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A: Python list: Group by most often seen

Rahul K PYou can do like this, from itertools import groupby from collections import Counter result = [] for index, lst in groupby(l, key=lambda x:x[0]): lst = [i[1] for i in lst] if len(lst) == len(set(lst)) or len(set(Counter(lst).values())) == 1: item = lst[-1] else: i...

Your conversion to set is wrong and doesn't make sense here; imagine [[2, 1], [2, 1], [2, 2], [2, 2]]: Your output is supposed to pick the most frequent, and the last one in case of a tie.
@RahulKP it would be [2, 1] if I'm correct.
@Boppity I was trying to make sense of what the other friends have tried so far, just to discover they're all missing something sadly :)
@RahulKP all I can say is you're losing the initial order by converting to a set
@Sajad lst will give you [1, 1, 2, 2] and set(lst) will be {1, 2} so the comparison will succeed (if len(lst) == len(set(lst))). Then it's goes to the else conditions. Ideally, I wanted to get the last element if there is no duplication.
@RahulKP you lose information when deduplicating. read the question again
@Sajad You are right, I was considering another line, Thanks for the mention. Let me correct it.
@RahulKP I modified your answer to make it work; you can check it out and edit yours accordingly; as I picked up on your answer, please edit your answer so I can remove my downvote
@Sajad Updated my answer, Once again, Thanks for the mention.
@RahulKP I can't follow your logic again, but I suppose it won't work again as you're still using a set? The last item is meaningless, so [-1] won't work. What you want is the last item in a series of equally frequent values. For this, your ordering must be preserved. I hope I make sense to you.
@Sajad You just check yourself what you are saying and checking. In the code, I am getting the last element from lst which is not altered. Because set operation doing in the condition operation itself. It won't change anything in the lst. So, I don't undersnad where did you find the order change in lst ?
[1, 1, 2, 2, 3]: most frequent elements -> [1, 2] -> the last, most common value seen -> 2
I'm talking about your else condition too. Also check out the example above
I am fetching the last element from lst. And which line you say it's altering its order? Can you point out?
I know, The set operation alters the order of the list. But here where I did change the order?

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