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12:09 AM
Q: config files with php variables smarty

AthanatosIn my php file to send emails I would like to use smarty config variables however currently I have to cut them This is part of the PHP file: PHP $messagecontent .= " <p>bla bla bla bla <b> $username </b> xxxx <b> $myitemname </b> <p>When you receive xxx go to xxxx</p> feel free to <a h...

Q: How to create zoomed thumbnails in PHP?

LightningsoulHow do I automatically create thumbnails via a dropbox feature on my website? I need it to perform quite well and generate them automatically in a set size and zoomed in (so for images with a big height I just want to take the center part of it). All the thumbnails should be like 150px to 100px a...

Q: PHP Lithium framework - How to use xSQL FUNC in model

TomFor example, in PHP Lithium framework, if we want to create a new user object and add it to db, we can use this - $model = 'app\models\Users'; $user = $model::create(); $user->user_guid = uniqid (); $user->save (); Now I want to use MySQL FUNC UUID() to replace uniqid() in PHP, the SQL is si...

Q: Artisan Migration trouble

user3127842Okay, so I'm trying to migrate my database, I've got mysql and everything else set up properly. But when I went to my SSH Console and typed in " php artisan migrate:install " I got the following error message: PHP Fatal error: Class 'laravel\bundle' not found in /Solder/laravel/cli/artisan.php ...

Q: PHP Laravel - How to use xSQL FUNC in model?

TomI want to use MySQL FUNC UUID() in the SQL is similar to this : INSERT INTO users SET user_guid=UUID(); I know laravel has model when I create an user and add it to DB, I can do this : $user = new User; $user->user_guid = uniqid(); $user->username = Input::get('username'); $user->email = Inp...

Q: How to match Rich text format quotation marks during a preg_match operation

user2075625I have a small piece of code that searches a string for a pattern of 'quotation mark' 'text' 'quotation mark' - The idea here being to find quotes within a string. Currently I have this as the preg_match function preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"/', $essay, $q); However I have found that when pastin...

Q: PHP Variable inside <Script> with \

AntBHey so I'm trying to add a variable inside this code, I need to replace the bold with my variable. $_url_form .= '</form></div>'; $_url_form.= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"; $_url_form.= "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http:...

Q: How to determine if variable is simplexmlelement, an is_simplexmlelement function?

lbennetI am getting all types of warnings in a loop first: <b>Warning</b>: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 2: parser error : Premature end of data in tag imageThumb2Url line 2 in <b>/var/www/category_search.php</b> on line <b>49</b><br /> Then I have a function that expects a simplexmlelement ...

Q: Apply class to first and third post of every row in Wordpress

NiklasI'm using 960 grid system on my wordpress theme, and my loop is within a child grid. I've got a three column layout of thumbnails, and to avoid the unwanted padding of the child grid, I need to apply "alpha" class to the first post on each row, and "omega" class to every third post (the last of e...

Q: Referencing a 2D array value from function return

Brad BirdThis is just a general question and could not find an answer to it. I have a function. Say it looks like this. function_name() { $array = array( "1" => "One", "2" => "Two" ) return $array; } Now I want to reference "2" into my PHP. echo function_name()[1]; Obviously this doe...

Q: Issue on getting return values from google map api when using proxy

Iscoplease help me on this. The code is working well when I am on a direct internet access but not returning value when using proxy and the error below showed. I have already tried directly writing this "http://maps.google.com.ph/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Mandaluyong+City&sensor=false" on the url...

Q: Inserting values to two tables simultaneously

techAddict82My form is composed of several dynamic select dropdown menus. I have accomplished a way to insert values into the select list if an item is not found. I trigger this behavior every time the value Other- Not listed is selected a hidden div will appear to take the input of course_name to add to the...

Q: php connect to sqlserver for error

user2609972 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[IMSSP]: This extension requires either the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client (SP1 or later) or the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Native Client ODBC Driver to communicate with SQL Server. Neither of those ODBC Driv...

12:58 AM
Q: Invalid authorization specification: 1045 Access denied

DaveI have a query which is suppose to create a sql backup file of tables but i get access denied, im no expert with servers so I am a bit confused how to solve it. My code looks like this: foreach($array AS $i){ $file = $i.'.sql'; $statement = 'SELECT * INTO OUTFILE ? FROM '....

