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Q: How to prevent method from running in multiple instances

BVernonI created a method that polls a database. If two instances of the exe are run, I wouldn't want both instances to be able to run the polling method simultaneously. How might I best ensure the polling method is only ever active in one thread (regardless of which process owns the thread), and that i...

When you say "two instances of the exe" you are referring to executing your application twice. That's different from multiple threads. Which one are you asking about?
Please be careful about the content you post. You can't put editorial content that lambasts people.
@Enigmativity I'm not trying to lambast anyone. I just have this experience so many times when I post a question. I'm happy to improve my post with guidance, and I won't complain if it's deleted because it's outside the guidelines for appropriate questions. But this nonsense about people downvoting with no comments is absolutely ridiculous. What am I supposed to do? Guess what it is about my post that offends you? I've been using this site for years and I've read the guidelines many times. It's not unreasonable to expect some minimal support if you already have the time to read and downvote.
One way to achieve this is to have the method lock a file at the OS level before executing and unlock when done. Since the OS will not allow two executable to lock the same file, this will prevent the code block from getting run twice
For what its worth I think this is a good question and is not lacking details or clarity
@Enigmativity I'm asking about both. I wouldn't want the same application or two different instances of the application to run the method simultaneously.
@Wyck Not quite. I don't necessarily want to prevent multiple instances of the application. Also, I wouldn't' want a single instance of an application to run the polling method multiple times simultaneously.
@SlackGroverglow Good idea. Only concern I can think of there is what happens if the instance that locks the file is ended prematurely (say from Task Manager). Would that free up the lock or would the lock remain?
@BVernon - You're ok to ask for clarification in the comments, but to write Oh Lordy... already got a down vote. To the downvoter, THANKS FOR TELLING ME WHY AND HELPING ME FIX MY QUESTION. REALLY APPRECIATE THAT YOU'RE SUCH A NICE GUY WHO WANTS TO HELP PEOPLE!!! is not in keeping with this being a civil site. I'm very happy to work with you to improve your question and to get it re-opened.
@BVernon The OS should automatically free any read/write locks on files after the app is terminated (although it might take some time)
@BVernon - Could you elaborate on what I've done that has bothered you?
@SlackGroverglow I agree that it's a good a question, and there is nothing unclear about it. The question was closed probably as a result of the OP's attitude towards downvotes, and not for the content of the question. The question has been asked before though, so most likely when it is reopened it will be closed again as a duplicate.
@TheodorZoulias Would have been fantastic if they had referenced the duplicate. I'm pretty sure the same guidance that tells them to close such questions also says to reference the duplicate as the question can be a guide post to others.
@TheodorZoulias - I feel that the question could be made clearer by clarifying the "two instances of the exe" and "active in one thread" parts of the question.
@TheodorZoulias that's fair, but the comment should be flagged rather than closing with an incorrect reason
@Enigmativity It's actually not unclear; but perhaps you just aren't reading it clearly. I gave an example of two instances. But the question itself says different threads. What's unclear about that? Is another instance not another thread?
I think the question gets downvotes, because it shows 0 research. A question with almost identical title was asked in 2012 already. And to me, it's unclear: are the two executables run on the same machine or on different machines? The solution is totally different if that's the case.
@ThomasWeller Perhaps you should read all the comments before making comments.
@Enigmativity I edited the question and added a clarification, that hopefully resolves the ambiguity between process/thread.
@ThomasWeller Not quite. I think if you reread the question after Enigmativity's edits it might be clearer.
@TheodorZoulias - Yes, that certainly does make it clearer. I would have hoped the OP would have simply made such an edit themselves rather than impugn others' ability to understand the question.
@Enigmativity Thank you. And I apologize for being so blunt. I've posted questions in the past that deserved to be downvoted... that's fine. But this one didn't; and various others I've posted didn't. I get kind of tired of having every question I post downvoted multiple times within a minute of posting when I KNOW it's perfectly within the guidelines for this site. I think moderators need to adhere more closely to the actual guidelines rather than their subjective whims.
@TheodorZoulias Oops, I thanked Enigmativity for the edit because I misread. Looks like I should have thanked you!
Use a shared (named) Semaphore. Call WaitOne with a timeout of 0 and if it returns false then someone else was holding the semaphore and you can throw your exception.
@Wyck Thank you. I will read the documentation for this for myself, but if you can confirm off the top of your head: does this work between instances or only within an instance? I recall using this in the past for multiple threads in an application, but I didn't realize it works across application instances (assuming it does).
@Wyck Actually... I'm having trouble finding WaitOne. I'm using System.Threading; but I only see other methods like WaitAny. I'm targeting .net framework 4.5.2. Don't know if you have any insight on this but if so please let me know. Thanks!
