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A: When I write to a file in C it writes in different lines. How can I write it in one line?

David C. Rankinfgets() in fgets(name,50,stdin); reads AND includes the '\n' as part of the buffer it fills (name in this example). To remove the '\n' simply overwrite it with a '\0'. To remove the newline from the end of any string, you can use: name[strcspn (name, "\n")] = 0; strcspn (name, "\n") returns th...

So where do I write this line? ` name[strcspn (name, "\n")] = 0;`
You write it after each call to fgets(), e.g. fgets(name,50,stdin); then name[strcspn (name, "\n")] = 0; and then after fgets(category,50,stdin); do category[strcspn (category, "\n")] = 0; and so on.
Oh okayy got it! I will try it now
Math,ath HW,o page 9-15,2022/04/03,TD It write to the file like this now
It shouldn't, (unless you entered "Math,ath") but can you see what is wrong with fgets(name,50,stdin); and your definition of char name[20];? Check the amount you are reading into each of your buffers. You should include a '\n' at the end of "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" in fprintf(fptr,"%s,%s,%s,%s,%s", name, category, info, date, status);
Also, unless you are using cl.exe (the Microsoft compiler), fflush(stdin); invokes Undefined Behavior according to the C-standard. Unless you are using VS, remove that line -- it doesn't do what you think it does.
Your missing char issue looks related to all the unnecessary getchar(); calls. Mixing scanf() and fgets() is killing you.
so do I remove the getchar()?
Yes, and change ALL your inputs to fgets(). scanf() is so full of pitfalls for the new C programmer -- you are just asking for grief (and you are getting it). fgets() will consume a whole line of input on each read, no need for getchar() after fgets().
Alright I will do that. But regarding the date is there a way I can still compare other dates when its in a string format?
I need help with another issue too if you can help me out
I have a short example I'll drop back in the answer when we are done here. What is the other issue?
Alright great thank you!! The other issue is that I need to sort the dates in ascending and descending order along with the other information from the text file. i have tried searching this up but haven't found a good way to do this. Do you have any idea?
Okay, this is where you need to think struct. Create a struct task { char name[MAXC]; char category[MAXC]; ... } that will allow you to treat all of the information in a task as one object. Then you can create an array of struct task and sort by the date member. You will want to use qsort to sort anything you sort in C. I'll find a link for you.
Oh okayy Alright so where do I add the struct?
Thank you so much!
and also if the date is taken in as a string, will it still get sorted? and also when i read from the file can I output all the lines with all the information with the date sorted
You will replace your char name[MAXC]; char category[MAXC]; ... with the struct task { char name[MAXC]; char category[MAXC]; ... }; and then you can do struct task arr[50] = {{0}}; and the {{0}} will initialize all the structs zero. Then you will keep a counter for the index (say int n = 0; to begin). Then while (n < 50 && (another[0] == 'Y'|| another[0] == 'y')) { read into arr[n].name ... and at the end of the loop, do n++; so your read the next task into the next index.
Sorting date as a string is perfect with yyyy/mm/dd formatted dates.
Alright that is quite a lot of information that I will slowly try and process haha..Still a beginner, but thank you so much for this!
There is a LOT involved conceptually in filling the array of struct, and writing the qsort() compare function. The actual call to sort the array with qsort() is trivial at that point. None if this is hard, you just take it step by step and you will do fine. There are many "qsort array of struct" answers on this site that can help.
Alright Thank you!! I will try it out
void add_task()
struct task
char id [20];
char name[50];
char category[50];
char info[50];
char date[20];
char status[20];
char another = 'Y';
FILE *fptr;
Its like this so far is this correct?
I'd make the struct global, I'll show you why in my next example I add to your answer.
I added the extra example showing how to use the struct and how to qsort() on name ascending. For descending, you can simply reverse the order of x->date and y->date in the strcmp() function. Ill let you work on this a bit -- it's way past my nap time. Good luck with your coding. I'll check back when I get up.
Alright! Thank you so much really appreciate your help! Sorry for bothering a lot
6 hours later…
Your solutions works the way I want it to but the issue is that we are not allowed to use global variables
void update()
int id;
char name[50];
char category[50];
char info[50];
char date[20];
char status[20];

int update_choice;
int i;
FILE * fptr = fopen("Tasks.txt","r");
FILE * fp = fopen("temp.txt","w");
printf("Update any task element here\n [1]Name\n [2]Category\n [3]Information\n [4]Date\n [4]Status\nEnter your choice:");

case 1:

printf("Enter the ID of the task you want to update:");
while(fscanf(fptr,"%d",&i) != EOF)
This is my code for update task but its not updating my text file.I'm not sure what's wrong with it
I understand that i need to read the variables from the file but I'm not sure how...I don't want to make any drasctic changes to the file either
5 hours later…
If you want to "update" the text file, (and not overwrite it) each time, open in "a" mode instead of "w" mode. man 3 fopen
Where "a" means "append". You can remove the fseek() call in "a" mode.
I am opening a temporary file and then renaming it
2938,Math,,◊,,This is how the file is when this update function is used

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