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9:05 PM
Q: convert aliexpress regular links to affiliate links using script

user2532962I manage a wordpress blog that lets people (guests) to post products they like from aliexpress.com the products url's they posting looks like this: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-hot-sale-Skiing-Motorcycle-Bicycle-Skating-Black-Face-Mask-Thermal-Neck-Warmer/494921169.html but the ...

Q: MYSQL and Monthly / Bi Monthly / Quarterly Events

Phillips126I'm working on an in-house project for a printing company I am working for. I am developing a "dashboard" on an internal web server using php / MySQL to store and track information to help us keep on top of jobs. We are entering in information that allows us to "predict" upcoming jobs based on ...

Q: Enter an "Any" value in a drop down from a query in PHP

Bill FlippenI run a query to create a drop down. $sql_course = "SELECT * FROM hc_course"; $result_course = mysql_query($sql_course); echo "<select name='course_num'>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_course)) { echo "<option value='" . $row['course_num'] . "'>" . $row['course_name'] . "<...

Q: Localice float values in zend form

njeni have a zend form with some float values and want to render them loaclized (e.g. 1.25 is 1,25 in EUR). I'd like to use $this->formText(...), but a looking through the code, i found no place where this localization could happen, because it just fetches the value from the form element. So i think ...

Q: Fatal Error: fetch()

Steven HI have the below snippet of code. When I run the whole program, it fails at this section with the error Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in <filename> on line 26. I'm really not sure what I should do to fix the problem. If it matters, I ran the SQL query against my d...

Q: One form with multiple submit actions

Naourass DerouichiI have an HTML with three links and a form, and three PHP scripts: send1.php, send2.php, send3.php. <a id="" name="signup1" href="#signup" >1-Send form one</a> <a id="" name="signup2" href="#signup" >2-Send form two</a> <a id="" name="signup3" href="#signup" >

Q: How to group heading for a table having same teatment value?

user3084297Hi i am looking to group heading for that table having same treatment value. I have declared a variable in which I store the current tereatment value in the loop. and look for a change in it, when ever there is a change I have to insert a new row for the heading, withe the required text.But not...

Q: Why I can't echo information from database in php?

user3088496Could someone kindly help me figure out what's going on with the codes? I was trying to echo information from database, but somehow it's just doesn't work. It only show the categories in the output page, but nothing from the database. <?php $con = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'USERNAME', 'PA...

Q: Warning: [function.require-once]:

SLADEI've installed Wordpress 3.8 as a sub domain on an existing site (www.mainsite.co.uk/mywordpressinstall) but when I go to preview the site i'm getting a very odd error: Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Filename cannot be empty in /web1/user33402/website/index.php on line 526 Unf...

Q: Wordpress: Adding a "custom format" to the Editor

user3088627I have a site running Wordpress 3.7.1 and using the "Advanced TinyMCE Config" plugin. I would like to add a custom format that is a wrapper div to the "Formats" dropdown. I looked at the docs for TinyMCE (http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/configuration:formats) and it looks like I should be able to...

Q: Regex Compilation Failed Nothing To Repeat

Spencer Grant DoakI am trying to run a regex compilation to find a price. The price has some leading text, a possible space, opens a span which can have many different variables which are unimportant, then the span closes and there is a possible dollar sign followed by the price. My regex is this: "@minimum boun...

Q: Can not login into cloned Joomla! 3.2 site

LeRookieI have a local installation of Joomla! 3.2.0 (for editing and testing) and clone that to a commercial server (for publishing) as described in http://docs.joomla.org/Copying_a_Joomla_website using ssh and MySQL CLI. The only files that are NOT copied are .htacces and configuration.php. The front ...

Q: Htaccess issues

user3088622I have a .htaccess file as follows RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /site/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}> !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L] RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1 [R=301,L] It works fine as a MVC however if when I type in a filename that exis...

Q: find the total rows of csv file php

elibyyi'm reading a very big csv file (300M) and i'm trying to read lines count by the following code $linecount = count(file($file)); and i get this: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 36 bytes) in the php ini memory_limit is 512M is there any other w...

