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Ok i have opened data source settings
and found this
should I go for blank query ?
First I have created two parameters. `dBaseIP ` and `dBase` and the in blank query I have added
let Source = (Query as text) => let Source = Sql.Database(dBaseIP, dBase , [Query=Query, CreateNavigationProperties=false])
in Source
in Source
now where to add the second part ?
tdy = Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()),
yest = Date.AddDays(tdy , - 1),
sQuery = Table.FromRecords({
[sQuery = "execute ED_DS_TRANS_DETAIL01 @DateFrom ='" & Date.ToText(yest,[Format="yyyy-MM-dd"]) & "', @DateTo = '" & Date.ToText(tdy,[Format="yyyy-MM-dd"]) & "'"
#"Invoked Custom Function" = Table.AddColumn(sQuery, "Query2", each #"Fnc Query"([sQuery]))
#"Invoked Custom Function"
where to add this function ??

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