@Wyck Okay nevere mind, I see. Was confused for a moment because I was thinking it was a static method on WaitHandle, but I see I need to instantiate an object that is a WaitHandle.
Your question is probably being downvoted because it is too vague at this point to be considered focused. There are multiple ways you could achieve your solution, so at this point it's kind of an opinion based answer, which is probably why all the "solutions" posted in the comments have not yet been made an answer.
@Ibrennan208 My question was downvoted multiple times within seconds with NO guidance as to why. The only reason my question might seem vague is if you think I didn't know what I was asking. If you assume I said what I meant and meant what I said, then there was nothing vague about it. I understand if someone wants to ask questions to make sure I know what I'm saying... perfectly fine. But don't act like my question was vague. It was not.
@Ibrennan208 Also notice that my question has now been reopened. It may well be closed again, who knows. But this is a symptom of having too many people online who are more interested in policing questions than answering them.
I'm suggesting that your question (even as it still stands) is too broad, unclear, incomplete or primarily opinion-based may be closed by the community until they are improved. As it currently stands, your question has many ways to achieve a solution, many of which would probably not fit your circumstances, and many which have already been posted on Stack Overflow before. Consider visiting What topics can I ask about here? or the Tour for more information.
BVernon people might be hesitant to write an answer, because your question is very similar to previously asked questions, and so it could be closed as a duplicate at any time. This would prevent the author of an answer from publishing it, which is very frustrating. My suggestion is to edit the question and explain why it is different from other similar questions, to reduce the probability of being closed. In case you come up with an answer, you could also consider posting it as a self-answer.
@Ibrennan208 I've read the guidelines about what topics I can post many times. I've been a member on this site just slightly longer than you, and a comparison of my rep to yours indicates I've been more active on the site. I also literally said that I had read those guidelines many times in previous comments. Perhaps you should read the comments before making comments of your own, and perhaps you should read the guidelines for yourself a few more times before suggesting I do so. My question is perfectly within the guidelines.
@Ibrennan208 Read the answer that was given. My question was specific... it was not broad. I said, in the question, I didn't want multiple threads to run the same method. And to make sure I was being clear that I didn't just mean within a single instance of the application, I gave the example of not wanting two instances to run the same method. What is unclear about that?
8 hours later…
@BVernon Your question was not focused enough, and any clarifications you add in comments are not added to the question, so the question remains unfocused, which is why it was yet again closed. You asked a question that is very broad and would most likely be solved with a little bit of research on your end rather than having people discuss the best possible solution for your situation. What is unclear is how you are trying to implement this.
Your question is asking something that can be taken care of on the OS level, the application level, the database level. Where have you tried? What have you researched? The comment by @ThomasWeller I think shows why you received such negative feedback.
And just to be clear, the length of time spent on this website doesn't indicate that you've learned how to ask a question or that you've read anything about how to ask, and repeatedly whining about "moderators" downvoting your post shows that you aren't entirely aware of how the voting works. Anyone on the site with 15 reputation can vote, meaning it could be anyone on the site voting.
They don't necessarily know exactly what you are asking or how to answer it, but do know that your question is vague or asking for recommendations rather than a solution.
3 hours later…
@BVernon I saw this posted as a comment on someone else's question and it seemed like a good resource to help explain:
@Ibrennan208 No it's not a good resource in this case as my question didn't suffer from those things. And some of the things you say above are simply not true. Notice that someone else pointed out in the comments that my question was perfectly fine... that's because they have the knowledge to understand my question. If you don't have the knowledge to answer my question then perhaps you just can't fully understand what I'm asking. That's on you; not me.
Pay attention to this section in particular:
"When we have exhausted our own knowledge, it’s often tempting to simply ask someone else to solve the problem for us. It is very common to find the question we have is one many people have already experienced, and many of these people have already asked about it and have received correct answers in response. Because of the vast amount of information on the internet and Stack Overflow, it often takes just a simple search or two to find them."
Your question was also marked as a duplicate, and you may notice the answer to your question was basically a modified version of this answer here:
Which was the first link that popped up when searching for your question
5 hours later…
@BVernon - If you are using .NET Framework 4.5.2 you should edit your question to include that particular factoid.

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