Q: PHP script to check tokens from database APNS

Rick de JongI have a MySQL database with push tokens. A PHP script sends the pushes to the tokens. But a few are invalid. Apple haves a feedback service. But how to use it and delete the invalid tokens from the database? Is there an example ?

Q: how to make a simple sliding content with tabs

Francis Alvin TanNeed some help with sliding panel so, basically all I want is something like this http://thecamdenstudio.com/ (the twitter, facebook and rss tabs) not the review us tab so I want to achieve that effect because need to add html content inside please anyone help me...

Q: Getting a Serialized Array From a MySQL Database

ivoilicSo I have a table in my database called "cards", in this table there is a column called "decks" which needs to contain a list of serials numbers of various decks. Since cards can belong to multiple decks an array is needed to store the multiple serial numbers. I was told the best way to store a...

Q: Python - PHP - AS3 Socket Server

user2791849I'm been looking at this for 2 days now and I'm stuck. Basically, it's a bypass for a website called xat.com Here is the AS3 code, the AS3 is getting a value needed to bypass, but before it does, u have to give it a different value. So basically I need my python script to give a value called "...

1:10 AM
Q: Inserting PHP Variable into <Script>

AntBSo another annoying one from me, I have this advertisement code: <!-- PopAds.net Popunder Code --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _pop = _pop || []; _pop.push([\'siteId\',$popadsID]); _pop.push([\'minBid\', 0]); _pop.push([\'popundersPerIP\', 0]); _pop.push([\'delayBetween\', 0]); _pop.push...

Q: php XMLwriter file size limit

user3101337I'm creating an xml file from an sql query using PHP. If the query returns more than about 500 records, the xml file is not written fully and I get an error message from the PHP server saying: "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity probl...

Q: MySQL works in console, but not in PHP's mysqli->query() function

user1578823I have this SQL, made with MySQL Workbench: http://pastebin.com/T09Actyg When executing the code manually in the MySQL console, everything works as expected. When querying from PHP however, I get this error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL s...

Q: Laravel 4 Log Errors: NotFoundHttpException

user3128211I have the following appearing in my log files and being a new comer to Laravel, I'm not sure where to start debugging. Any assistance would be appreciated. [2013-12-23 01:04:41] log.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException' in /home/ulti/laravel4/bootstrap/...

Q: Create business card using FPDF & PHP/MYSQL

user2691372I have created a the code for generating PDF business card from MySQL data. I use the FPDF library. i also attached the current screenshot..I tried a lot but cannot able to correct it.Can anyone help me to correct it. All the data in the business card will come from the MySQL database. Data to ...

Q: array issues when using ajax

codenamejupiterxI am trying to use ajax to compare two arrays to see if a particular value set is the same or not, so I filled both arrays with the same values and when i tested them my test says that they are not the same. The first array was made on fileA.php (with a while loop pulling directly from a datab...

Q: Cookie works in Chrome but not in IE or Safari?

user2554352I'm using cookies with my log-in system and the system works on Chrome, but then when I go to IE or Safari, it's not working. For some reason the cookies are not being set, I've tried to echo them to no avail. Here is the code that makes the cookies: if(isset($_POST['log_in_iniator'])){ $us...

Q: get values for the option box from mysql database

lamahewaI have been trying to get values for the option box from the database. I don't why this code isn't working. Please help include_once "connection.php"; $order ="SELECT * FROM seminar "; $result = mysql_query($order); <?php echo '<div class="uk-form-row">'; echo '<label clas...

Q: Save words typed by a user, in MySQL, or...?

RealGuyI have a little problem, so... I have two MySQL tables, one of them stores user's data and the other one some words, I mean each row has a field with an unique word. Then, I have a formular with an input where users can type a text. Basically, I check if the text typed by the users exists in th...

Q: Select group of rows with same value

user3128232i am building a game where players can kill players and so on, whenever there is a kill it gets inserted in to a database like, ID - Killer - Killed - I want to have a killstreak stats page with the highest kill streaks. The killstreak will be how many kills in a row a player got but i am unsu...

1:40 AM
Q: What does .htaccess affect?

Jim ThioDoes it affect only web request or does it affect php program opening and closing file. For example, I have a file mysecretfile.php I want that file to be accessed by user going to domainname.com/somedifferentfile.php I want to use .htaccess. How would I do so? This is my current .htaccess ...

