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A: Url with %20 showing 404 error code, how to fix?

MrWhite RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9-z\-]+)/?$ search_main.php?q=$1 The RewriteRule pattern in the first rule does not permit spaces. Try the following instead: RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9\s-]+)/?$ search_main.php?q=$1 [L] The RewriteRule pattern matches against the %-decoded URL-path. %20 is a URL encoded ...

it worked all thanks to you. but am having another challenge, this url (…–%20Stop%20Me) is not working because of : . – that is on it, but working fine without those. how do I fix it? @MrWhite
@ZamaniVogue That regex already includes the hyphen -, but excludes : (colon) and . (dot). You need to modify the regex character class to include those additional characters. eg. [a-zA-Z0-9:.\s-]. But what characters do you need to allow? Why is the second rule matching anything?
[a-zA-Z0-9:.\s-] the page is working fine now. @MrWhite
@ZamaniVogue That's great. If this answered your question then please mark it as "accepted" by clicking the tick/checkmark next to the answer on the left below the voting arrows (to help other users and remove the question from the unanswered question queue). You can also upvote answers you find helpful. Thanks, much appreciated. :)
the dot is also redirecting home page [a-zA-Z0-9:.\s-] @MrWhite
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9:.–\s-]+)/?$ search_maiin.php?q=$1 [L] Dot is redirecting home page to index.php @MrWhite
@ZamaniVogue The literal dot won't redirect the homepage. What other directives do you have?
When I remove the dot everything will work fine, it means the dot is the issue @MrWhite
it does not cause any issue with the page in question, it only effect my home page ( which is redirecting here search_maiin.php?q=$1
@ZamaniVogue Ah, it's likely now conflicting with other rules/rewrites. eg. If you are rewriting requests to a front-controller. I've updated my answer.
@ZamaniVogue "What other directives do you have?" - I'm curious, because unless you do have other rules (that rewrites the request to index.php) then this rule by itself should not rewrite the "home page". Unless by "home page" you mean you are requesting index.php directly?
after using this RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9:.–\s-]+)/?$ search_main.php?q=$1 [L] it totally ignored any thing with .php that is available in .htaccess, but my home page still remain same. and what do you mean by this ^(?!.+\.php$)([a-zA-Z0-9:.–\s-]+)/?$ ? is it a RewriteRule?
"What other directives do you have?" - I'm curious, because unless you do have other rules (that rewrites the request to index.php) then this rule by itself should not rewrite the "home page". Unless by "home page" you mean you are requesting index.php directly? I do not have anything that rewrite's index.php in .htaccess, I'm requesting directly.
++ very well explained answer
@ZamaniVogue Ah OK, I did not expect you to be requesting index.php directly. I've updated my answer.
@MrWhite please how do I match & sign in url? (…)
@ZamaniVogue Add & to the character class - this char carries no special meaning in the regex. However, you'll likely need to add the B flag to that rule so the & is URL-encoded in the query string and not seen as a URL parameter delimiter. I'll update my answer.
@MrWhite please update the answer so that I will see what you mean by that.
@ZamaniVogue I've updated my answer. (I've just noticed that you had previously added an "EN DASH" to the regex - which I had copied into my answer - but this wasn't present in your original rule?)
@MrWhite 😁 working fine. can we also allow emoji?
@ZamaniVogue It's probably easier to focus on the characters you don't want to match, rather than the characters you do. I've updated my answer. (UPDATE#4)
Lol😂, @MrWhite you just solved all my problems. thank you so much.
@MrWhite after using you last update everything works fine except contact form RewriteRule ^contact?$ contact_main.php is redirecting to search_maiin.php?q=$1
@ZamaniVogue The order of the rules is important. That rule (for the contact form) would need to go before your "catch-all" search rule. You are also missing the L flag from that rule. And ^contact?$ should probably be ^contact$. (The ? is a special regex character that makes the preceding token optional, so that would have matched contac and contact.)
@MrWhite issue solved, thank you.

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