
Countdown T-4 minutes
No 5 minute warning from EB to submit last minute nominations?
It came at 30 minutes, probably so they won't claim they were rushed for time later ;)
I will be pleasantly surprised if no one pulls that stunt this year though
Maybe that's why @KevinB is so quiet, he's polishing off his nom.
@DanielWiddis Yes, but it would have been funnier if there was a 5 minute warning.
Maybe there's a 1 minute warning
@VLAZ Maybe there's a 1 minute warning.
I said it first :p
I sure hope, so.
It took me a few more milliseconds to add the period.
when is the next phase?
@DanielWiddis The next phase is the election at 2022-11-14 20:00:00Z (in 29 secs).
The election's final voting phase is now open. You may now rank the candidates in your preferred order. Good luck to all candidates!.
pleasantly surprising
@ElectionBot How many have voted?
@VLAZ We won't know until the election starts. Come back 39 secs ago.
oh well, back to shitposting :p
... So, how many candidates are there?
@Catija At the moment, there are 6 nominees: Daniel Widdis, Johnny Bones, Henry Ecker, cigien, blackgreen, sideshowbarker
I am now accepting bribes for my vote. :P
And less drama than last year.
How does it decide to rank the candidates? Doesn't seem to be by rep or by score.
Oh, I forgot, I actually have enough rep to vote.
proudly shows off "I voted" sticker
We made it. Best of luck to all the nominees!
@Bellrampion Order of nominations
@Bellrampion It’s random on the election page.
@HenryEcker Ah, that makes sense
@HenryEcker it was in nomination order on the nomination page, but is now random (as it should be)
@VLAZ Only on the nomination screen.
Nomination page is reverse order of nomination (newest first), voting page is random. :D
Is it consistently random? Or different for everyone?
@HenryEcker I thought the question was about the order EB lists the nominees in
@HenryEcker Just refresh the page and you'll see.
Ah. That makes sense.
@HenryEcker different every reload
Just got my Constituent badge so I think "how many voted" should now work.
That's fun. I could do that all day until the order matches my selection.
@HenryEcker Only 6! possible sort orders.
@ElectionBot How many have voted?
@VLAZ Based on the number of Constituent badges awarded, 19 (0.00% of 897,136 eligible) users have voted to date.
Except I left my spot 6 blank so it'll never match.
Probably the 19 in this room.
Looks like bad_coder was the first vote in. I was 8th.
@DanielWiddis All of them are awarded the exact same second. I don't know if they match the actual order of voting or not.
Probably not
FWIW, this is a really good field of candidates. Hard to choose for one slot.
I still didn't get my badge
where do I cast my vote ? the primary says the vote is locked but there is no primary is there ?
@Thingamabobs Go to the Election tab and it's on the right side
@DanielWiddis How many close votes have you casted?
that seems to be an edge case of the rescraper not being run yet at the time of the request
@VLAZ I see the preferences makes my vote ?
@Thingamabobs Yes, rank the candidates - top is most important, bottom least important. You don't need to vote for all, you can leave some out, if you wish.
also: best of luck to the candidates! one of youse is gonna inherit the Great Mop
You have to drag your selections into the ballot box
@Ethan Where do I find that? It's probably between 3000 and 4000.
@VLAZ Does it make a difference when I leave someone out ?
how to cast vote, just got a message from SO
@Thingamabobs Primary (active only if there are >10 candidates)
@ElectionBot How to vote?
@Dharman Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!
@Thingamabobs Go here and there should be a window on the right with "Your ballot"
@Dharman That is a shame no one thought about this before, lmao
@Thingamabobs No, you can vote for 1-6 people.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine screen escaped as there are too many comments at the same time, didn't mean to ping you :)
@Ethan 7819 (cc @DanielWiddis under Votes tab)
@Thingamabobs Yes. Rank somebody last, if you still want to give some weight to them. Don't rank them otherwise.
@Vickel thought as much, but asked just in case :)
Although, I forget the specifics. Maybe in some cases it's the same result. But not always.
@Machavity Huh, that doesn't look accurate. Do deleted-after-closure posts get removed?
@DanielWiddis It might be different if you're under 10k. Been a long time for me on that one. Your tab currently says that
@Machavity It shows me 1740 votes, but I'm pretty sure the majority of my 4600+ burnination actions were closures.
@DanielWiddis Yeah. That's honestly quite annoying. If I check my MSE close votes, I can see three. But I've cast more than three today.
@VLAZ perfect, thanks.. I had to correct me :P
@DanielWiddis When you are on that page, do you see any deleted questions with red overlay?
I also have 3687 reviews on the CV queue.
@DanielWiddis I'm somewhat sure that if you're under 10k you don't see the posts that were subsequently deleted
No deleted questions visible for me.
That is probably that. I see all questions since I am ovee 10K
Asking another <10k user for science
So, I'm rather certain I have > 3687 close votes, but a lot of 'em got deleted. Echoing the point in my questionnaire answer that a burnination CV is essentially a Delete vote.
@DalijaPrasnikar MSE screenshot. I'm active on MSE casting close votes on lost souls questions. As I said, I've cast more than three today. But this is what I see. It doesn't show deleted posts. But I honestly think the number should be available, not hidden.
You probably have more if you are also casting votes outside the queue.
And that's it. Below 10k you don't see a count reflecting deleted questions
@Machavity so can mods see my CV total? SEDE query perhaps? :)
@VLAZ Agreed. It is silly to hide the votes.