Q: What is the proper use of "$html .= '<img src="'.wp_get_attachment_url( $id ).'" />';?

Daan TwiceI have the following php variable if (has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ) ): $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'single-post-thumbnail' ); Which I output in a wordpress template as follows: <img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" /> However, I now have to outp...

Q: How can two arrays created in the same way become different?

codenamejupiterxThe var_dumps of the two arrays are different but they were created the exact same way . Why is this????? first array dump: array(2) { [0]=> array(0) { } [1]=> string(6) ",2,2,1" } second array dump: array(3) { [0]=> array(0) { } [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string...

Q: Unlink PHP prermissions denied

DimitriI'm having some trouble with the unlink function. I use this to create my directory: $customer_path_files = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/'.$job.'/'; if (!file_exists($customer_path_files)) { @mkdir($customer_path_files ,0777,true); } This works great. The problem is when I try to dele...

Q: Know how many times used a user a discount coupon code?

RealGuyI have two tables in a MySQL database. One of them stores user's data (users_table) and the other one the coupon codes (codes_table). Then, I have a form, where users can type the coupon code and a variable increases depending on some factors. Well, the problem is that I don't know how to let t...

Q: php 5.5.5 not working with Apache 2.4.7

user2288650OK, so recently I decided to upgrade my server. I downloaded apache 2.4.7 "httpd-2.4.7-win32-VC11.zip" and extracted all the files, configured them for my use and I get ("It works!") when I visit locolhost. Then I downloaded "php-5.5.5-Win32-VC11-x86.zip" and configured Apache and php but my ph...

Q: Symfony 2.4 form field not rendering with value selected with a user/role one to many relationship

guohaolayI've got a User entity with a role relationship described by the annotation below: /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Role", inversedBy="roles", cascade={"persist","remove"}) * @ORM\JoinTable(name="user_role", * joinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDe...

Q: Installing SSH2 for PHP to run on a Xampp Apache server on a OSX 10.9.1

Mona PaunI am running Xampp on a Mac with OS X 10.9.1 and I am trying to develop a web page that calls a PHP script through an Ajax call. Xampp is used here for development purposes and it is not intended to form the backend of an online page. A PHP script needs to connect though ssh to a remote machine,...

Q: Delete old MySQL records every hour

LemonioSuppose I include the built in MySQL timestamp into my fields on my database table. Everytime I update the records it will update the timestamp. I would like to delete records than are older than an hour. Any ideas for how best to do this? I could have a loop checking the timestamp for all rec...

2:34 AM
Q: blueimp - jQuery File Upload - cannot delete files from custom location

DimitriFor this plugin, I'v been able to upload and manage my files perfectly. The problem begins with deleting a file after it's been uploaded and appears in the upload queue. Originally the index.php file where the uploader is located looks like this: error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); require('Upl...

2:58 AM
Q: PayPal php sdk throw PPConnctionException when params was wrong

jiangI got this SDK version at https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php the problem is if any param was wrong(for example leave the credit card number empty), PayPal throw a Connection Exception,but not a normal json data with certain Error Message ... (when I organize POST data mysel...

Q: How can I configure apache2 to look for new php directory after I manually moved it?

user3128326In some purpose I need to move my php bin files from one place to another, such as /etc/php/ to /etc/php2/, the question is how apache2 knows where to find the new php bin files? I know a file called libphp5.so which is refered in httpd.conf, but I think this filed is created during the compile...

3:15 AM
Q: Laravel eloquent orm WhereHAS

madziikoyThe code: $members = Group::whereHas('members', function($q) { $q->where('is_blocked', 0); })->with('members')->where('jid', $group_id)->get(); The plan: Get all active members (is_blocked = 0) members of the group. The models: public function members() { return $this->belongs...

Q: Advice needed: Ajax not sending data to php

JeanAlesiI don't know what is happening. Data gets sent, but it does not send the updated value of the variable. Harcoded data gets sent as expected. How can I solve this or go around it.. Any help will be highly appreciated. username = ''; // supposedly these variables are global tree_name = ''...

Q: MySQL Inner join output to html table in php

user3128099I have a table that is being displayed in a form, which looks like this: http://puu.sh/5VBBv.png . The end of the table, City, is displaying an ID of a city, which is supposed to be linked to another table (http://puu.sh/5VBIG.png). What I've done for my INNER JOIN query is mysql_query("SELECT *...