Q: How to make variables from external HMTL parse in dompdf?

user3088626I am trying to get dompdf to work with an external HTML file which contains php variables - but it is not working. The variables are not parsed, but output as written, i.e. if I have this HTML file: "invoice.html": <div> Hello $firstname </div> and I use it in connection with dompdf to create...

Q: trying to form SQL join on several tables

droohSo Im trying to figure out how to do this with 1 query if possible. Here is what I have with several queries $file_url = 'http://'.$cms.'/filemanager/gallery'; $link_url = '/our-process/gallery/'; include 'inc/config.php'; function gallerySafeName($var){ $var = strtolower(preg_replace('([^a-...

Q: Pagination In Admin Panel

user3088652Hello Everyone i am working on a university project, which is based on e-shopping, i tried this code to implement my result, this gives no error but it does not work when I press next page link or "button" please help any help would be appreciated <?php if (!(isset($pagen...

Q: How to fork properly within an nginx/php-fpm environment?

Radmilla MustafaI have a very simple php socket server that runs on my machine. I created a convinience class with simple methods like "restart" and "stop" and etc. to control the server once it is already running. What the restart function does is it sends the server the command to stop and then it forks the ...

Q: undefined index error when trying to create a hit counter for a database through PHP

user3088637My set up is as follows : $http_client_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; $http_x_forwarded_for = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; $remote_addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(!empty($http_client_ip)) { $user_ip = $http_client_ip; } else if (!empty($http_x_forwarded_for)) { $user_ip ...

Q: How to fetch NULL from dbs

DimmuBoyIf I fetch result from MySQL database with NULL value then PHP working with it as string value. Test for null value is return me FALSE and echo return NULL $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT `activation` FROM `authentication` WHERE `mail`=?"); $stmt->bind_param('s', $mail); $stmt->execute(); ...

Q: PHP - Ignore NULL in SQL Select Query

Sam HI'm trying to pull a list of my actors via the foreign key stored in my main 'movies' table. It will work if all actor fields are populated, but will die if any one of those fields are NULL. $stars = mysql_query("SELECT actor_name FROM actors WHERE actorID = $row[5] OR actorID = $row[6] OR acto...

Q: PHP - Accessing non-public members

Virus721I am creating domain objects. I want these objects to have setters that will check the validity of the value to be assign to each property, but i also want to be able to set this property without performing the check if the data is assumed correct. I could do the following : class DO_Group { ...

Q: Insert Array into MYSQL field

user2635222For a forum, i want to enable the users to send messages to each other to. In order to do this, I made a table called Contacts, within this table I have 5 collumns: The user_id, a collumn for storing Friends, one for storing Family, one for storing Business and one for other contacts. These last...

Q: Sphinx search error: query too complex, not enough stack

SenthilI am trying to setup Sphinx search in my Mac. I have done complete installation and also indexed the tables. If I tried to use search I am getting following error. index 'jokes': search error: query too complex, not enough stack (thread_stack=197908K or higher required). I searched google for...

Q: Django/mod_wsgi WAMP with PHP

Amit GI followed this guide and managed to make Python with a Django installation work perfectly, but it seems to have rendered all the locally hosted PHP sites inaccessible returning a 404 error. httpd.conf LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so #This is placed right after the rule for <Directo...

Q: How to properly replace Singleton in PHP

AlexAfter reading some articles about using Singletons. I decided to replace it with more efficient solution. Here the code i usualy use. Class Foo extends \Some\Space\SomeClass { private static $me; public static function get() { if(is_null(self::$me)) self::$me = new F...

Q: AJAX Refresh of SimpleXML PHP Causing Error

user3015094I have the following in a php file: // Loading the XML file $xml = simplexml_load_file("external/kcyt.xml"); echo "<h5>Now Playing:</h5>"; foreach($xml->children() as $audio) { echo "<h5>Artist : ".$audio->artist." <br />"; echo "Title : ".$audio->title." </h5><br />"; } ?> When ...

