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Q: Why do I have to create a temporary reference to print something like: '(e1->next)->content' in C?

Alexander#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct ListElemStruct { int content; ListElem next; } *ListElem; ListElem mkListElem(int content); int main(void) { ListElem e1 = mkListElem(1); e1->next = mkListElem(2); printf("%d\n", e1->next->content); return 0;...

Please show the exact and complete code as a minimal reproducible example. Also show the exact error message. The message refers to _content which implies you have mistyped something (_ should not be there) and/or it is referring to code you have not shown (e.g what is T10?)
@kaylum This is my complete code. Just insert the code from 'This doesn't:' into the main method, right in front of 'return 0'. I will edit it, to make it more clear.
Also it's generally inadvisable to typedef over pointers as you have done wth ListElem. It is not immediately apparent reading your code that ListElem tmp = e1->next; would denote declaration of a pointer.
Do you know what T10 refers to?
Where is that error message coming from?
@kaylum I assume _T10 or T_7 refers to "(e1->next)". If i remove the brackets like this: "e1->next->content". It tells me "error _content not a member of _e1" instead.
This is not your complete code. There is no declaration of ListElem prior to ListElem next;, and a compiler will generate an error for that. There is also no instance of the text _content anywhere in the posted code, so a compiler will not generate a message about that.
@Chris Thanks for the Info! Would calling it something like "ListElemPtr" be clear enough then?
@Alexander: You can ignore the “advice” about use type aliases for pointers. It is a personal opinion not supported by facts I have seen. The reasoning that you should not because you cannot see tmp is a pointer from the declaration ListElem tmp = e1->next; would also preclude using type aliases for integer types, floating-point types, structure types, union types, array types, and function types. I.e., it is a useless idea.
@EricPostpischil I can post a screenshot as well, if you'd like. I am using the Virtual-C IDE and the code is complete. It works if I remove the "e1->next->content" part.
@Alexander ListElem * would be even clearer. If anyone doesn't know what * means then now would be a good time to learn !
@Alexander: The code is not complete or this message is not coming from a compiler.
Yeah, read your warnings...
@EricPostpischil Thanks for the Infos about type aliases for pointers. I posted a screenshot of my code as well.
@dialer I did. And i don't understand the problem at all, which is why I posted the question here.
@Alexander You've already been told the problem. The problem is that you use ListElem before it is declared. Modern compilers would never let you get past the attempt at defining that struct. But ancient (and/or terrible) compilers, like yours, preferred to assume that everything that they didn't understand must be an int. So your compiler assumes that the next member of your struct is an int.
I stand corrected, the error message may be coming from a compiler. The problem is it is not a C compiler, just something claiming to be a C compiler.
@dialer Yes, but why does the code work if I create a temporary reference and use the arrow operator on that? Shouldn't that also give me an error message then? And how can I write my Code in a better way? My List would not work, if i didn't have a 'ListElem next' attribute in it.
Because the way you assign e1->next to tmp implicitly casts it from int to ListElem.
@Alexander: Conjecture, “_content not a member of T7” is the message the compiler produces when you attempt to use ->content on an int. T7 may be some internal name the compiler uses for int. When you do ListElem tmp = e1->next;, it converts the int that it thinks e1->next is to the type of ListElem, which is a pointer. Then using tmp->content does not get the error because tmp is a pointer to a structure with a member named content. This is an awful compiler, and you should not use it.
And you fix that by declaring the struct before you define it.
The "working code" in the screenshot is also wrong. You're being confused by the compiler seeing the early error, making something up so it can continue, and continuing to try and process the rest of the program despite the error. Which has cascading effects of bogus error messages such as the one involving the -> operator later. Unfortunately this is common behaviour of compilers for some reason. To avoid this situation, ignore any diagnostic messages other than the first one. Fix the first one and recompile. Don't run any program that produced diagnostic messages.
Ideally configure your compiler to stop compilation in case of any mistakes in the program (IDK what the setting would be called for that specific compiler but maybe check what ooptions it has)
@dialer Thank you for your answers! I understand now that the problem is with how i am referencing another ListElemStruct in my ListElemStruct definition. And if i understand this correctly, declaring 'tmp' before defining it, is what you mean by "And you fix that by declaring the struct before you define it", right? But you also told me that modern compilers wont even allow me to define a struct like that. So how should I define my struct instead?