Q: Install Composer Dependancies from PHP script

jdpI've been working for some time on figuring out a good way to manage Composer dependancies in WordPress plugin development. Including dependancies in WordPress plugins is easy enough, but if two separate plugins both have composer.json/vendor directories, and include the same package, you get a c...

Q: Accessing class instantiated outside slim from class instantiated inside slim?

Ahhkrequire ('dataclass.php'); $db = new DataClass(); $app = new \Slim\Slim(); $app->group('/api/v1', function () use ($app, $db) { require('processingclass.php'); $foo = new FooClass(); }); This above is just an incomplete example. But, how would I call a $db method from within $foo? I ha...

Q: 5 star rating system

user3078799I am trying to convert the scripts that are provide on this webpage: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/building-a-5-star-rating-system-with-jquery-ajax-and-php/ And make it function as a rating system, which it rates webpages rather movies. I want it to connect to my databas...

Q: AJAX within AJAX not working correctly

user3009875I am working on social site. On first load, it fetches all the post, each with two comment max. If the comments are more than two it attach More comment button to it, if clicked, it displays all the comments and replace the button with Less comment. That is just a little story of how it works. I...

Q: php DateTime seems to be acting up sorry for reasking no answers seem to be working

Fts Devso im simply trying to keeps statistic on a system im writing although when trying to get the difference of the two dates.. i know this topic has been covered many times however i have tried using date diff and strtotime and keep getting errors what am i doing wrong $s_date = mysql_result($ticke...

Q: Regex to capture google web fonts weights and styles

RegEditGiven a string in this form: var myfont = 'Exo 2:600italic'; I need a regex to capture the numeric part of the string after the colon (600) as var1 and any value following the numeric value as var2. For example, from the above string, I would get: font-weight:600 //var1 value font-style:ital...

Q: What's the different Layout Format of Report Module Magento

Josua Marcel ChrisanoWhat's the different Layout Format of Report Module Magento between Number 1 and Number 2 What's the easier to build? What's the default magento-like layout format? What's the best result? What's the lighter process? How to create both of reports because i made a fatal error when creating rep...

Q: PHP OOP Prepared Statements Select Query

user2872510Im trying to take the connection info set from constructor and use that in my function using prepared statements, but it gives me Call to a member function execute() on a non-object. I checked the query in Mysql Workbench, it ran fine and gave me the info that i wanted <?php /** * Logs the U...

Q: Add fonts and error virtuemart

user3128381My site: huongpainter.com It have two problems need resolve: 1. I need add more fonts to system, anyone recommend me a component or plugin which simple use. 2. In product details page, click "Ask a question about this product",put all require field and click "send your question". error 500. any t...

Q: display div and table side by side

SyaaI have a div and a table, I wish to make both of them display side by side. after a few try, I still can't did that. the div(navbar) would be at the top-left, and the table would be at the bottom-right. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylenav.css" /> <link rel="styles...

Q: Issue with Dynamic Form Arrays and While Loops

user1713438I am having trouble getting data entered into a dynamic form to return properly. I can't tell if this is a javascript or PHP issue. My javascript: <script> function displayResult() { var table=document.getElementById("EquipTable"); var row=table.insertRow(-1); ...

Q: How do I start with PayPal?

RealGuyI read many things in PayPal Developer, but I still don't understand how to start. My idea is this: I have a tag with some options: 5€, 10€, 15€, etc. Well, then depending on the selected value I wanna make the payment, and add the same value to a PHP variable which is stored in a MySQL databa...

Q: Please convert this ruby code to php

Krishna KarkiHere is my ruby code # A list of bags with different weights list_of_bags = [11, 41, 31, 15, 15, 66, 67, 34, 20, 42, 22, 25] # total weight of all bags weight_of_bags = list_of_bags.inject(0) {|sum, i| sum + i} # how many containers do we have at our disposal? number_of_containers = 4 # Ho...

4:02 AM
Q: Giving user profile pages unique url ids PHP

Trevor WoodI've made a user profile page. Using the code written below. I'm trying to give each users profile page a unique id/url that so it is viewable by others. Is this the right technique to use or is there a more practical one? <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['signed_in']) && $_...

