In your function call as shown above you are not passing in the value, colName but just the int val to compare again, are you forgetting to pass in the other parameters?
if I DO have to pass it the value, and colName parameters, I'm not sure how to reference them.
any time I try to pass the function parameters, it breaks. So, I don't see how I could specify the value, colname or the additional length I'm trying to add
You are not passing in the values to drive the function... if you want the second reusable function to work then call it as custom_func:validLen(passedValue, passedColName,8), in your call to the function above you are saying that value = 8.
I tried passing arguments to the function. This breaks the grid. I also tried recreating the function without the additional parameter I wanted and then passing in only the value and colname arguments. I even tried creating functions to return the value and colname and passing them to the validAcct function as arguments. All of the above was incorrect. I don't see how the passedValue and passedColName you suggest give the actual values of these parameters. They seem like empty variables.
I'm trying to make the validAcct function reusable with the addition of a third parameter for the length. The problem seems to be that I am unable to pass the function any arguments when calling it in the custom_func property of the row.
This specific portion is for the validation of the length of the account number for the purpose of adding rows. I want the function to be reusable, because I'm sure I will need to validate the length of other fields.
lol, the forest for the trees? So high level you want a column of data to be checked that it has a certain length, and then if it doesn't have that length what do you want to happen?
If it doesn't have the appropriate length, I want it to generate an error. i.e. return [false,'you failed]. This will cause the error to display in the add modal form.
Ok, now we are getting somewhere, you are editing fields in form that will add a row to a dataset and the grid, and you are client side checking that the data entered is the right length, I'll post up an example of a textbox validation. Your question honestly should have reflected a bit of background to what you were trying to accomplish not just a fragment of code that was at it's basic level incorrect.
If you need it to be a dynamic value to be checked it looks like you could set that elsewhere but not in the function call as you are not passing in parameters but are just naming the function
Parameters passed to this function are the value, which should be checked and the name - the property from colModel.