Q: Replace div with external div using jquery and php

SabreI am using php to parse and save an external website. I have a default website in whi <?php include('simple_html_dom.php'); $html = file_get_html('http://roosterteeth.com/home.php'); $html->save('result.htm'); ?> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> $("main.htm").load('result.htm ...

Q: Cross-Domain Tracking for Google Analytics

MistUnleashedI've looked through the website and i am unable to find an answer so i thought I'd post a question! (My First Ever Question!) Basically: I am using Google Analytics to track views and other stuff on my website, but i have 2 domains, both have the same root folder and are identical in name but on...

Q: Symfony 2 "losing" form data in post

vesenI don't know what I'm doing wrong here since this is the way I have my app working. Some how, in this case, my form data is not present. When I debugged the app I've found out that when I submit the form, by default, the first breakpoint is in app_dev.php, all the post data is present, and for al...

Q: i want to make a shopping basket with sessions but it doesnt work when i upload it to the server...it passes the php validator test

user3074995echo "<h1> Shopping cart </h1><br/>"; if (isset($_GET['id'])) $id=$_GET['id']; else $id=1; if (isset($_GET['action'])) $action=$_GET['action']; else $action="empty"; switch($action) { case "add": if (isset($_SESSION['cart'][$id])) $_SESSION['cart'][$id]++; else $_SESSION['car...

Q: Is it possible to trigger a PHP or BASH script when /dev/ttyUSB0 receives data?

LoadpartsI have a device connected to my USB port which transmits information every 16 seconds. the data is in Hexadecimal and looks like this: 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 80 07 08 00 05 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b2 How could I trigger a BASH or PHP (LAMP is running) when th...

Q: foreach loop Undefined index: title

DrdavidpierI am trying to output the results of some blog posts using a foreach loop but I keep getting the error "Undefined index: title" <?php foreach ($post as $post_item):?> <div class="postDiv"> <h4><?php echo $post_item['title'];?></h4> <p><?php echo $post_item['summary'];?></p> </div> <?php endforea...

Q: PHP Session and Cookie Issues

JamesI want to save and remember multiple words as a string in either a cookie or session and redisplay them in a value field of an input in a html table. For example, Say I want to store "John Smith" in $_SESSION['Customer'] or setcookie("Customer", "$CUSTOMER", $time); And that redisplays the f...

Q: Laravel 4 save hasMany return Call to a member function save() on a non-object

kristian nissenI am unable to locate the problem in the following example, I have been looking at the http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#inserting-related-models but for some reason which I am unable to locate, it's not working. Models: class Article extends Eloquent { public function category() { $this->...

Q: MySQL database not closing with php

user3088745I have the code below and when I try to open the page I get the message "; } // Close the database connection mysql_close($con); ?> As you can see I closed it. Can someone please help me. Thanks. <html> <head> <title>Retrieve data from database </title> </head> <body> <?php $host='localho...

Q: jQuery .each object ordering

MikeFI have a PHP file that scrapes an external URL for certain classes, then puts them into an array. I have then encoded the array using json_encode(). The array is in the order it must be iterated, but for some reason the JSON doesn't iterate in the correct order. It's in descending order, instead ...

Q: Mysql Login - Select Clause

user3088720I am new to mysql so any help would be appreciated. I have written the following function to pull the user ID from a database where the email and password match, but it doesn't work. If I put in my info it returns a user ID of 0, my user ID is 19. function correctPassword($db, $userID, $passwor...

Q: Prepared PDO Statement and MS SQL

user3088760I finally got my CentOS box talking to our MS SQL box on the network, but now I'm having an issue running a prepared PDO statement to it. The below statement works if I remove the :desc from the end and put in the variable name or the word itself. Does MS SQL not like these sort of statements or ...