Q: Complicated select query for a beginner

user3114385This is my table in/out emp_id td_id status timestamp remarks 35 1 in 2013-12-19 10:15:09 late 35 2 out 2013-12-19 12:00:23 example 36 3 in 2013-12-19 10:15:09 36 4 out 2013-12-19 12:00:23 ex...

Q: only one record is saving when uploading multiple images in yii

FarhadController for image upload: public function actionUpload() { $model=new Tblvehicleimage; if(isset($_POST['Tblvehicleimage'])) { $company= Tbluser::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_code'=>Yii::app()->user->ID)); $images = CUploadedFile::getInstancesByNam...

Q: RuntimeException when put 'n' for Discard cahges

whitebearcomposer.phar update shows RuntimeException when I choose 'n' for Discard changes [y,n,v,?]? this is the my log below. Could you check? $ sudo php composer.phar update --verbose Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Removing go...

Q: usort works fine with WAMP, gives syntax error on remote server.

Josh SieglI'm trying to run PHP's usort function to sort an array of files by the time they were created. Here is the code: $files = array(); $files = glob('./posts/*.txt'); usort($files, function($a, $b) { return filemtime($a) < filemtime($b); //lambda sort }); usort of course references an arr...

Q: How To Open Multiple Random Link In A Single Click

MiaI have a code in my site. Here how it looks. <a title="Click for Random Pic" href="mywebsite.com">Click</a> Now, how can I open multiple links? Link1.com, link2.com, link3.com etc. But I want to open it randomly. Not opening it all at the same time. Example I click the link then mywebsite.co...

Q: Why does this only work in php myadmin but not in php?

jonWhy does the following work when I paste it into phpmyadmin, however if I try and run the query using php it doesn't? $sql="BEGIN; INSERT INTO nodes (admin_id,title) VALUES (1,'test'); INSERT INTO themes (theme_id,directory) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(),'test'); COMMIT;"; $sql_result=mysql_query($sq...

Q: PHP CURL get content return null

user2357288As my job i need to use the curl to get some content from the payment side who offer to us. they gave us the test url and official url. First of all, i need to use the curl to get some content from json. i use the test url to testing, the result always return null. but when i use the link which g...

Q: Load more search data on scroll down

Javier LopezI have out together the following code that searches a mysql database but I only know how to create links to the next pages. Is there any way to load more data when I scroll to the bottom. I f so how can implement it with the following code? $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $maxRows_searchH...

Q: Display malayalam fonts in wordpress

RajeeshI am created a wordpress site in malayalam. And it shows malayalam text. But I need to change the malayalam font, it currently showing the default font. How can I do that? Please share your ideas with me, Thank you

4:32 AM
Q: which is better conditional approach (1==$i) or ($i==1)

user2623213I have seen some people using if(1==$1).I know in some language its an invalid approach.which is more better approach and why? if(1==$i) or if($i==1)

Q: Issue with if statement pulling incorrect data from database

Israel CasillasI own a tournament script and i had a report system built into the script. Below is the code. switch($t['bracket_size']) { case 8: $games_count=2; $rounds_count=3; break; case 16: $games_count=2; $rounds_count=4; break; case 32: $games_count=2; $rounds_count=5; break; case 64: $games_count=2...

Q: MySQL how to SELECT FROM two distinct Sub Set within Same condition range and Order by a Case condition

mahen3dI have real world mysql select problem with my website, I have members who's gender is either female or male, But they are not proportionally distributed, i.e 70% male, 30% female, I want to do Select to the Display in my home page of the website, where Select Random 50 members BUT make sure...

Q: PayPal Express Checkout Instant Update CallbackURL not being called in live setup

LavanyaI'm working on integrating PayPal Express Checkout into an existing web application using Zen Cart . Everything, including the Instant Update Callback, works fine in a setup that uses Sandbox settings. The Callback works fine both on HTTP and HTTPS in the Sandbox. But as soon as I switch to Live...

Q: PHP reg exp - where did DOI go?

LeoI just want to replace "doi:yyyy.yyyy" here, but $1 does not give me back that text. Why? ;-) $zp_citation['citation'] = preg_replace('(doi:[^ <]*)', '<b>' . '$1' . " - where did doi go?" . '</b>', $zp_citation['citation'], ...