@EricPostpischil Thank you for your detailed answer. I think I understand the problem now. But I still don't know how I should define my struct instead. Using 'ListElem tmp' seems more like a workaround to me, than an actual solution.
@M.M Thanks for the detailed answers and the compiler advice! I understand the problem now, but I don't know how to define my ListElemStruct in a better way that, that resolves the problem and still works. Do you have a better solution than my ListElemStruct?
@Alexander well, you will have to declare your things in such on order that you do not use identifiers before they have been declared.
I would suggest editing the question so that the code in the question is the exact code you were asking about (i.e. the code from the first screenshot), and include all the diagnostic messages. As explained above it's confusing to select one diagnostic and not mention the earlier ones, because of how errors cascade when the compiler tries to guess what you meant by an earlier error.
@M.M The Code is complete, I removed the 'ListStruct' which you see in the screenshot from my code, since I am not using it in any way and it has nothing to do with my problem. I am simply showing the shortest possible code, to reproduce my problem. I added all the error messages though. Thank you for your patience. Yes, I understand the problem. But I have absolutely no idea how to write my struct instead.
The problem with ListElem next; is the compiler does not know what ListElem is yet. But you want it to be a pointer to struct ListElemStruct, that is, struct ListElemStruct *. So just change the declaration of next to struct ListElemStruct *next;.
@Alexander the error messages posted should be the ones from the exact code in the question (not from some edited version of it). The stuff you think has nothing to do with it, actually does have something to do with it.
@EricPostpischil Thank you, that makes so much sense! That answers the question for me.
@M.M No, the error messages I wrote are actually the exact error messages I get for the code i wrote above. Just ignore the pictures. They are just there to prove that my code is indeed complete and not omitting anything of relevance, since many in the beginning doubted that and my post also got closed because of that.
The compiler is so sh*tty. There are no _ListElem, _el or _content in the code. Use a better compiler like MSVC, GCC or Clang instead
@Alexander In the pictures it could be seen there were several diagnostic messages prior to the one you picked out to include in the question
@M.M Yes and I admit that those pictures were very misleading, which is why I removed them by now. They were only there to show that I had not omitted anything in the code about some 'T7' in my code, which got my post closed, because many people thought that I was not showing all the relevant code. The additional error messages in the pictures were only there, because I had added an additional struct called 'List' by that point, which was giving me new error messages as well, but had nothing to do with the code above. The error messages are the only ones I get if I run only the code above.
@M.M Some confusion might also come from the fact, that I get different error messages depending on wether i write 'e1->next->content' ("_content not a member of _e1") or '(e1->next)->content' ("_content not a member of T7"). Thank you for your patience though!
@phuclv Thank you, I will look into it. But Virtual-C is working fine enough for now, since I am only learning the basics of C at the moment.
@Alexander a better compiler produces much better error messages and will make you understand the error better, it also produces better warnings to help fix potential bugs before they even occur. You need to always enable warnings and read them
@phuclv Alright, I will definitely look into it then. Thank you!
@Alexander But Virtual-C is working fine enough for now that statement could not be more wrong, which is attested by this very question. The compiler you are using is not working "fine enough".
@Alexander And if i understand this correctly, declaring 'tmp' before defining it, is what you mean by "And you fix that by declaring the struct before you define it" -- No! The root problem has absolutely nothing to do with tmp, and has nothing to do with the contents of the main function. The root problem is in the definition of struct ListElemStruct, within the first 7 lines of code. The code e1->next->content is perfectly fine and valid, and if you had defined struct correctly, it would do exactly what you expected it to do.
@dialer Thanks for the answer! Yes i understand it now and fixed it in my code as well.
@dialer That is true, but to be fair, Virtual-C was giving me the right error messages and it was mostly my fault for not understanding the underlying problem at that time. Virtual-C also has its good points, like showing you exactly how your memory is allocated, what lands in the stack/heap etc.

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