Q: PHP require_once throws "Undefined Class Constant" error

ShannonThe code below is supposed to use class data setup in sqlClass.php, but I am getting an "Undefined class constant 'getHost' error when running the script. Should I be putting the require_once somewhere else if it's being used within a function? getHost, getSqlUser, and getSqlPassword are defined...

Q: PHP SQL - Update data of search result

tamas ladiI'm trying to make a site of promotion when the registered user can get a free beer. If the employee search for a someone his name, id and attendance show up. Attendance shows if they had gotten the beer already. If the employee press a button it marks in database that he has gotten the beer. My ...

Q: Make urls clickable and shorten text

GuyI have a string of text that is generated by users. I need to convert any urls in the text to a link (url) and in case the anchor text is long (the url) shorten it (very similar to how StackOverflow shortens anchors in url links). I'm currently using this PHP code to convert the urls in the text...

posted on December 10, 2013 by user2635222

I'm working on a forum and I would like that it will update the 'timeline' when you hover the end of this 'timeline'. The forum works with MYSQL and PHP. I've read it had something to do with AJAX, but I haven't seen the function name of it nor I have seen a script to do this.

Q: How does an Apache server handle the PHP upload_size_max / post_size_max parameters?

JulienI've been implementing a simple image upload plugin and I would like to limit (server-side) the size of the file uploaded by the client in order to avoid resources abuse. I defined the limit as follows in my php.ini file: upload_size_max = 2M post_size_max = 2M Now even though these limits are e...

Q: uploadify - files below 8MB work, bigger don't

EM EmI'm using uploadify v.3.2, which i used in an older project as well, there it works fine! But now i'm trying to upload files up to 500 MB on another server. But the script only uploads files up to 7.9 MB... My php-info tells: upload_max_filesize 512M post_max_size 512M And this is the scri...

Q: WooCommerce: How To Increase Cart Quantities with AJAX

xyphenorBackground: I have a mini cart view in my webpage's header. (I found 2 methods to achieve this, still deciding which one to use; a Cart Widget hack - just having a div with class .widget_shopping_cart_content gets a mini cart automatically on-load (cart-fragments.js) or a Cart Shortcode hack -...

Q: Making comments go to right posts

Hugo HolmqvistI have a basic and working posting and comment system in PHP, but im wondering how I can make the comments that are being submitted go to the right post where they belong? For example, how do I tell the database to show the comments for this topic, and not for all the other topics? I did a coup...

Q: How to display manufacturer name in category.tpl?

CarolI'm trying to display some product info inside other views than Product, but I got problems. I tried to add in my Category Controller file this code: $this->data['manufacturer'] = $product['manufacturer']; and add inside product array: 'manufacturer' => $result['manufacturer'], and in...

Q: Installing preexisting Magento application using MAMP

0xSinaI have an existing Magento app. I am trying to run it via MAMP. I drag all the files into the htdocs folders. I initalized the database and setup the appropriate database name/user/password. However, when I go to locahost:8888 , it takes me to Magento installation page. What am I doing wrong? ...

Q: PHP error introduced when upgrading from 5.2.17 to 5.3.27

Sarah WeinbergerI have a PHP script, which works on PHP version 5.2.17, however I get a 500 server error on one section of code, when I switch to PHP version 5.3.27. I am using the proper syntax at the top of the header include, first item of script, to display errors but that does not work. ini_set('display_e...

Q: allow php to access htacess protected codes

fefeI try to reuse codes from my back-end across ajax, written in OOP pattern and protected witch htaccess . My problem is that I want to avoid the authentication popup for the front-end user when access the page Structue -admin -controllers --oneofmycontroller.php -models --oneofmymodel...

Q: Php mysql error message

user3088818I'm trying to make things simple. When i enter an existing email and wrong password both error show up. When i enter wrong email address and correct password format the error message for the email show up but when i enter wrong password and correct email both error message show up and that should...