Q: ticket_uri returning Facebook's URL, leads to blank page

user3128489Using the "ticket_uri" variable returns a link like "https://www.facebook.com/ajax/events/ticket.php?event_id=236674259826369&source=1" which leads to a blank page unless you're logged in. Is there any way to return the ACTUAL ticket link, or do we have to wait for Facebook to fix this issue?

posted on December 23, 2013 by user2485292

I want to make a file downloadable from a specific page, i tried .htaccess deny from all then some php but it didnt work, ive read similar problems like this one here but they didnt help much. I only want it so people cant use my website as a direct link to the download file.

Q: remove accents and filter out non-alphanumerical chars

libertaireHow can i filter the non alphanumerical characters out of a string, but keep the accents untouched ? example: $string = "présentation d'un texte, avec des accents (en français!) & autres..." Should be replaced by: $string = "présentation dun texte avec des accents en français autres"

5:20 AM
Q: Codeigniter - How to store the test selected answer after pagination

user236501I am creating a test system, this is my first codeigniter project. I am able to make the pagination, so each page will only display one question and click next button to go next question. Now my problem is when user answer one question and go next but when he/she go back to previous question the ...

Q: what is the procedure for using REST services hosted on the server (Apache 2.2) through curl php to send https request?

deepjyoti22what I am actually asking is the procedure for sending secure data ( login id,password) over https to an apache 2.2 server with self-signed certificates.

Q: Algorithm for running an application every hour as a day

Vinodkumar SaravanaHi I need to run a patch which needs to execute every one hour and each one hour the patch should run a for a past date. Let me give you example so that you will have clear understanding what i needed For example, consider i have to run the patch from 2013-11-04 and each one hour i have to run f...

Q: FTRUNCATE leaves space at the beginning

Abdullah FahimI want to truncate a file with each loop and write again. So, I am using below code. However, what is happening here is I am getting some extra space at the beginning in each loop. There is no space as 1st time no space is being added (also I tried trim function). Can you please help me? $file...

Q: how hide internal server from client when using curl in php?

user1944894I get internal server error in client side when curl URL dynamically generated. I already tried error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); Methods in php.

Q: Nested Mysql Table

surnameI have nested mysql table. I used the script below to hide/show the table. The table contains the records from purchase_order when I click <a id="loginLink" onclick="toggleTable();" href="#"> the hidden table comes out based on value of counter. Just like the picture above, when the records is...

Q: Getting inconsistent facebook posts in response of Graph API call with me/home/

user777171Graph API call https://graph.facebook.com/me/home returns limited number of posts. Moreover response is having inconsistency in number of posts returned in response. Few of the posts are missing in response which i can see on my Facebook news-feed. Inconsistency between results returned in Grap...

Q: How to count number of genuine online visitors?

Kiran RSI'm developing an application to store total visitors visiting to my website using set_cookie(). But while developing that application, I've a second thought regarding the issue, that if the user is visits from the another system how can I track him. Confused What I mean? Dont worry, I'll Expla...

Q: take data from 3 tables using orderby

user2698983I have 3 tables(event_csv,TimeSlots and FilledSlots). i have check whether 'Quota' represents total no seats with $filledpositions(no.of filled seats) then after i want to sort out the rows in 'event_csv' table in the order of unfilled rows displaying first SELECT csv_id,description,Location_...

Q: XDebug is not present in phpinfo on Ubuntu 11.10

user3128499Heading I am having an issue with setting XDebug to work with my php5; The core problem seems to be that XDebug cannot be shown in my phpinfo. Env: Ubuntu 11.10 64 bit Apache Version Apache/2.2.22 (Unix) PHP/5.4.5 here is what i tried with xdebug. xdebug installation: sudo apt-get install ...

Q: mysql db skip inserting existing data

user123I am getting twitter live tweets data, which I am inserting into table. Following is my code. foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { $tweet = $arr[$k]['tweet_text']; $tweet = escapeshellarg($tweet); $tweet = nl2br($tweet); $tweet = mysqli_real_escape...

Q: Send a vlaue from view file to widget in yii

Fazeela Abu ZohraI have a blog,in which there are different blog types,each blog type have many number of blog posts.I am passing the id of blog type to get the detail of the blog post(a foreign key relation ship).For the sidebar i have created a widget ,i would like to pass the blogtype id to the widget so that ...

