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12:03 AM
Q: Delete multiple rows in multiple table using INNER JOIN in mySQL 5 TABLES

user3034390I want to run this query, but its not working. there 5 tables to delete. terms hav 1 row term_taxonomy hav 1 row term_relationships hav 1 row post hav 5 rows postmeta hav 5 rows The structure follows wordpress nav_menu I want to use that structure in my cms. creating and retrieving done fine ...

Q: looking for objects parent infinitely

Mattias SvenssonI'm propably too tired but I've been wrestling with this one for a while. A container can either have a layout on its own, or it can have a parent somewhere up the hierarchy that has a layout. I need to find that layout no matter how far up the line it is. The object $container has a property $p...

Q: show Duplicate values in array

RickosIm having trouble trying to modify this code so it will display duplicate data. Right now the array $playerPicks looks like 'array A', I would like it to pull the data from the database and display like 'array B'. The data is in the database. but not showing it like i would like. This is probabl...

Q: PHP heredoc syntax error with embedded variable

randombitsNot entirely sure where the syntax error here is in a PHP heredoc I'm attempting to create: $wp_player_ranking_sql = <<<SQL SELECT SUM(rank_1 = "$wp_player['id']") * 5 `1st`, SUM(rank_2 = "$wp_player['id']") * 4 `2nd`, SUM(rank_3 = "$wp_player['id']") * 3 `3rd`, SUM(rank_4 = "$wp_pla...

Q: I cant hide my php core files from visitors

user2722667Right now im using .htaccess to hide certain folders from being viewed by visitors using "Options -Indexes" If I user types www.mysite.com/foldername/ a error page gets displayed which I want, but how can I make sure users cant see the files themself in those folders? Eg: www.mysite.com/ajax/f...

Q: Dynamic Featured Image help please

WezzouI'm no big fan of total PHP / WordPress but I love to sit with it. I have posted about 4-5 posts here on stack overflow and I have received very many responses but I do not really understand. I am about to create me a portfolio like this I'm using dynamic featured image plugin. But I have not q...

Q: PHP Apps Upgrading Strategy

boruchWhat is the best upgrading ~ in-app versioning system strategy for PHP apps? The ones I'm aware of: Code replace => Upgrades file-list => Upgrade files names by timestamp => special upgrade script (e.g. Phabricator) . Code replace => Blob directory for files by date => run patches on site load...

Q: Sharing variables between PHP files

ChrisI have created a set of logic in my plugin.php, and it ends with a result stored in a variable. // Calculate rating averages $args = array( 'ID' => $post_id, 'status' => 'approve', ); $comments = get_comments( $args ); foreach( $comments as $comment ) { $tot_stars += get_comment_meta( $comment->...

Q: Create thumbnails will not work with 40+ images

user3034445Total php newbie here....I have been trying my best to learn and have compiled a script from the various tutorials online that scans a folder on the server. generates the thumbnails for the images found and then places the thumbnail into a newly created thumbs folder as needed...Then display the ...

Q: CakePHP query data using free text search

CameronI'm trying to build a simple search page for my blog built in CakePHP 2.x The method for the search page looks like: function search( $query = null ) { if ( $query == null ) { $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index')); } $this->paginate = array( 'limit'=>5, 'o...

Q: Eclipse Javadoc-like window for PHP

Jochem KuijpersI have a question about Eclipse which I'm starting to use as a PHP IDE. I'm not sure if the question is at the right place here. Is there a window much like the Javadoc window where you can see all the information Eclipse has to offer about a certain PHP function or class? Thanks in advance!

12:45 AM
Q: Voting button not working in Chrome mobile

user3034459I'm working on a new version of my homepage & one of my recent additions was a voting button that uses php. After setting everything up, it works no problem from IE, Chrome and FF on a PC, but when I try it from the Chrome Mobile browser on my smartphone, it works the first time, but tries and ne...

Q: how to edit htm/css in drupal theme?

Ali RazaI have a drupal theme and I want to edit its html/css according to my need any body tell me how i can change it.(specific file name ?) I have tried to change page.tpl.php but couldn't get any output . Thanks

Q: Prettyphoto lightbox on responsive site

user3034479I'm hoping someone will be able to offer an insight into where I'm going wrong with a site I've been working on lately - the issue I'm having is with the prettyphoto lightbox. Works fine in every browser other than IE and iPhone/IOS browsers. On those, the lightbox loader spins and then stalls. I...

Q: Php get variable and store to file

joeybab3So I have this code, <?php header('Content-type: text/plain'); $var_str = ("d.m.Y-H:i:s") . " t = " . $_GET['t0']($text, true); $var = "<?php\n\n\$$text = $var_str;\n\n?>"; file_put_contents('temps.php', $var); ?> And i want it to store the variable that it gets from http://Mylink.com/apage.p...

Q: Start a program from PHP

Juliano LimaI'm trying to do this: system("cmd /c C:\test.txt"); I already tried exec("C:\test.txt"), exec('"C:\test.txt"'), but nothing is working, some tries the script only keeps loading and some tries he loads but no returns! I'm thinking that is permissions problem..

Q: PHP variable value distinguish with button

user3019672I have trouble with this code.. I'm making a "zoo system", where using button click (its value=type of animal) it adds me new item (<select> of animals) of that type. The problem I have, is that I am not able to determine (because I'm using button, not submit and its $_POSTS), which of the 10 ty...