Q: PHP Logout script not redirecting correctly

Josh C.So I'm using jQuery mobile and PHP to log out of my website via this code To access the logout code you click on the logout button. coded like this <div data-role="footer" data-id="foo1" data-position="fixed"> <div data-role="navbar" data-iconpos="top"> <ul> <li

Q: How to display data the corresponds to other data MySQL PHP

PixelCheeseMy working PHP script connects to my database fetches the data, and then puts it into a table like so: while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) //mysql_fetch_array bring back an object, in this case the $result of the mysql query and puts it into a variable $row { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td al...

Q: Wordpress: Create theme-unspecific shortcodes?

subarachnidI know how to create my own shortcodes within the functions.php of a specific wordpress-theme. Is there a way to create global shortcodes, that work independently of the theme in use?

Q: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference & Strict Standards: Non-static method

user3088854Iv Just moved over to a new host and im getting these errors Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/---/public_html/dl/index.php on line 34** This is what is on line 34: echo '<title>'.str_replace('%20', ' ', end(array_filter(explode("/", $_GET['dir'])))).'...

Q: Adding prefix to url for use with PHP CURL function

shingionlineI'm trying to get some data from a website using PHP Curl as follows:- $url_1 = "website.com" $url_2 = "http://www.website.com" $url_3 = "http://www." . $url_1; $ch = curl_init($url_1); // failure $ch = curl_init($url_2); // success $ch = curl_init($url_3); // failure I have...

Q: Symfony links on Secure Page

webjemI have a section of my Symfony app that I made secure because I handle payments on that page. Being a good SO user I did my research first and set that up using access_control as follows: - { path: /orders, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, requires_channel: https} The problem is with the l...

Q: Process Partial-Respone Query Strings in PHP

HSkrasekPrelude: I have done some extensive searching and either found nothing, or wasn't searching for the right thing. Either way I apologize if this is a repeat. Now lets get to the question! What is the best way to handle partial response query strings in PHP? I mean this in the context of an API. F...

Q: Auto-fill address in PayPal Website Payments Standard

Matt9AtkinsHi I have a website where I offer home delivery if a persons post code is within a certain distance to mine. I am accepting payment via paypal. I want to be able to send the users address (which is submitted when calculating if delivery is possible) along with the details of the order. I am aware...

Q: how can i allow a question mark in this script?

user2617739elseif (preg_match("/[^a-z\.^A-Z\.^0-9\._]/",$_POST['content'])) { echo "Comments can only fill normal English letters (a-Z) or numbers!"; } I need it to allow only "? or !" since people might ask questions in the comment box, how can i do this? thanks

10:54 PM
Q: Ajax contact form issue with string

user2770956i've been trying to set up a simple contact form with PHP but it isn't working, i used this tutorial and it worked at the first try but when i tried to customize it and add a few fields it failed miserably. I think is something between Ajax and PHP when i send the data but i honestly don't know. ...

Q: CakePHP and GoogleMapsHelper: How do I load markers from my DB?

dbaileyI'm using GoogleMapsHelper with CakePHP to include a Google Map in my app. In order to add a marker to my map, the documentation says I should use the following syntax, where the three variables are the map ID, the marker ID, and the marker location. <?= $this->GoogleMap->addMarker("map_canvas"...

Q: Reload parent page after submit in iframe ( javascript/jquery )

Moncho Chavezi have the same issue on this question.. (wich have no correct answer , i just test all of them) Reload page after submit in iframe (javascript/jquery) What i need is very good explained there, i have a button in form, all this inside an iframe (same domain) and i need to reload parent page, ju...

Q: How to debug "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of xxx bytes exhausted" in PHP

Nicola PeluchettiWhat is the best strategy to debug a "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted " error? This error i'm getting is strange and something is obviously wrong. The function which is causing it is /** * Flush all output buffers for PHP 5.2. * * Make sure all output buffers ar...

Q: Php Encrypt/Decrypt using mcrypt

user2727195Trying to achieve encrypting and decryption using following strategy, but ending up with random characters mostly. class Crypt { public static function encrypt($string, $account) { // create a random initialization vector to use with CBC encoding $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJ...

