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Q: Laravel Two request value get decrement and insert in column

user12380208I'm New in Laravel I controller trying to get decrement (subtract) two input request value and pass result in ( balance_amount ) column. example input price request 100 input paid_amount request 50 result balance_amount 50 my Controller public function pay(Request $request) { $r...

you substract paid_amount from price ?
I dont see $pay_installment declared anywhere within the pay method
what is the strucure of installments table
@medilies thank you for your reply i updated my question
You are welcome, it would be great if you add more clarity. Like you substract what from what. And I would helps to see the structure of your table
@medilies i just tying to get ( price - paid_amount = balance_amount ) , ( 150- 100= 50 )
@medilies i think you get understood what i want
do you get any error message ?
i need to clearly , I'm getting value from view only two inputs, ( price and paid_amount ) now using this two inputs i need to subtract valve and pass that value in balance_amount
Alright now I understood
check the update
public function pay(Request $request)
$validated = $request->validate([
'price' => ['integer',], // $150
'paid_amount' => ['integer',], //$100

'price' => $validated->price, //$150
'paid_amount' => $validated->paid_amount, //$100
'balance_amount' => $validated->price - $validated->paid_amount, // Hear result should be $50 how to get this value

return redirect()->with('success', ' PAID SUCCESSFULLY');
i commented example input values
did you try it ?
'balance_amount' => $validated->price - $validated->paid_amount, // Hear result should be $50 how to get this value
that with give 50

  last day (16 days later) »