5:50 AM
Q: installing mysqlnd driver for wamp 2.4

1994I `m newbie learning php I have installed the WAMP server ver. 2.4 I have visited this Link The manual tells that from php 5.4 and mysql version 5.6 onwards the driver is installed and enabled by default. But when I open D:/wamp/bin/php/ I cant find the php_mysqlnd.dll file. I am a bit conf...

Q: How to add a button “create pdf” in the form.

user3128553On clicking create a pdf file with the current user data and make it downloaded.( A download popup should come asking whether to save or open the document) using PHP??

Q: All things working fine for 2 monthns suddenly Error #1146 appears

ProgrammerI have a database uploaded on remote server. All things were working fine but suddenly yesterday there appears a bug. Some tables were showing on left side pane of phpmyadmin but were not visible on right side. When i click on any of the left table it says #1146 the table doesn't exist. Kindl...

Q: how to show the single alert message for multiple mysql queries?

Indiani have a small doubt.. i posted my delete.php page coding here. if(isset($_GET["id"])) { $meal_query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ebmealplans WHERE MealPlanID = '$id'"); echo mysql_error(); $room_query = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ebroomtypes WHERE RoomTypeID = '$id'"); echo mysql_er...

Q: Add space in the string before certain characters

user3128549how to put white space before and after a character in text field eg Text="John123456" so i need whit space before 456

Q: Process String to words

user2095165Is the any library exist than can process string to mathematical expression? Example is seven divided by seven or 7 divided by 7 Or how api for google since it can handle in its search Calculate seven divided by seven or seven divided by seven

Q: function in mysql (1064 error)

MailiThe Query CREATE FUNCTION AverageRateofProduct ( p_toDate datetime, p_productBatchId longtext ) RETURNS decimal(18,2) BEGIN Declare p_averageRate decimal(18,2) ; if((SELECT IFNULL(sum(inwardQuantity),0) FROM tbl_StockPosting WHERE (date < p_toDate and productBatchId =...

6:14 AM
Q: Update count after returning result

GluteFreeI was looking for a way to update the count for the database after finding the result of a product but it keeps returning an error and/or not updating the count. I found ways to update the counts out right but not after finding a result. If i'm blind please redirect me. My apologies if I overlook...

Q: Insert to MYSQL table without knowing variable names

BEBOI have a page where users creates Category which creates a tables. after they create they create category fields which in turn create category table columns. The user then can access the category and its fields in a form. Is there a way that i can have the form submit to mysql table without knowi...

Q: Video won't load special video URL

VelonciaSo I have the URL as follows. http://redirector.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?id=9121d1f9a8444ea0&itag=18&source=picasa&cmo=sensitive_content=yes&ip=,itag,source,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=242B9782F916E8CC2B0C69F580E552275686F967.59A5AC2A4F28503DD84...

Q: Genrate fedex tracking code

VickyI am trying to integrate fedex service on my site where user purchase products and selects fedex shipping method, i am able to calculate the shipping rates with help of api but i also want to generate a code/label which can be used further to track orders like when a user purchase a item he/she w...

Q: How can i enable secure http connection (https://) with my aws free tier instance

Vidi am using AWS free tier instance as my back end server. I need to enable secure HTTP connection (https://) for my web services. is there any way to do that ..

Q: Codeigniter - Ajax not working no return value

user236501echo '<script>$( "#start").click(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "'. base_url() .'StartTest/session", data: "id=' .$row->id .'", success: function (result) { ...

Q: Best way of importing a large data file to MysQL

mridulaI have an application which receives a datafile of size 16GB (with around 90,00,000 lines) which is to be imported into a MySQL database. Everytime I ran the php script, I would get the error 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query even though the database is on the same server where the sc...

Q: How to count total rows except for blank rows?

user3128599I want to count total rows except blank rows from table tb_counting. Problem is this my query is running correctly but it count balnk rows: $total= SELECT resume_count, COUNT(*) FROM tb_counting WHERE resume_count IS NOT NULL GROUP BY resume_count echo $total[0]; Output result = 3 (it is th...

Q: Can we create database and run php files in MySQL similar to WAMP?

user3121801I installed MySQL in my machine. Can I run created php files in MySQL it self similar to WAMP SERVER? Can I create database in MySQL similar to WAMP? I'm restricted to install WAMP in my machine and I'm new to the webdesign. Please help me out with that. Thanks in advance.