Q: Add a customers address in netsuite using phptoolkit

user2570937I'm having trouble adding a customers address to netsuite. everything is working except for the address. This is the error im getting back: Warning: Trying to assign an object into an array parameter "addressbook" of class "CustomerAddressbookList", it will be omitted $service = new NetSuiteSer...

Q: preg_match 6 chars nothing else

user2936661Hey al just to keep it short : i need to register some info for users via a register.php so the username must have 6 chars atleast uppercase lowercase doen't matter. and i have to be able to put in a number or more where i want it so usernames can be like : Stefano1 stefano321 32Stefano21 stefa...

Q: Laravel with nginx on OSX Mavericks

user2293111I am trying to use Laravel with nginx. This my nginx code: server { listen 8000; server_name localhost; root /Users/hasanhasibul/data/jetalava/public; location / { index index.php; } location ~* \.(gif|jpg|png)$ { expires 30d; } lo...

Q: Upload a file using PHP with Ajax

mauguerraI am trying to upload a file using AJAX and PHP. I already do it using forms: <form action="upload.php" method="POST"> <input type="file" id="idFile" name="fileName" /> </form> And it works very well, but I really need to do it with AJAX. I already have my php script which uploads the file. ...

Q: PHP Cookie & Session Display in Table errors

JamesThere are two main fields causing me pain. Customer. Car. For Customer they enter a string, usually a first and last name. Which save okay. But when I try to display it inside the table that is inside my form on the 2nd page it fails. Here is what I do: On the first page: setcookie("Customer"...

Q: counting up/down the number of the comment based on its number in the list

user2617739while($qry_comment = mysql_fetch_array($sql_comment)) { echo "#1,"; echo $qry_comment['content']; echo "<br />"; } i'm trying to make the number count up in the while loop, but i just don't know how. something with ++ , i tried a few ways but I couldn't make it work the right way. can anyone he...

Q: PHP Simplest Method of Tokenizing A Comma Delmited List With Integrity

Michael RichI have been having a debate with a developer about the code that follows. What it is a function that will take either a scalar integer or a one-dimensional array of scalar integers as $comment_id. The goal is to transform something like $comment_id = 16; or $comment_id = '16'; or $comment_id = ar...

Q: Storing current time in database against button

user3078595i m working on some class scheduling Application, and i have a table to show data of all the classes and i need Start button at the end of the table that will save the current time into database. PHP

Q: MYSQL PHP check a like statement on more one column at once

Paul LedgerI have query I have came up with for a search bar. I know I can use OR to split the statement to check different columns: $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE cats LIKE "%'.$s.'%" OR sub_cats LIKE "%'.$s.'%"'); But if I want to check more than 2 or three columns is the re a way d...

Q: Magento 'The requested URL was not found' error (MAMP)

0xSinaI've set up a pre existing mangento app via MAMP. When I go to localhost:8888 it works fine. But if I click any links, it gives me: The requested URL /bargains/ was not found on this server. What am I missing?

Q: jQuery .load() - how to return values in addition to HTML (PHP)

TheRebelI'm fetching some HTML data from the server to update some content with ajax, using jQuery's .load() method: function loadPage(div, urlToLoad) { $(div).load(urlToLoad, function () { //... }); } Some of the data that is loaded to that specific div, should also be used in the par...

Q: Processing a PHP request with out reloading page

user2636021I've been working on a little project that involves collecting/processing search results and I thought you guys may be able to lend a hand. I have a small script that takes a search value from a search input, processes it via PHP and then collects and inserts the results in a fancybox via JS. Thu...

Q: Populate Woocommerce SKU on wishlist

justinaeI done a bunch of research and testing and can't seem to get the unique SKU from the product page to populate the wishlist. I'm using YITH Woocommerce Wishlist and edited the wishlist.php file to include this code: <?php if( get_option( 'yith_wcwl_stock_number_show' ) == 'yes' ) : ?> ...

