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A: How to extract data from json response made by an api in python, Django

Rahul K PYou can do like this: # Suppose it's your response looks like this response = {"hosted_url": ""} id_fecthed = response.get('hosted_url').split('/')[-1] # You can redner like this render(request, f'{id_fecthed}') ...

I have an error: 'Response' object has no attribute 'get'
@Fors1t Updated my code.
I did it and appeard an error, 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'. How I understood it means that string is empty but when I print(response.text) it is not empty
@Fors1t The data should available in response.json(). Anyways I updated the answer.
I know why hosted_url is empty, it's because my JSON Response is "data" and inside of it, is my information that I need, it is like this: "data" : { "hoster_url": "" }
@Fors1t This is the issue if you provide half-baked information in the question. Please update the question as well with all the necessary information. Updated answer accordingly.
sorry, I edited the question, now it's just like in my response
I hope it's worked now.
Yes, It worked partially, now this is extracting the hosted_url and id_fecthed is working, but the error on redirect, [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python310\\lib\\site-packages\\django\\contrib\\admin\\templates\\https:\\\\charges\\123DVAS'
But still thanks a lot, I at least can extract the information that I need
You can write that as a new question. Meanwhile, it's will be great if you accept the answer if you belive my answer resolve your issue.
Yep, of course you resolved my answer! Thanks :)
Thanks, Have a good day !
If I will find way to fix redirect I will make request an edit
Have a great day :)
I was checking the issue, Let me see.
I found the issue
return redirect(f'{id_fecthed}')
This is working
Cool, Glad to hear that you solved it.
See you.

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