Q: Fetch Email from IMAP Server Without Inline Attachments - PHP

calamansi_grenadeI am working for a support application that fetches emails from an IMAP Server. I have followed this tutorial, http://davidwalsh.name/gmail-php-imap and it works. The only problem I have with the tutorial is when the email contains an inline attachment. The message displays base64 encoded strings...

Q: Zend Framework: Module Name in Bootstrap _initNavigation

Girish PatidarI need to know how to get the current module name in the bootstrap _initNavigation() function of my zend application. On the load of the page I'm doing a request to a change navigation by module. The problem is that module name get in _initView() method by my code but module name not get in _init...

Q: CSV file displaying value in different columns

Happy CoderI have an array $email_details and it is like this : Array ( [email_address] => myemailid@yahoo.com [mail_client_friendly_name] => Apple iPhone iOS 7 ) I am trying to put this in CSV and doing the following code : header("Content-type: text/csv"); header("Content-Disposition: ...

Q: how to show sliding div alternately

Francis Alvin TanNeed some help on this please, I need to have the div close when a tab is open alternately, or one tab can be open and others will close automatically Here is My fiddle I just got from someone HTML: <div class="siteMap"> <div class="mapButton"></div> <div class="theMap" style="background:red;">

Q: Executing Symfony2 specific commands on Ubuntu

user3109712Earlier I used XAMPP with Symfony2 on Windows 7. There was shell for running specific Symfony2 commands for generating bundles etc. Now I have switched to Ubuntu 13.10. Problem is when I go to Symfony directory and try to execute following command to generate bundles php app/console generate:bu...

Q: Can't get Superfeedr callback response in CakePHP

user2889036I already added this URL to my subscribers list: http://push-pub.appspot.com/ BTW, I also setting well the callback URL, like: http://online-domain.com/data/callback public function forward() { $this->autoRender = false CakeLog::write('debug', 'Callback work!!'); CakeLog::write('deb...

Q: XML parse with PHP / MySQL database Statements and import within mysql arabic letters date formatting

Aditya BhattBelow is my data format in XML, from Oracle database which I am exporting to import with MySQL: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <RESULTS> <ROW> <COLUMN NAME="CLIENTCATID"><![CDATA[29]]></COLUMN> <COLUMN NAME="CLIENTCATNAME"><![CDATA[Delivery Items]]></COLUMN> <COLUMN NAME="C...

Q: how to cut a portion of a variable and put it into another

NewerI have 2 variables as $a=abc.php?b=1a1a; $b=abc.php?b=0; How can I replace '1a1a' of variable $a into '0' of variavle $b. that means variable b will be $b=abc.php?b=1a1a;

Q: jqury list of dates in a month

ChinthuI am using jquery ui plugin for date picker now i need to read the year and month from user to create an array of all dates in that month in the format "yyyy-mm-dd" also need to convert this array to php

Q: How to Call a PHP Function on the Click of a Button

RazorI am a rookie in PHP and have just started learning the basics of this language. I have created a page called functioncalling.php that contains two buttons, Submit and Insert. As a beginner in PHP, I want to test which function is executed when a button gets clicked. I want the output to come on...

Q: Seperate emails to seperate users.

user3128693This is my first question here and I'm just looking for some advice on a structure/algorithm problem I have. Essentially my problem is this: When a user signs up to my website they automatically have a "product" added to their account. Therefore I want to be able to push different emails to diffe...

Q: Laravel 4. default controller route wont accept arguments

Steve PattersonI have a RESTful controller for my users to handle the viewing of a users profile. The problem is this: I want the url to look like this "www.example.com/user/1" This would show the user with the id of 1. The problem is that when i define the getIndex method in the UserController it wont accep...

Q: combine if condition with hyperlink inside single display of strings

user7181i have this code <?php echo "<td class='name'><a href='humlaInfrastructure.php?title=".$humlainfrastructure["sn"][$i]."'>".$humlainfrastructure["title"][$i]."</a></td>"; ?> i need to add ananother condition inside this <a class="button red right" href="#" onClick="window.open('modules/addIn...

Q: INSERT query of xampp MySQL doesn't work

preethi yogasundaramthis php insert query is not working in MYSQL xampp. i couldn't find the error $query = "INSERT INTO member (id, username,fname,lname,email, password, salt ) VALUES ( '$username', '$password', '$email', '$salt' )";


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