Q: Can I detect shapes in an image using gd php

Dnaso I am doing a program in php where i am taking an image from an IP camera and I am using gd php to draw a rectangle at certain x,y values. Is it possible to detect if the car moves in/out of the bounding box? or better yet is there a way that I can actually detect shapes (like a car) at the lot ...

Q: Phrasing ASCII Database files and Adding data to MYSQL table

ShadowZzzSo this is a tough one... For a project, I need to get some word definitions in a database. All the definitions can be found on multiple DB files, but the DB files that I got are for a C language program and are in the form of ASCII (I believe). I need to somehow phrase thorough the files, line ...

Q: Magento getChildHtml is returning empty when the parent is in a Cache container

AmmonRaI created a rewrite for catalog/product_view then I created a Container so i can have it punch though the cache. this seems to be working well. however, in the view.phtml file I have : <?php echo $this->getChildHtml( 'media' ); ?> and : $data = $this->getChildGroup( 'detailed_info', 'getChildH...

Q: PHP single quote mystique

dg30585I've modified some code, pasted from elsewhere to suit my needs, but i stumbled upon these weird single quotes, and their output surprised me a lot $test = `nslookup google.com`; echo $test; This actually performs a nslookup, without running doing anything but defining the variable, how is thi...

Q: How to Download XML File from a web service with HTML like code

user3088951I am new to PHP. I am downloading an XML file from a web service using PHP. I can download the file using this code: $sourcefile = "http...com?querystring=string"; $destinationfile = 'data\description.xml'; $xml = file_get_contents($sourcefile); file_put_contents($destinationfile, $xml); Bu...

Q: Nether Magento Session and Registry wont retain data as expected

ThanuWe have a Magneto store that setup in 2 web servers behind a load balancer, which will take care of the load and send customers to either server. I have a Magento module thats allows customers to upload files through the website, which then get saved in to, [web_server_ip]/media/[visitor_id]/fi...

Q: Fade a div in on form submit

user2943677What I need to do is submit the form with Ajax, post the form content as post data to the same page, and fade the div in when it's finished. The problems I'm having are: Submit the form through ajax without refreshing Post the form's content to the same page Fade my div in once the form has be...

Q: Magento - Collection with Filter displaying incorrect results

Brian SchroeterI'm trying to get SKU counts outside of Magento for reporting reasons. The first string for the total number of SKUs shows the correct count (being over 600,000). The second string for the total number of SKUs with price shows only 2000, and only another 2000 or so when I set it to 'null' rather ...

Q: Problems with encoding in PHP functions

KęstutisI am trying to build an URL from a string, that I get with webcrawler. I have managed to create a crawler, but I can't make an URL string... I have managed to find out that PHP function preg_match_all messes up my result. This is what I have: preg_match_all('/"([^"]+)"/', $str, $matches); forea...

Q: Wordpress post to script from post manage screen in admin

Carlos RiosSo I have a custom post type that has custom columns, and in one of the columns I have a button that when clicked is supposed to send data to a script for processing. I'm trying to echo a form in my custom columns, but it seems that WP doesn't let you. How can I make a button that could submit in...

Q: Problems Parsing Valid JSON PHP

user2600095I have tried a variety of things, to parse the following json and it has not been working for me. It returns blank. How would I for example, retrieve and store as a variable the SourceFile name "example.jpg" or the filesize? Thanks! [ { "SourceFile": "example.jpg", "ExifTool"...

Q: site-onload-gif within php

Kater DerGroße von Katzensteinproblem is, that the website is loading like for about 20 second or longer (user-problems preprogrammed) my solution was to load a pre-site where the user sees a loading screen. i did this with this html-site but i want to do the same in php. the test-page is http://kater.selfhost.me/test/ Sourc...

Q: Interpret PHP inside a quote in a PHP

user3047930I have this variable $url that I need to print inside a quoted HTML that it's inside a PHP if conditional. <?php $url = $thumb['0']; if ( in_category( 'News' )) { //nothing here } else { echo '<div class="image-holder"><img src="$url;" alt="Post photo" class="image-border"></div>'; } ?>...


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