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A: How to acces the right navigation controller inside storyboard

Lithu T.VThe answer is there in your storyboard itself. Nav1 is the root navigation controller that pushes the screens upto the tab 1 .There you are creating separate Navigation controllers and the flow of another navigation is to get the Nav 2 and remaining you have to depend on the tabcontro...

Oké, let's say for example that I push a modal VC onto my viewcontroller inside NAV4. But I want to set the title of that modal VC. How can I do that?
@StefGeelen : uodated the answer
@StefGeelen : self.title sets the title
I've edited my question with what I've tried so far but still got the add event title on the modal VC
@StefGeelen which one is your EKEventEditViewController in storyboard?
You can't see it on my story board because I push it modally?
You there?
K pusing it modally is the navigation bar visible?
Yes :)
Yes the bar is visible
But i think I messed it up with my navigation controllers
Have you ever worked with the Kal calendar ?
nope dude i didnt
k do one thing provide values in title and navigationItem
and check it
Oké sec
No, still no succes
Dude updated the answer try it
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Pushing a navigation controller is not supported'
I get this
1 hour later…
Check it again nw i created a proj and make this working.Its tested running code :)

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