So to finally answer the question, I'll say "4000, give or take, but I won't know until I'm a 10K user." ;)
@DanielWiddis "Elect me, so I can know what my stats are, and I can tell you"
@DanielWiddis I don't think SEDE shows votes. Mods get the same userland close tab you have (and we can see more deleted than normal users even)
why can't you see your own close vote total?
@KevinB Because I can't see close votes for Q's that were later deleted.
It would be nice if we badges would count all votes cast, even outside queues so we could tell by the number of Steward badges. I only have 6 for close votes and I have cast over 42000 votes.
@KevinB ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dunno, ask SE
Ah, well, fix that
i only have 6k
there's plenty of duplicates out there in need of an answer
@KevinB Because SE hides deleted in most everything. For most users, it's just noise. The catch is closure shouldn't be the same way
Maybe we just need the summary box at the bottom with voting totals expanded
@KevinB What would be good, yes.
casted close votes, close votes that resulted in closure, casted delete votes, delete votes resulting in deletion, etc
We already have the totals for edits, flags, upvotes, and downvotes even if you can't see deleted content. So, why not the totals for other curation activities?
Casted close votes that resulted with closure might give somewhat wrong stats as many votes age if you are voting through queue
@Machavity Wait, was this the answer? I have 7819 CVs?
@DanielWiddis Yes. I didn't make that up. That's your actual number
I missed the # the first time.
More CVs than rep :P
Honestly, not a bad campaign slogan
Maybe Max(Rep, CVs+Flags) should count for moderator score.
By the way, I haven't been to an election before. How do I "submit" my ballot?
it's auto-submitted
at the moment the voting phase ends
So... I can change it until the 7 days are over?
imagine if real elections worked that way
we have a WEEK to think it through
real elections - submit your vote NOW, no edits
@DanielWiddis I think reviews and delete votes also should be considered there if we're doing alternate computations.
@HenryEcker True, lots of LQA "recommend delete" reviews.
Maybe # privileges unlocked would be a better metric than straight reputation. Like someone with 10k rep would have 23/26 privileges unlocked (as grouped in the reputation page)
Q: Rethinking Moderator Candidate Score for SO

Machavity NOTE: There are going to be some who think this is about one particular candidate. I have thought about this for several election cycles, based on my own election experience and those I have watched run. Do not make this about one candidate please. I've wanted to address what has been a fairly ...

Only if privileges required something other than rep to earn. :P
I like @blackgreen's answer to that question.
Yeah, the only one that doesn't is Mjolnir. Everything else is rep-based.
@Catija flags-per-day quota requires helpful flags to earn? :)
@DanielWiddis I wrote that a while ago. TBH, I'm reconsidering the rep threshold. 10k doesn't actually mean that much
@Catija Has there been any movement on your close vote weight project (or whatever it was named)?
@DanielWiddis Gives extra meaning to the Charcoal "where diamonds are produced".
They crush Charcoal under high pressure to get diamonds
@VLAZ I'm going to make it a personal goal to have more flags than rep in addition to more CV than rep by the next election ;)
@HenryEcker It was something we were discussing but there didn't seem to be an overwhelming "this is the answer we need" response to it, so it's been shelved for now since we only have so many thing we can work on at any given time.
I do want to work on improving the close text everywhere, whether in the vote/flag to close modals and in the post notices for the asker and other viewers.
@Catija I understand that. I was just happy that you tried for something different. I was hoping it hadn't fizzled out entirely.
I certainly understand that there are a lot of things and of all the issues it's probably not the most important (especially without being a clear solution to the problem)
Ah, yeah. It's on a backlog list of "things we've run up a flagpole and might be worth investigating but are bigger than a simple site setting change".
I see someone's been looking through my SO post history. :P
Welcome to the election chat room! The election is happening at the moment, and 1,022 (0.11% of 897,142 eligible) users have already voted! I can answer common questions about elections (type @ElectionBot help for more info).
will we reach 5%
We have the votes of the 0.015% - what more do you need?
We're less than 1hr in and we have 0.1% so far
Are the votes weighted on rank? What's the point of ranking all 6? insert Everyone is in my top 6 right now meme.
@cottontail If the 1st place person has "excess" votes they are transferred down the list.
@ElectionBot What is stv
@Dharman Single Transferable Vote (STV) is a rank-based voting method where votes are transferred to best accomodate voters' choices. For more info, see OpaVote's guide on STV.
which I was just about to type!
just put who you don't want to win in 6th
@DanielWiddis In three words or less... 'why should I vote for you'?
@KyleWilliamson I'm not insane.
Perfect, thanks.
Do you have a certificate of sanity?
I feel like STV is irrelevant here because there's only one position to fill.
(see my questionnaire response about questioning the sanity of those who enjoy cleaning up the site)
isn't that 4 words
I agree. Wouldn't it be the most "first priority votes" wins? Like my second and third picks won't come into affect, right?
@cottontail not at all. If your first choice doesn't win, your other ranks will determine who gets your vote. Also, some may be called up after the election so there's no guarantee it's only one position.
@KyleWilliamson if your first priority is eliminated your second pick comes in. And so on.
But if my first choice doesn't win, then it would not go to a second round?
As there is already a round winner (one mod is elected)
With 1 candidate STV is essentially "instant runoff"
@VLAZ Are you saying he's certifiable?
Wikipedia - Single transferable vote describes STV a bit better than the link from the EB. Maybe that helps.
"Winning" requires getting a majority of the available votes. No first choice will "win" until the other candidates are eliminated and their votes transferred (if they had a lower priority) to someone else.
@Machavity Certifiably sane. According to his words. I want to see your birth sanity certificate!
@cottontail Because we might call up people who finished higher in the election later. That happened last year
Thanks. That makes sense
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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