Q: Displaying Data from Multiple Tables on ONE page

user2993497i have several tables, and i want to pull ONE peice of data from each of them and dispay em on the same page. the HTML TABLE to display this data would look like this; | Accidents | CEOInspection | HSEAdvisory | Report Forms | MeetingMinutes | | 10 | 5 | 7 | 7 ...

Q: Make page refresh if successful login with ajax/jquery

user3026745Ajax code $("#login_btn").click(function() { var url = "core/login.php"; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: $("#sr").serialize(), success: function(data) { var responseData = jQuery.parseJSON(data); $('.oops').html('<div class=...

Q: Choose IP to connect from

kellinsBackround info: I'm testing one thing for my school project, where I need to connect to a single server (website running on a home server to be more specific) from multiple IPs for which I'd like to use AWS. I have an AWS Free Tier microinstance, I can buy multiple IPs for the machine, and I will...

Q: PHP resume a users session

Silver89Recently I've noticed that many blank sessions are being created, I believe this is due to using session_start() without session_id() but what's the best way to save the session_id() so that you can resume sessions? At the moment we create a session when a user either logs in or registers, we th...

Q: Getting info from a random previously submitted php form, after submitting the same php form

user3034497I think im kind of a noob here, so im sorry if the question sounds stupid... I need to create a php form with different fields (eg. name, email, city, etc.), which(the form) after submitting will result in showing the random name, email, city, etc. info with "YES" or "NO" buttons, and if the ans...

Q: Find Specifc word with number from a string

Syed SajidI want to get a specific word with number from a string for example ABC312 is the string I want to filter... or ABC 312 is the string I want to filter... Fromt eh above string I want to get "ABC" with following "312" (In the above string ABC will always remain same, it can be case-insensiti...

Q: Multiple SQL statements in a single CakePHP query() call?

Adam FriedmanI'm trying to do some complex SQL that requires me to set a couple of variables in MySQL in one statement and then executing a query that relies on them in the next statement. For this I need to send these commands to the database in a single $Model->query() call. The two-statement call looks...

Q: I need a query to delete a row if a date is expired

Raymond KneippHere is my query: DELETE FROM upcoming WHERE Date < DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%M/%d/%y') When I run it, it deletes every thing in my table. This is what i have in my table. Table: 12-25-13 11-11-13 Todys date: 11-25-13

Q: Can I pass values from different instances of a web application to a single console application?

donquixoteThe idea is that multiple users of the webpage will generate data. I want that data to be passed to a single php console application. The console application will queue the passed information and process it in the background. So the main issue is to make the background script "universal" so that...

Q: PHP WordPress Custom Array

MrJustinOk, so I'm working on a custom theme, it has multiple theme colour options. So I have it calling up the theme colour options through my wordpress admin page. Everything works perfectly, didn't run into a SINGLE problem. I had stepped away from web design for a long while, and am recently getti...

Q: PHP Array in looping function

AbyI have php function to get item from some page, the item have pagination function get_content($link){ $string = file_get_contents($link); $regex = '/https?\:\/\/[^\" ]+/i'; preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches); //this is important foreach($matches as $final){ $n...

Q: Highlighting radio button for selected team, disabling radio button for unavailable team

Shawn FarnerTo preface, I have four tables: nflteams, picks, users and schedule. I have this code to display a week's schedule from the nflteams and schedule tables: $scheduleTable = $db->query("SELECT s.gameid, a.teamname as awayteam, h.teamname as hometeam, h.teamid as hteamid, a.teamid as ateamid FROM...

Q: Issue in uploading file

user3034536I am trying to upload files62 Mb. It giving me following error : Failed to load resource I am using following jquery for multiple upload : var form_data = new FormData(); jQuery.each($('#images')[0].files, function(i, file) { form_data.append('file[]', file); ...

1:40 AM
Q: Calendar loading or javascript error

menardmamI got a calendar that load fine here : http://studioteknik.info/testinfo/salle-1/ and I got the real site (a copy) where the calendar dont work (or dont load) : http://stada.ca/salle-1/ The problem is firebug, google webdev tool, html validator, removing all plugin, installing removing, changind...

Q: Passing value as function parameter

CameronI'm building a simple search for a CakePHP app that will take a free text search query and send it to a function called 'search' and do a find based on the query. The form looks like: <form action="<?php echo $this->webroot; ?>notes/search" method="get" class="search"> <label class="placeho...

Q: PHP sort array of arrays

randombitsI have an array of arrays in PHP that I created like the following: $wp_players = array(); while ($wp_player = mysql_fetch_array($wp_player_query)) { $wp_player_ranking = mysql_query(get_ranking_sql($wp_player['id'])) or die(mysql_error()); $wp_ranking = mysql_fetch_array($w...

Q: Retrieving payment data google-play in-app and PayPal mobile checkout from a server

DiegoI'm calling a server to deliver a digital product, and I want to let the server check if the payment is completed. I'm using in-app billing and the mobile checkout from PayPal from an Android app. They get a RESULT_OK, then I'm calling a server, but I want the server to verify if the payment is ...

Q: Apache write permissions ( Drupal module unable to write/create css/js files)

RussellI'm using a Drupal module called 'Code Per Node'. It allows basically what the name describes: custom code in the form of JS or CSS on a per node basis. Upon publishing the node, the module writes the css and js to a file specified in the module's configuration settings. In development, I have...


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