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Q: updateStartupCommandAndRuntimeStack error azureweapp deploy

forXI use the yaml here for a .net 6 MVC site. It work but the last part have an error. The site is deployed (working). I dont know where the error coming from. - task: AzureWebApp@1 inputs: appType: webAppLinux azureSubscription: 'BlahBlah' #this is the name of the SPN appName: 'BasicMV...

I'v seen the post, but the answer is for .net 5, I'm gonna retry.
Make Sure you have updated the stack settings of your Linux Web App in Configuration > General Settings. For windows Apps it gets loaded in Environment variable when you set an Runtime Stack while creating Web App. For Linux apps and custom containers, App Service passes app settings to the container using the --env flag to set the environment variable in the container.
Please navigate to and check if it was successfully deployed in Azure portal and check if you are able to access the Application.
Please refer Azure Web App task, it provides 2 optional parameters as arguments, that is: runtimeStack and startUpCommand. And they are relevant with Linux Web App. If appType == webAppLinux or you select Linux Web App in the app type selection option in the task,
@HarshithaVeeramalla-MT the site is up, I can access the application. I check the confirugation and its good. I'm missing the startUpCommand in the yaml (or azure config), but I dont know what to add.
Please check this image !enter image description here azure portal --> Configuration--> General Settings-->Put a value in the Startup Command
I do pretest for upcoming tranfest site (and upgrade). I dont know what to put in statup command?
StartupCommand: 'dotnet Store.WebApi.dll' .
- task: AzureWebApp@1 inputs: appType: webAppLinux azureSubscription: 'aaaaaaaaaa' appName: 'bbbbbbbbb' package: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.zip RuntimeStack: 'DOTNETCORE|6.0' startUpCommand: dotnet WebApplication1.dll => same error (Cannot read property 'updateStartupCommandAndRuntimeStack' of undefined)
Check the single and double quotes after the commands properly.
I did add "dotnet WebApplication1.dll" on startup command on azure portal. (no change) I'm looking at the application setting for linux in your link.
startUpCommand: 'dotnet WebApplication1.dll'
Have you restarted the application after adding the startup command.
yes and no, I "publish" the pipeline
the site working
but having an error on each release not useful

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